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sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯-第22章

小说: sabriel (the abhorsen trilogy)_加斯·尼克斯 字数: 每页4000字

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everal hundred feet above the ground。 one overeager sword thrust would mean a fatal fall鈥攊f the gore crows didn鈥檛 kill her on the way down。

鈥渋鈥檒l have to summon a greater wind!鈥潯he yelled at mogget; who was now sitting right up on her pack; fur bristling; yowling challenges at the crows。 they were very close now; flying in an eerily exact formation鈥攖wo long lines; like arms outstretched to snatch the fleeing paperwing from the sky。 very little of their once…black plumage had survived their rushing dive; white bone shining through in the last light of the sun。

but their beaks were still glossily black and gleaming sharp; and sabriel could now see the red glints of the fragmented dead spirit in the empty sockets of their eyes。

mogget didn鈥檛 reply。 possibly; he hadn鈥檛 even heard her above his yowling; and the gore crows鈥櫋awing as they closed the last few yards to attack; a strange; hollow sound; as dead as their flesh。

for a second of panic; sabriel felt her dry lips unable to purse; then she wet them and the whistle came; slow and erratic。 the charter marks felt clumsy and difficult in her head; as if she were trying to push a heavy weight on badly made rollers鈥攖hen; with a last effort; they came easily; flowing into her whistled notes。

unlike her earlier; gradual summonings; this wind came with the speed of a slamming door; howling up behind them with frightening violence; picking up the paperwing and shunting it forward like a giant wave lifting up a slender boat。 suddenly; they were going so fast that sabriel could barely make out the ground below; and the individual islands of the delta merged into one continuous blur of motion。

eyes closed to protective slits; she craned her head around; the wind striking her face like a vicious slap。 the pursuing gore crows were all over the sky now; formation lost; like small black stains against the red and purple sunset。

they were flapping uselessly; trying to e back together; but the paperwing was already a league or more away。 there was no chance they could catch up。

sabriel let out a sigh of relief; but it was a sigh   tempered with new anxieties。 the wind was carrying them at a fearful pace; and it was starting to veer northwards; which it wasn鈥檛 supposed to do。 sabriel could see the first stars twinkling now; and they were definitely turning towards the buckle。

it was an effort to call up the charter marks again; and whistle the spell to ease the wind; and turn it back to the east; but sabriel managed to cast it。 but the spell failed to work鈥攖he wind grew stronger; and shifted more; till they were careening straight towards the buckle; directly north。

sabriel; hunkered down in the cockpit; eyes and nose streaming and face frozen; tried again; using all her willpower to force the charter marks into the wind。 even to her; her whistle sounded feeble; and the charter marks once again vanished into what had now bee a gale。 sabriel realized she had totally lost control。

in fact; it was almost as if the spell had the opposite effect; for the wind grew wilder; snatching the paperwing up in a great spiral; like a ball thrown between a ring of giants; each one taller than the last。 sabriel grew dizzy; and even colder; and her breath came fast and shallow; trying to salvage enough air to keep her alive。 she tried to calm the winds again; but couldn鈥檛 gain the breath to whistle; and the charter marks slipped from her mind; till all she could do was desperately hang on to the straps in the hammock…seat as the paperwing tried its best to ride the storm。

then; without warning; the wind ceased its upward dance。 it just dropped; and with it went the paperwing。 sabriel fell upwards; straps suddenly tight; and mogget almost clawed through the pack in his efforts to stay connected with the aircraft。 jolted by this new development; sabriel felt her exhaustion burn away。 she tried to whistle the lifting wind; but it too was beyond her power。 the paperwing seemed unable to halt its headlong descent。 it fell; nose tilting further and further forward till they were diving almost vertically; like a hammer rushing to the anvil of the ground below。

it was a long way down。 sabriel screamed once; then tried to put some of her fear…found strength into the paperwing。 but the marks flowed into her whistle without effect; save for a golden sparkle that briefly illuminated her white; wind…frozen face。 the sun had pletely set; and the dark mass of the ground below looked  all too much like the grey river of death鈥攖he river their spirits would cross into in a few short minutes; never to return to the warm light of life。

鈥渓oose my collar;鈥潯ewed a voice at sabriel鈥檚 ear; followed by the curious sensation of mogget digging his claws into her armor as he clambered into her lap。 鈥渓oose my collar!鈥

sabriel looked at him; at the ground; at the collar。 she felt stupid; starved of oxygen; unable to decide。 the collar was part of an ancient binding; a terrible guardian of tremendous power。 it would only be used to contain an inexpressible evil; or uncontrollable force。

鈥渢rust me!鈥潯owled mogget。 鈥渓oose my collar; and remember the ring!鈥

sabriel swallowed; closed her eyes; fumbled with the collar and prayed that she was doing the right thing。 鈥渇ather; forgive me;鈥潯he thought; but it was not just to her father that she spoke; but to all the abhorsens who had e before her鈥攅specially the one who had made the collar so long ago。

surprisingly for such an ancient spell; she felt little more than pins and needles as the collar came free。 then it was open; and suddenly  heavy; like a lead rope; or a ball and chain。

sabriel almost dropped it; but it became light again; then insubstantial。 when sabriel opened her eyes; the collar had simply ceased to exist。

mogget sat still; on her lap; and seemed unchanged鈥攖hen he seemed to glow with an internal light and expand; till he became frayed at the edges; and the light grew and grew。 within a few seconds; there was no cat…shape left; just a shining blur too bright to look at。 it seemed to hesitate for a moment and sabriel felt its attention flicker between aggression towards her and some inner struggle。 it almost formed back into the cat…shape again; then suddenly split into four shafts of brilliant white。 one shot forward; one aft; and two seemed to slide into the wings。

then the whole paperwing shone with fierce white brilliance; and it abruptly stopped its headlong dive and leveled out。 sabriel was flung violently forward; body checked by straps; but her nose almost hit the silver mirror; neck muscles cording out with an impossible effort to keep her head still。

despite this sudden improvement; they were still falling。 sabriel; hands now clasped behind her savagely aching neck; saw the ground rushing  up to fill the horizon。 treetops suddenly appeared below; the paperwing imbued with the strange light; just clipping through the upper branches with a sound like hail on a tin roof。

then; they dropped again; skimming scant yards above what looked like a cleared field; but still too fast to land without total destruction。

mogget; or whatever mogget had bee; braked the paperwing again; in a series of shuddering halts that added bruises on top of bruises。

for the first time; sabriel felt the incredible relief of knowing that they would survive。 one more braking effort and the paperwing would be safely down; to skid a little in the long; soft grass of the field。

mogget braked; and sabriel cheered as the paperwing gently lay its belly on the grass and slid to what should have been a perfect landing。

but the cheer suddenly became a shriek of alarm; as the grass parted to reveal the lip of an enormous dark hole directly in their path。

too low to rise; and now too slow to glide over a hole at least fifty yards across; the paperwing reached the edge; flipped over and spiraled towards the bottom of the hole; hundreds of feet below。

w w w。 xiao shuotxt。 co m

chapter xii

sabriel regained consciousness slowly; her brain fumbling for connections to her senses。 hearing came first; but that only caught her own labored breathing; and the creak of her armored coat as she struggled to sit up。 for the moment; sight eluded her; and she was panicked; afraid of blindness; till memory came。 it was night; and she was at the bottom of a sinkhole鈥攁 great; circular shaft bored into the ground; by either nature or artifice。 from her brief glimpse of it as they鈥檇 fallen; she guessed it was easily fifty yards in diameter and a hundred deep。 daylight would probably illuminate its murky depths; but starlight was insufficient。

pain came next; hard on the heels of memory。 a thousand aches and bruises; but no serious injury。

sabriel wiggled her toes and fingers; flexed muscles in arms; back and legs。 they all hurt; but everything seemed to work。

she vaguely recalled the last few seconds before impact鈥攎ogget; or the white force; slowing them just before they hit鈥攂ut the actual instant of the crash might never have been; for she couldn鈥檛 remember it。 shock; she thought to herself; in an abstract way; almost like she was diagnosing someone else。

her next

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