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小说: 道林格雷的画像_奥斯卡·王尔德 字数: 每页4000字

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ce its charm。 for all sins; as theologians weary not of reminding us; are sins of disobedience。 when that high spirit; that morning star of evil; fell from heaven; it was as a rebel that he fell。

callous; concentrated on evil; with stained mind; and soul hungry for rebellion; dorian gray hastened on; quickening his step as he went; but as he darted aside into a dim archway; that had served him often as a short cut to the ill…famed place where he was going; he felt himself suddenly seized from behind; and before be had time to defend himself; he was thrust back against the wall; with a brutal hand round his throat。

he struggled madly for life; and by a terrible effort wrenched the tightening fingers away。 in a second he heard the click of a revolver; and saw the gleam of a polished barrel; pointing straight at his head; and the dusky form of a short; thick…set man facing him。

〃what do you want?〃 he gasped。

〃keep quiet;〃 said the man。 〃if you stir; i shoot you。〃

〃you are mad。 what have i done to you?〃

〃you wrecked the life of sibyl vane;〃 was the answer; 〃and sibyl vane was my sister。 she killed herself。 i know it。 her death is at your door。 i swore i would kill you in return。 for years i have sought you。 i had no clue; no trace。 the two people who could have described you were dead。 i knew nothing of you but the pet name she used to call you。 i heard it to…night by chance。 make your peace with god; for to…night you are going to die。〃

dorian gray grew sick with fear。 〃i never knew her;〃 he stammered。 〃i never heard of her。 you are mad。〃

〃you had better confess your sin; for as sure as i am james vane; you are going to die。〃 there was a horrible moment。 dorian did not know what to say or do。 〃down on your knees!〃 growled the man。 〃i give you one minute to make your peaceno more。 i go on board to…night for india; and i must do my job first。 one minute。 thats all。〃

dorians arms fell to his side。 paralysed with terror; he did not know what to do。 suddenly a wild hope flashed across his brain。 〃stop;〃 he cried。 〃how long ago is it since your sister died? quick; tell me!〃

〃eighteen years;〃 said the man。 〃why do you ask me? what do years matter?〃

〃eighteen years;〃 laughed dorian gray; with a touch of triumph in his voice。 〃eighteen years! set me under the lamp and look at my face!〃

james vane hesitated for a moment; not understanding what was meant。 then he seized dorian gray and dragged him from the archway。

dim and wavering as was the wind…blown light; yet it served to show him the hideous error; as it seemed; into which he had fallen; for the face of the man he had sought to kill had all the bloom of boyhood; all the unstained purity of youth。 he seemed little more than a lad of twenty summers; hardly older; if older indeed at all; than his sister had been when they had parted so many years ago。 it was obvious that this was not the man who had destroyed her life。

he loosened his hold and reeled back。 〃my god! my god!〃 he cried; 〃and i would have murdered you!〃

dorian gray drew a long breath。 〃you have been on the brink of mitting a terrible crime; my man;〃 he said; looking at him sternly。 〃let this be a warning to you not to take vengeance into your own hands。〃

〃forgive me; sir;〃 muttered james vane。 〃i was deceived。 a chance word i heard in that damned den set me on the wrong track。〃

〃you had better go home and put that pistol away; or you may get into trouble;〃 said dorian; turning on his heel and going slowly down the street。

james vane stood on the pavement in horror。 he was trembling from head to foot。 after a little while; a black shadow that had been creeping along the dripping wall moved out into the light and came close to him with stealthy footsteps。 he felt a hand laid on his arm and looked round with a start。 it was one of the women who had been drinking at the bar。

〃why didnt you kill him?〃 she hissed out; putting haggard face quite close to his。 〃i knew you were following him when you rushed out from dalys。 you fool! you should have killed him。 he has lots of money; and hes as bad as bad。〃

〃he is not the man i am looking for;〃 he answered; 〃and i want no mans money。 i want a mans life。 the man whose life i want must be nearly forty now。 this one is little more than a boy。 thank god; i have not got his blood upon my hands。〃

the woman gave a bitter laugh。 〃little more than a boy!〃 she sneered。 〃why; man; its nigh on eighteen years since prince charming made me what i am。〃

〃you lie!〃 cried james vane。

she raised her hand up to heaven。 〃before god i am telling the truth;〃 she cried。

〃before god?〃

〃strike me dumb if it aint so。 he is the worst one that es here。 they say he has sold himself to the devil for a pretty face。 its nigh on eighteen years since i met him。 he hasnt changed much since then。 i have; though;〃 she added; with a sickly leer。

〃you swear this?〃

〃i swear it;〃 came in hoarse echo from her flat mouth。 〃but dont give me away to him;〃 she whined; 〃i am afraid of him。 let me have some money for my nights lodging。〃

he broke from her with an oath and rushed to the corner of the street; but dorian gray had disappeared。 when he looked back; the woman had vanished also。 

Chapter 17

chapter 17

a week later dorian gray was sitting in the conservatory at selby royal; talking to the pretty duchess of monmouth; who with her husband; a jaded…looking man of sixty; was amongst his guests。 it was tea…time; and the mellow light of the huge; lace…covered lamp that stood on the table lit up the delicate china and hammered silver of the service at which the duchess was presiding。 her white hands were moving daintily among the cups; and her full red lips were smiling at something that dorian had whispered to her。 lord henry was lying back in a silk…draped wicker chair; looking at them。 on a peach…coloured divan sat lady narborough; pretending to listen to the dukes description of the last brazilian beetle that he had added to his collection。 three young men in elaborate smoking…suits were handing tea…cakes to some of the women。 the house…party consisted of twelve people; and there were more expected to arrive on the next day。

〃what are you two talking about?〃 said lord henry; strolling over to the table and putting his cup down。 〃i hope dorian has told you about my plan for rechristening everything; gladys。 it is a delightful idea。〃

〃but i dont want to be rechristened; harry;〃 rejoined the duchess; looking up at him with her wonderful eyes。 〃i am quite satisfied with my own name; and i am sure mr。 gray should be satisfied with his。〃

〃my dear gladys; i would not alter either name for the world。 they are both perfect。 i was thinking chiefly of flowers。 yesterday i cut an orchid; for my button…hole。 it was a marvellous spotted thing; as effective as the seven deadly sins。 in a thoughtless moment i asked one of the gardeners what it was called。 he told me it was a fine specimen of robinsoniana; or something dreadful of that kind。 it is a sad truth; but we have lost the faculty of giving lovely names to things。 names are everything。 i never quarrel with actions。 my one quarrel is with words。 that is the reason i hate vulgar realism in literature。 the man who could call a spade a spade should be pelled to use one。 it is the only thing he is fit for。〃

〃then what should we call you; harry?〃 she asked。

〃his name is prince paradox;〃 said dorian。

〃i recognize him in a flash;〃 exclaimed the duchess。

〃i wont hear of it;〃 laughed lord henry; sinking into a chair。 〃from a label there is no escape! i refuse the title。〃

〃royalties may not abdicate;〃 fell as a warning from pretty lips。

〃you wish me to defend my throne; then?〃


〃i give the truths of to…morrow。〃

〃i prefer the mistakes of to…day;〃 she answered。

〃you disarm me; gladys;〃 he cried; catching the wilfulness of her mood。

〃of your shield; harry; not of your spear。〃

〃i never tilt against beauty;〃 he said; with a wave of his hand。

〃that is your error; harry; believe me。 you value beauty far too much。〃

〃how can you say that? i admit that i think that it is better to be beautiful than to be good。 but on the other hand; no one is more ready than i am to acknowledge that it is better to be good than to be ugly。〃

〃ugliness is one of the seven deadly sins; then?〃 cried the duchess。 〃what bees of your simile about the orchid?〃

〃ugliness is one of the seven deadly virtues; gladys。 you; as a good tory; must not underrate them。 beer; the bible; and the seven deadly virtues have made our england what she is。〃

〃you dont like your country; then?〃 she asked。

〃i live in it。〃

〃that you may censure it the better。〃

〃would you have me take the verdict of europe on it?〃 he inquired。

〃what do they say of us?〃

〃that tartuffe has emigrated to england and opened a shop。〃

〃is that yours; harry?〃

〃i give it to you。〃

〃i could not use it。 it is too true。〃

〃you need not be afraid。 our countrymen never recognize a description。〃

〃they are practical。〃

〃they are more cunning than practical。 when they make up their ledger; they balance stupidity by wealth; and vice by hypocrisy。〃

〃still; we

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