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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1-第72章

小说: 雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1 字数: 每页4000字

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f the Pyrenees。 He had guarded the flocks among the mountains; and from a shepherd he had slipped into a brigand。
  Cochepaille was no less savage and seemed even more stupid than the prisoner。
  He was one of those wretched men whom nature has sketched out for wild beasts; and on whom society puts the finishing touches as convicts in the galleys。
  The President tried to touch him with some grave and pathetic words; and asked him; as he had asked the other two; if he persisted; without hesitation or trouble; in recognizing the man who was standing before him。
  〃He is Jean Valjean;〃 said Cochepaille。
  〃He was even called Jean…the…Screw; because he was so strong。〃
  Each of these affirmations from these three men; evidently sincere and in good faith; had raised in the audience a murmur of bad augury for the prisoner;a murmur which increased and lasted longer each time that a fresh declaration was added to the proceeding。
  The prisoner had listened to them; with that astounded face which was; according to the accusation; his principal means of defence; at the first; the gendarmes; his neighbors; had heard him mutter between his teeth:
  〃Ah; well; he's a nice one!〃 after the second; he said; a little louder; with an air that was almost that of satisfaction; 〃Good!〃 at the third; he cried; 〃Famous!〃
  The President addressed him:
  〃Have you heard; prisoner?
  What have you to say?〃
  He replied:
  〃I say; ‘Famous!'〃
  An uproar broke out among the audience; and was municated to the jury; it was evident that the man was lost。
  〃Ushers;〃 said the President; 〃enforce silence!
  I am going to sum up the arguments。〃
  At that moment there was a movement just beside the President; a voice was heard crying:
  Cochepaille! look here!〃
  All who heard that voice were chilled; so lamentable and terrible was it; all eyes were turned to the point whence it had proceeded。 A man; placed among the privileged spectators who were seated behind the court; had just risen; had pushed open the half…door which separated the tribunal from the audience; and was standing in the middle of the hall; the President; the district…attorney; M。 Bamatabois; twenty persons; recognized him; and exclaimed in concert:
  〃M。 Madeleine!〃

  It was he; in fact。
  The clerk's lamp illumined his countenance。 He held his hat in his hand; there was no disorder in his clothing; his coat was carefully buttoned; he was very pale; and he trembled slightly; his hair; which had still been gray on his arrival in Arras; was now entirely white:
  it had turned white during the hour he had sat there。
  All heads were raised:
  the sensation was indescribable; there was a momentary hesitation in the audience; the voice had been so heart…rending; the man who stood there appeared so calm that they did not understand at first。
  They asked themselves whether he had indeed uttered that cry; they could not believe that that tranquil man had been the one to give that terrible outcry。
  This indecision only lasted a few seconds。
  Even before the President and the district…attorney could utter a word; before the ushers and the gendarmes could make a gesture; the man whom all still called; at that moment; M。 Madeleine; had advanced towards the witnesses Cochepaille; Brevet; and Chenildieu。
  〃Do you not recognize me?〃 said he。
  All three remained speechless; and indicated by a sign of the head that they did not know him。
  Cochepaille; who was intimidated; made a military salute。
  M。 Madeleine turned towards the jury and the court; and said in a gentle voice:
  〃Gentlemen of the jury; order the prisoner to be released! Mr。 President; have me arrested。
  He is not the man whom you are in search of; it is I: I am Jean Valjean。〃
  Not a mouth breathed; the first motion of astonishment had been followed by a silence like that of the grave; those within the hall experienced that sort of religious terror which seizes the masses when something grand has been done。
  In the meantime; the face of the President was stamped with sympathy and sadness; he had exchanged a rapid sign with the district…attorney and a few low…toned words with the assistant judges; he addressed the public; and asked in accents which all understood:
  〃Is there a physician present?〃
  The district…attorney took the word:
  〃Gentlemen of the jury; the very strange and unexpected incident which disturbs the audience inspires us; like yourselves; only with a sentiment which it is unnecessary for us to express。 You all know; by reputation at least; the honorable M。 Madeleine; mayor of M。 sur M。; if there is a physician in the audience; we join the President in requesting him to attend to M。 Madeleine; and to conduct him to his home。〃
  M。Madeleine did not allow the district…attorney to finish; he interrupted him in accents full of suavity and authority。 These are the words which he uttered; here they are literally; as they were written down; immediately after the trial by one of the witnesses to this scene; and as they now ring in the ears of those who heard them nearly forty years ago:
  〃I thank you; Mr。 District…Attorney; but I am not mad; you shall see; you were on the point of mitting a great error; release this man! I am fulfilling a duty; I am that miserable criminal。
  I am the only one here who sees the matter clearly; and I am telling you the truth。
  God; who is on high; looks down on what I am doing at this moment; and that suffices。
  You can take me; for here I am: but I have done my best; I concealed myself under another name; I have bee rich; I have bee a mayor; I have tried to re…enter the ranks of the honest。
  It seems that that is not to be done。 In short; there are many things which I cannot tell。
  I will not narrate the story of my life to you; you will hear it one of these days。 I robbed Monseigneur the Bishop; it is true; it is true that I robbed Little Gervais; they were right in telling you that Jean Valjean was a very vicious wretch。
  Perhaps it was not altogether his fault。
  Listen; honorable judges! a man who has been so greatly humbled as I have has neither any remonstrances to make to Providence; nor any advice to give to society; but; you see; the infamy from which I have tried to escape is an injurious thing; the galleys make the convict what he is; reflect upon that; if you please。 Before going to the galleys; I was a poor peasant; with very little intelligence; a sort of idiot; the galleys wrought a change in me。
  I was stupid; I became vicious:
  I was a block of wood; I became a firebrand。
  Later on; indulgence and kindness saved me; as severity had ruined me。
  But; pardon me; you cannot understand what I am saying。
  You will find at my house; among the ashes in the fireplace; the forty…sou piece which I stole; seven years ago; from little Gervais。
  I have nothing farther to add; take me。 Good God! the district…attorney shakes his head; you say; 'M。 Madeleine has gone mad!' you do not believe me! that is distressing。
  Do not; at least; condemn this man!
  What! these men do not recognize me! I wish Javert were here; he would recognize me。〃
  Nothing can reproduce the sombre and kindly melancholy of tone which acpanied these words。
  He turned to the three convicts; and said:
  〃Well; I recognize you; do you remember; Brevet?〃
  He paused; hesitated for an instant; and said:
  〃Do you remember the knitted suspenders with a checked pattern which you wore in the galleys?〃
  Brevet gave a start of surprise; and surveyed him from head to foot with a frightened air。
  He continued:
  〃Chenildieu; you who conferred on yourself the name of ‘Jenie…Dieu;' your whole right shoulder bears a deep burn; because you one day laid your shoulder against the chafing…dish full of coals; in order to efface the three letters T。 F。 P。; which are still visible; nevertheless; answer; is this true?〃
  〃It is true;〃 said Chenildieu。
  He addressed himself to Cochepaille:
  〃Cochepaille; you have; near the bend in your left arm; a date stamped in blue letters with burnt powder; the date is that of the landing of the Emperor at Cannes; March 1; 1815; pull up your sleeve!〃
  Cochepaille pushed up his sleeve; all eyes were focused on him and on his bare arm。
  A gendarme held a light close to it; there was the date。
  The unhappy man turned to the spectators and the judges with a smile which still rends the hearts of all who saw it whenever they think of it。
  It was a smile of triumph; it was also a smile of despair。
  〃You see plainly;〃 he said; 〃that I am Jean Valjean。〃
  In that chamber there were no longer either judges; accusers; nor gendarmes; there was nothing but staring eyes and sympathizing hearts。
  No one recalled any longer the part that each might be called upon to play; the district…attorney forgot he was there for the purpose of prosecuting; the President that he was there to preside; the counsel for the defence that he was there to defend。 It was a striking ci

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