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雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1-第116章

小说: 雨果 悲惨世界 英文版1 字数: 每页4000字

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r to your mind with the melancholy of an apparition; make the holy land visible to you; and are; so to speak; the very form of France; and you love them; and you call them up as they are; as they were; and you persist in this; and you will submit to no change: for you are attached to the figure of your fatherland as to the face of your mother。
  May we; then; be permitted to speak of the past in the present? That said; we beg the reader to take note of it; and we continue。
  Jean Valjean instantly quitted the boulevard and plunged into the streets; taking the most intricate lines which he could devise; returning on his track at times; to make sure that he was not being followed。
  This manoeuvre is peculiar to the hunted stag。
  On soil where an imprint of the track may be left; this manoeuvre possesses; among other advantages; that of deceiving the huntsmen and the dogs; by throwing them on the wrong scent。
  In venery this is called false re…imbushment。
  The moon was full that night。
  Jean Valjean was not sorry for this。 The moon; still very close to the horizon; cast great masses of light and shadow in the streets。
  Jean Valjean could glide along close to the houses on the dark side; and yet keep watch on the light side。 He did not; perhaps; take sufficiently into consideration the fact that the dark side escaped him。
  Still; in the deserted lanes which lie near the Rue Poliveau; he thought he felt certain that no one was following him。
  Cosette walked on without asking any questions。
  The sufferings of the first six years of her life had instilled something passive into her nature。
  Moreover;and this is a remark to which we shall frequently have occasion to recur;she had grown used; without being herself aware of it; to the peculiarities of this good man and to the freaks of destiny。
  And then she was with him; and she felt safe。
  Jean Valjean knew no more where he was going than did Cosette。 He trusted in God; as she trusted in him。
  It seemed as though he also were clinging to the hand of some one greater than himself; he thought he felt a being leading him; though invisible。 However; he had no settled idea; no plan; no project。
  He was not even absolutely sure that it was Javert; and then it might have been Javert; without Javert knowing that he was Jean Valjean。
  Was not he disguised?
  Was not he believed to be dead?
  Still; queer things had been going on for several days。
  He wanted no more of them。 He was determined not to return to the Gorbeau house。
  Like the wild animal chased from its lair; he was seeking a hole in which he might hide until he could find one where he might dwell。
  Jean Valjean described many and varied labyrinths in the Mouffetard quarter; which was already asleep; as though the discipline of the Middle Ages and the yoke of the curfew still existed; he bined in various manners; with cunning strategy; the Rue Censier and the Rue Copeau; the Rue du Battoir…Saint…Victor and the Rue du Puits l'Ermite。 There are lodging houses in this locality; but he did not even enter one; finding nothing which suited him。 He had no doubt that if any one had chanced to be upon his track; they would have lost it。
  As eleven o'clock struck from Saint…Etienne…du…Mont; he was traversing the Rue de Pontoise; in front of the office of the missary of police; situated at No。 14。
  A few moments later; the instinct of which we have spoken above made him turn round。 At that moment he saw distinctly; thanks to the missary's lantern; which betrayed them; three men who were following him closely; pass; one after the other; under that lantern; on the dark side of the street。 One of the three entered the alley leading to the missary's house。 The one who marched at their head struck him as decidedly suspicious。
  〃e; child;〃 he said to Cosette; and he made haste to quit the Rue Pontoise。
  He took a circuit; turned into the Passage des Patriarches; which was closed on account of the hour; strode along the Rue de l'Epee…de…Bois and the Rue de l'Arbalete; and plunged into the Rue des Postes。
  At that time there was a square formed by the intersection of streets; where the College Rollin stands to…day; and where the Rue Neuve…Sainte…Genevieve turns off。
  It is understood; of course; that the Rue Neuve…Sainte…Genevieve is an old street; and that a posting…chaise does not pass through the Rue des Postes once in ten years。
  In the thirteenth century this Rue des Postes was inhabited by potters; and its real name is Rue des Pots。
  The moon cast a livid light into this open space。
  Jean Valjean went into ambush in a doorway; calculating that if the men were still following him; he could not fail to get a good look at them; as they traversed this illuminated space。
  In point of fact; three minutes had not elapsed when the men made their appearance。
  There were four of them now。
  All were tall; dressed in long; brown coats; with round hats; and huge cudgels in their hands。
  Their great stature and their vast fists rendered them no less alarming than did their sinister stride through the darkness。 One would have pronounced them four spectres disguised as bourgeois。
  They halted in the middle of the space and formed a group; like men in consultation。
  They had an air of indecision。
  The one who appeared to be their leader turned round and pointed hastily with his right hand in the direction which Jean Valjean had taken; another seemed to indicate the contrary direction with considerable obstinacy。 At the moment when the first man wheeled round; the moon fell full in his face。
  Jean Valjean recognized Javert perfectly。

   Uncertainty was at an end for Jean Valjean:
  fortunately it still lasted for the men。
  He took advantage of their hesitation。 It was time lost for them; but gained for him。
  He slipped from under the gate where he had concealed himself; and went down the Rue des Postes; towards the region of the Jardin des Plantes。
  Cosette was beginning to be tired。
  He took her in his arms and carried her。 There were no passers…by; and the street lanterns had not been lighted on account of there being a moon。
  He redoubled his pace。
  In a few strides he had reached the Goblet potteries; on the front of which the moonlight rendered distinctly legible the ancient inscription:
   De Goblet fils c'est ici la fabrique;'14' 
   Venez choisir des cruches et des broos; 
   Des pots a fleurs; des tuyaux; de la brique。 
   A tout venant le Coeur vend des Carreaux。
  This is the factory of Goblet Junior: 
  e choose your jugs and crocks; 
  Flower…pots; pipes; bricks。 
  The Heart sells Diamonds to every er。He left behind him the Rue de la Clef; then the Fountain Saint…Victor; skirted the Jardin des Plantes by the lower streets; and reached the quay。
  There he turned round。
  The quay was deserted。
  The streets were deserted。
  There was no one behind him。
  He drew a long breath。
  He gained the Pont d'Austerlitz。
  Tolls were still collected there at that epoch。
  He presented himself at the toll office and handed over a sou。
  〃It is two sous;〃 said the old soldier in charge of the bridge。 〃You are carrying a child who can walk。
  Pay for two。〃
  He paid; vexed that his passage should have aroused remark。 Every flight should be an imperceptible slipping away。
  A heavy cart was crossing the Seine at the same time as himself; and on its way; like him; to the right bank。
  This was of use to him。 He could traverse the bridge in the shadow of the cart。
  Towards the middle of the Bridge; Cosette; whose feet were benumbed; wanted to walk。
  He set her on the ground and took her hand again。
  The bridge once crossed; he perceived some timber…yards on his right。 He directed his course thither。
  In order to reach them; it was necessary to risk himself in a tolerably large unsheltered and illuminated space。
  He did not hesitate。
  Those who were on his track had evidently lost the scent; and Jean Valjean believed himself to be out of danger。
  Hunted; yes; followed; no。
  A little street; the Rue du Chemin…Vert…Saint…Antoine; opened out between two timber…yards enclosed in walls。
  This street was dark and narrow and seemed made expressly for him。
  Before entering it he cast a glance behind him;
  From the point where he stood he could see the whole extent of the Pont d'Austerlitz。
  Four shadows were just entering on the bridge。
  These shadows had their backs turned to the Jardin des Plantes and were on their way to the right bank。
  These four shadows were the four men。
  Jean Valjean shuddered like the wild beast which is recaptured。
  One hope remained to him; it was; that the men had not; perhaps; stepped on the bridge; and had not caught sight of him while he was crossing the large illuminated space; holding Cosette by the hand。
  In that case; by plunging into the little street before him; he might escape; if he could reach the timbe

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