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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第5章

小说: war of the spider queen 4 extinction 字数: 每页4000字

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behind the knee。 The force of it caused her to stagger。 Only by ducking frantically was she able to avoid the stirge lancing in at her neck。 Whirling; she struck it with the sword as it flew past。
   As still more of the creatures dived at her…nearly two dozen of them…Halisstra reached down with her shield hand and grabbed the stirge that had plunged into the back of her knee。 She squeezed…and heard a satisfying pop as the creature's bloated midriff burst。 Yanking it from her; she threw its body away; dimly noticing the spray of blood that had soaked her gloved hand。 Meanwhile; the stirge in her shoulder continued draining her of blood。
   The flock dived en masse; and four more stirges plunged into her flesh。 One bit deeply into her left arm; two into her right leg; and the fourth into her shoulder; beside the one that was already greedily sucking away。 Halisstra killed two more with the sword…which; with the air rushing through the holes in its hilt; was making constant; discordant noises like a badly played flute。 Halisstra; rapidly losing strength as the stirges drained her of blood; suddenly shivered as she realized she might very well die there。 Lolth was no longer watching over her; blessing her with the magic she needed to drive the foul creatures away。 The only darksong spell that would affect so many creatures at once required a musical instrument as its arcane focus…and she could hardly pluck out a tune on her lyre and fight at the same time。
   Then she realized something。 Perhaps there was another instrument she could use; closer to hand。 。 。 。
   Abandoning her attempts to strike the stirges…there were too many of them…Halisstra reversed Seyll's sword and brought its hilt to her lips。 Closing her eyes; she blew into the hilt; fingering the holes so the rush of air escaped through a single hole。 Even though she sagged to her knees as blood loss weakened her; she felt magic flow from her lips into the hilt of the sword and out through the hole in a piercing blast。 Her own ears rang; then went numb as a single note…sweet; high; and impossibly strong…shattered the air。 All around her; stirges tumbled from the air as a magic blast hit them。 Those on her body wilted; hung for a moment; then slowly slipped free of her flesh; hitting the ground around her with soft thuds。
   In the silence that followed; Halisstra could hear only the sound of her own breathing。 Opening her eyes; she saw dozens of stirges lying on the ground; some of them still twitching。 She picked up the closest one and squeezed it。 Its blood…her blood…soaked her gloves as its body burst。 Dropping it; she continued from one stirge to the next; killing them one by one。 Then she pulled off her blood…soaked gloves and cast them aside。
   Perhaps the surface was not a place of beauty; after all。
   Then she realized that something had disturbed the stirges…something that was moving through the forest toward the bluff where she stood。 Hunkering down; she crept back toward the stairs; looking for a place to hide。
   Valas signaled for the party to stop when the tunnel; which had been twisting its way ever deeper toward the Underdark; opened into a jumble of broken stone that led down to a medium…sized cavern whose floor was hidden by a deep pool of water。 Pharaun gave a low chuckle; breaking the silence。
   〃Perfect;〃 he breathed。
   Keep quiet; Valas chastised; but Pharaun only laughed。
   〃It's going to be loud enough in here in just a moment;〃 the mage said with a wink。 Then he called back to the others; who were higher in the tunnel; up beyond where Valas could see。 〃Mistress; I've found a spot that will do nicely。 Get Jeggred ready。〃
   Valas heard Quenthel ordering the draegloth to kneel and the sound of a drawn dagger。 Pharaun; meanwhile; laid a hand on Valas's shoulder。
   〃Excuse me;〃 he said。 〃I need to get by。〃
   Valas still wasn't certain what the mage was doing; but he flattened obediently against the cold stone; allowing Pharaun to squeeze past him into the cavern。 Pharaun reached into a pocket of his piwafwi and pulled out a tiny cone of glass。 Rolling up his sleeve; he pointed the cone at the water at his feet。
   〃Chalthinsil!〃 he cried; his shout filling the cavern。
   In that same instant; a cone of bitterly cold air erupted from the glass cone; filling the air with swirling frost。 The magical cold struck the pool; instantly turning it to solid ice。 Frost continued to roil in the air for a few moments more; coating the walls and ceiling of the cavern with sparkling white ice crystals。 Then it vanished; leaving a chill in the air that made Valas shiver。
   Pharaun tucked the cone of glass back into his piwafwi。
   〃Perfect;〃 he said again; staring down at the expanse of ice。 〃Nice and smooth。 Just the thing to draw on。〃 Then he shouted back over his shoulder; 〃Quenthel。 I'm ready。〃
   Behind him; in the tunnel; Valas heard a hiss of anticipation from one of the vipers in Quenthel's whip。 A moment later he smelled the tang of freshly spilled blood。 Quenthel appeared at the entrance to the cavern; and passed a cup to Pharaun。 The mage clambered down the slope; holding the cup so its contents wouldn't spill。
   Quenthel and Danifae crowded in behind Valas to peer past him at the cavern。 Quenthel snapped her fingers; and Jeggred stalked down the tunnel as well; panting clouds of foul…smelling breath into the ice…cold air。 One of his massive fighting hands was clamped around a spot on the wrist of his smaller arm。 Blood welled out between the clamped fingers and dripped onto the stone at his feet。 A moment later; Ryld joined them; having at last given up his cautious watch over the tunnel behind them。
   Pharaun was already out on the ice; moving across it in a skating slide。 As the others watched; he pulled out a dagger and traced an enormous hexagonal star onto the surface; carving its lines deep; like troughs。 When he was done; he stood a minute; looking for imperfections。
   Quenthel frowned down at the mage。 〃Six sides?〃 she asked。 〃Why not a standard pentagram?〃
   Pharaun shrugged and said; 〃Anyone can summon a demon with a pentagram。 I like to do things with a bit more panache。〃 He moved around the diagram; dribbling the blood from the cup into one of the lines he'd cut in the ice。 After a few moments; he raised a hand and beckoned。 〃Jeggred; e here。〃
   After a quick glance at Quenthel…who nodded her permission…the draegloth loped down toward the pool; dislodging rocks that tumbled down the slope to skitter across the ice。 He crossed the frozen surface to the mage and obediently opened his hand; releasing his bloody arm when Pharaun gestured for him to do so。 Taking that arm; Pharaun held the cup under the slashed wrist。 When it was once again full; he motioned for Jeggred to re…clamp the wound; then continued limning the diagram in blood。
   The mage had to repeat the process twice more before the pattern was plete。 Despite the loss of blood; the draegloth remained impassive throughout the procedure。 When Pharaun at last dismissed him; Jeggred loped up the slope to join the others。
   〃Now;〃 Pharaun said; cracking his fingers as he stretched; 〃for the difficult part。〃
   From a pocket; he pulled a candle。 He cut it into six pieces; trimming each back to expose the wick。 He walked around the star; boring a hole at each of the points and pushing one of the candies into it。 Then he stood back and snapped his fingers。 Six flames sprang to life as the candles began to burn。 Their meager heat magically spread through the blood that had frozen inside the troughs in the ice。 The blood melted and began to circulate; pumping through the veins of the hexagram。
   Valas squinted as the flickering yellow light disrupted his darkvision。 The frosted walls of the cavern picked up the illumination and sparkled like a million tiny diamonds。 The candles flickered; their flames guttering slightly to one side。 Seeing that; Valas nodded。 The cavern wasn't pletely a dead end。 There must have been some tiny fissure; hidden from view; through which air was circulating。
   Standing with his hands extended over the hexagram; Pharaun began to chant。 As his words echoed back and forth across the confined space; the candles burned at a terrific rate; melting down to puddles of wax against the ice。 Yet still the wicks burned; and as soon as they touched the ice; the color of the flames turned a brilliant blue。 The flame pulsed out along the lines of the symbol and; mixing with Jeggred's blood; turned a ghastly; glowing purple。
   As Pharaun's chant rose to a crescendo the mage clapped his hands together over his head。 The boom of thunder that resulted all but obliterated Valas's gasp and Jeggred's harsh grunt。 For an instant; the frigid air in the cavern seemed to wrench itself in two。 Through the split; Valas could see the roiling red…black clouds and furnace…hot flames of the Abyss。 Then came a roar of utter rage and indignation as an enormous; humanoid figure hurtled through the portal between the planes; staggering as though it had been pushed by an invisible hand。 Pharaun; facing it; backed up a step or two on the ice; then recovered his posure。

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