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弌傍 芦紬晩芝哂猟井_芦紬,献声針 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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e working in germany。

thursday察may 11察1944

dearest kitty

since ive left my entire ;junk box;  including my fountain pen  upstairs and im not allowed to disturb the grown´ups during their nap time until two´thirty察youll have to make do with a letter in pencil。

im terribly busy at the moment察and strange as it may sound察i dont have enough time to get through my pile of work。 shall i tell you briefly what ive got to do拭well then察before tomorrow i have to finish reading the first volume of a biography of galileo galilei察since it has to be returned to the library。 i started reading it yesterday and have gotten up to page 220 out of 320 pages察so ill manage it。 next week i have to read palestine at the cross´ roads and the second volume of galilei。 besides that察i finished the first volume of a biography of emperor charles v yesterday察and i still have to work out the many genealogical charts ive collected and the notes ive taken。

next i have three pages of foreign words from my various books察all of which have to be written down察memorized and read aloud。 number four此my movie stars are in a terrible disarray and are dying to be straightened out察but since itll take several days to do that and professor anne is察as shes already said察up to her ears in work察theyll have to put up with the chaos a while longer。 then therere theseus察oedipus察peleus察orpheus察jason and hercules all waiting to be untangled察since their various deeds are running crisscross through my mind like mul´ ticolored threads in a dress。 myron and phidias are also urgently in need of attention察or else ill forget entirely how they fit into the picture。 the same applies察for example察to the seven years war and the nine years war。 now im getting everything all mixed up。 well察what can you do with a memory like mine just imagine how forgetful ill be when im eighty

oh察one more thing。 the bible。 how long is it going to take before i e to the story of the bathing susanna拭and what do they mean by sodom and gomorrah拭oh

theres still so much to find out and learn。 and in the meantime察ive left charlotte of the palatine in the lurch。

you can see察cant you察kitty察that im full to bursting

and now something else。 youve known for a long time that my greatest wish is to be a journalist察and later on察a famous writer。 well have to wait and see if these grand illusions or delusions。 will ever e true察but up to now ive had no lack of topics。

in any case察after the war id like to publish a book called the secret annex。 it remains to be seen whether ill succeed察but my diary can serve as the basis。

i also need to finish ;cadys life。; ive thought up the rest of the plot。 after being cured in the sanatorium察cady goes back home and continues writing to hans。 its 1941察and it doesnt take her long to discover hanss nazi sympathies察and since cady is deeply concerned with the plight of the jews and of her friend marianne察they begin drifting apart。 they meet and get back together察but break up when hans takes up with another girl。 cady is shattered察and because she wants to have a good job察she studies nursing。 after graduation she accepts a position察at the urging of her fathers friends察as a nurse in a tb sanatorium in switzerland。 during her first vacation she goes to lake o察where she runs into hans。 he tells her that two years earlier hed married cadys successor察but that his wife took her life in a fit of depression。

now that hes seen his little cady again察he realizes how much he loves her察and once more asks for her hand in marriage。 cady refuses察even though察in spite of herself察she loves him as much as ever。 but her pride holds her back。 hans goes away察and years later cady learns that hes wound up in england察where hes struggling with ill health。

when shes twenty´seven察cady marries a well´to´do man from the country察named simon。 she grows to love him察but not as much as hans。 she has two daughters and a son察lthan察judith and nico。 she and simon are happy together察but hans is always in the back of her mind until one night she dreams of him and says farewell。

。 。 。

its not sentimental nonsense此its based on the story of fathers life。


m。 frank

saturday察may 13察1944

my dearest kitty

yesterday was fathers birthday察father and mothers nineteenth wedding anniversary察a day without the cleaning lady。 。 。 and the sun was shining as its never shone before in 1944。 our chestnut tree is in full bloom。 its covered with leaves and is even more beautiful than last year。

father received a biography of linnaeus from mr。 kleiman察a book on nature from mr。

kugler察the canals of amsterdam from dussel察a huge box from the van daans wrapped so beautifully it might have been done by a professional察containing three eggs察a bottle of beer察a jar of yogurt and a green tie。 it made our jar of molasses seem rather paltry。 my roses smelled wonderful pared to miep and beps red carnations。 he was thoroughly spoiled。 fifty petits fours arrived from siemons bakery察delicious father also treated us to spice cake察the men to beer and the ladies to yogurt。 everything was scrumptious


m。 frank

tuesday察may 16察1944

my dearest kitty察just for a change since we havent had one of these in so long ill recount a little discussion between mr。 and mrs。 van d。 last night

mrs。 van d。此 the germans have had plenty of time to fortify the atlantic wall察and theyll certainly do everything within their power to hold back the british。 its amazing how strong the germans are≠

mr。 van d。此 oh察yes察amazing。

mrs。 van d。此 it is≠

mr。 van d。此 they are so strong theyre bound to win the war in the end察is that what you mean垂

mrs。 van d。此 they might。 im not convinced that they wont。

mr。 van d。此 i wont even answer that。

mrs。 van d。此 you always wind up answering。 you let yourself get carried away察every single time。;

mr。 van d。此 no察i dont。 i always keep my answers to the bare minimum。

mrs。 van d。此 but you always do have an answer and you always have to be right

your predictions hardly ever e true察you know≠

mr。 van d。此 so far they have。

mrs。 van d。此 no they havent。 you said the invasion was going to start last year察the finns were supposed to have been out of the war by now察the italian campaign ought to have been over by last winter察and the russians should already have captured lemberg。 oh no察i dont set much store by your predictions。

mr。 van d。 leaping to his feet此 why dont you shut your trap for a change拭ill show you whos right察someday youll get tired of needling me。 i cant stand your bellyaching a minute longer。 just wait察one day ill make you eat your words ─。end of act one。

actually察i couldnt help giggling。 mother couldnt either察and even peter was biting his lips to keep from laughing。 oh察those stupid grown´ups。 they need to learn a few things first before they start making so many remarks about the younger generation

since friday weve been keeping the windows open again at night。


m。 frank

what our annex family is interested in a systematic survey of courses and readina matter

mr。 van daan。 no courses察looks up many things in knaurs encyclopedia and lexicon

likes to read detective stories察medical books and love stories察exciting or trivial。

mrs。 van daan。 a correspondence course in english察likes to read biographical novels and occasionally other kinds of novels。

mr。 frank。 is learning english dickens。 and a bit of latin察never reads novels察but likes serious察rather dry descriptions of people and places。

mrs。 frank。 a correspondence course in english察reads everything except detective stories。

mr。 dussel。 is learning english察spanish and dutch with no noticeable results察reads

everything察goes along with the opinion of the majority。

peter van daan。 is learning english察french correspondence course察shorthand in dutch察english and german察mercial correspondence in english察woodworking察economics and sometimes math察seldom reads察sometimes geography。

margot frank。 correspondence courses in english察french and latin察shorthand in english察german and dutch察trigonometry察solid geometry察mechanics察phys´ ics察chemistry察algebra察geometry察english literature察french literature察german literature察dutch literature察bookkeeping察geography察modern history察biology察economics察reads everything察preferably on religion and medicine。

anne frank。 shorthand in french察english察german and dutch察geometry察algebra察history察geography察art history察mythology察biology察bible history察dutch literature察likes to read biographies察dull or exciting察and history books sometimes novels and light reading。

friday察may 19察1944

dearest kitty

i felt rotten yesterday。 vomiting and that from anne。察headache察stomachache and anything else you can imagine。 im feeling better today。 im famished察but i think ill skip the brown beans were having for dinner。

everythings going fine between peter and me。 the poor boy has an even greater need for tenderness than i do。 he still blushes every evening when he gets his good´night kiss察and then begs for another one。 am i merely a bette

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