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弌傍 芦紬晩芝哂猟井_芦紬,献声針 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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contrary to my usual practice察im going to write you a detailed description of the food situation察since its bee a matter of some difficulty and importance察not only here in the annex察but in all of holland察all of europe and even beyond。

in the twenty´one months weve lived here察weve been through a good many ;food cycles;  youll understand what that means in a moment。 a ;food cycle; is a period in which we have only one particular dish or type of vegetable to eat。 for a long time we ate nothing but endive。 endive with sand察endive without sand察endive with mashed potatoes察endive´and´mashed potato casserole。 then it was spinach察followed by kohlrabi察salsify察cucumbers察tomatoes察sauerkraut察etc。察etc。

its not much fun when you have to eat察say察sauer´ kraut every day for lunch and dinner察but when youre hungry enough察you do a lot of things。 now察however察were going through the most delightful period so far察because there are no vegetables at all。

our weekly lunch menu consists of brown beans察split´pea soup察potatoes with dumplings察potato kugel and察by the grace of god察turnip greens or rotten carrots察and then its back to brown beans。 because of the bread shortage察we eat potatoes at every meal察starting with breakfast察but then we fry them a little。 to make soup we use brown beans察navy beans察potatoes察packages of vege´ table soup察packages of chicken soup and packages of bean soup。 there are brown beans in everything察including the bread。 for dinner we always have potatoes with imitation gravy and  thank goodness weve still got it  beet salad。 i must tell you about the dumplings。

we make them with government´issue flour察water and yeast。 theyre so gluey and tough that it feels as if you had rocks in your stomach察but oh well

the high point is our weekly slice of liverwurst察and the jam on our unbuttered bread。

but were still alive察and much of the time it still tastes good too


m。 frank

wednesday察april 5察1944

my dearest kitty

for a long time now i didnt know why i was bothering to do any schoolwork。 the end of the war still seemed so far away察so unreal察like a fairy tale。 if the war isnt over by september察i wont go back to school察since i dont want to be two years behind。

peter filled my days察nothing but peter察dreams and thoughts until saturday night察when i felt so utterly miserable察oh察it was awful。 i held back my tears when i was with peter察laughed uproariously with the van daans as we drank lemon punch and was cheerful and excited察but the minute i was alone i knew i was going to cry my eyes out。 i slid to the floor in my nightgown and began by saying my prayers察very fervently。 then i drew my knees to my chest察lay my head on my arms and cried察all huddled up on the bare floor。 a loud sob brought me back down to earth察and i choked back my tears察since i didnt want anyone next door to hear me。 then i tried to pull myself together察saying over and over察 i must察i must察i must。 。 。 ; stiff from sitting in such an unusual position察i fell back against the side of the bed and kept up my struggle until just before ten´thirty察when i climbed back into bed。 it was over

and now its really over。 i finally realized that i must do my schoolwork to keep from being ignorant察to get on in life察to bee a journalist察because thats what i want i know i can write。 a few of my stories are good察my descriptions of the secret annex are humorous察much of my diary is vivid and alive察but。 。 。 it remains to be seen whether i really have talent。

;evas dream; is my best fairy tale察and the odd thing is that i dont have the faintest idea where it came from。 parts of ;cadys life; are also good察but as a whole its nothing special。 im my best and harshest critic。 i know whats good and what isnt。

unless you write yourself察you cant know how wonderful it is察i always used to bemoan the fact that i couldnt draw察but now im overjoyed that at least i can write。

and if i dont have the talent to write books or newspaper articles察i can always write for myself。 but i want to achieve more than that。 i cant imagine having to live like mother察mrs。 van daan and all the women who go about their work and are then forgotten。 i need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to i dont want to have lived in vain like most people。 i want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people察even those ive never met。 i want to go on living even after my death and thats why im so grateful to god for having given me this gift察which i can use to develop myself and to express all thats inside me

when i write i can shake off all my cares。 my sor´ row disappears察my spirits are

revived but察and thats a big question察will i ever be able to write something great察will i ever bee a journalist or a writer

i hope so察oh察i hope so very much察because writing allows me to record everything察all my thoughts察ideals and fantasies。

i havent worked on ;cadys life; for ages。 in my mind ive worked out exactly what happens next察but the story doesnt seem to be ing along very well。 i might never finish it察and itll wind up in the wastepaper basket or the stove。 thats a horrible thought察but then i say to myself察 at the age of fourteen and with so little experience察you cant write about philosophy。

so onward and upward察with renewed spirits。 itll all work out察because im determined to write


m。 frank

thursday察april 6察1944

dearest kitty

you asked me what my hobbies and interests are and id like to answer察but id better warn you察i have lots of them察so dont be surprised。

first of all此writing察but i dont really think of that as a hobby。

number two此genealogical charts。 im looking in every newspaper察book and document i can find for the family trees of the french察german察spanish察english察austrian察russian察norwegian and dutch royal famthes。 ive made great progress with many of them察because for  a long time ive been taking notes while reading biogra´ i察phies or history books。 i even copy out many of the passages on history。

so my third hobby is history察and fathers already bought me numerous books。 i can hardly wait for the day when ill be able to go to the public library and ferret out iii the information i need。

number four is greek and roman mythology。 i have various books on this subject too。

i can name the nine muses and the seven loves of zeus。 i have the wives of hercules察etc。察etc。察down pat。

my other hobbies are movie stars and family photographs。 im crazy about reading and

books。 i adore the history of the arts察especially when it concerns writers察poets and painters察musicians may e later。 i loathe algebra察geometry and arithmetic。 i enjoy all my other school subjects察but historys my favorite


m。 frank

tuesday察april 11察1944

my dearest kitty

my heads in a whirl察i really dont know where to begin。 thursday the last time i wrote you everything was as usual。 friday afternoon good friday we played monopoly察saturday afternoon too。 the days passed very quickly。 around two oclock on saturday察heavy firing ii began´machine guns察according to the men。 for the rest察everything was quiet。

sunday afternoon peter came to see me at four´thirty察at my invitation。 at five´fifteen we went to the ii front attic察where we stayed until six。 there was a beautil ful mozart concert on the radio from six to seven´fifteen察i especially enjoyed the kleine nachtmusik。 i can hardly bear to listen in the kitchen察since beautiful music stirs me to the very depths of my soul。 sunday evening peter couldnt take his balli察because the washtub was down in the office kitchen察filled with laundry。 the two of us went to the front attic together察and in order to be able to sit fortably察i took along the only cushion i could find in my room。 we seated ourselves on a packing crate。 since both the crate and the cushion were very narrow察we were sitting quite close察leaning against two other crates察mouschi kept us pany察so we werent without a chaperon。 suddenly察at a quarter to nine察mr。 van daan whistled and asked if we had mr。 dussels cushion。 we jumped up and went downstairs willi the cushion察the cat and mr。 van daan。 this cushion was the source of much misery。 dussel was angry because id taken the one he uses as a pillow察and he was afraid it might be covered with fleas察he had the entire house in an uproar because of this one cushion。 in revenge察peter and i stuck two hard brushes in his bed察but had to take them out again when dussel unexpectedly decided to go sit in his room。 we had a really good laugh at this little intermezzo。

but our fun was short´lived。 at nine´thirty peter knocked gently on the door and asked father to e upstairs and help him with a difficult english sentence。

;that sounds fishy察─i said to margot。 ;its obviously a pretext。 you can tell by the way the men are talking that theres been a break´in ─i was right。 the warehouse was being broken into at that very moment。 father察mr。 van daan and peter were

downstairs in a flash。 margot察mother察mrs。 van d。 and i waited。 four frightened women need to talk察so thats what we did until we heard a bang downstairs。 after that all was quiet。 

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