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the moon察and lives for ever。 The bride and bridegroom察for instance察
love each other very dearly。 I heard all about them this morning from a 
brown´paper cartridge察who happened to be staying in the same drawer as 
myself察and knew the latest Court news。; But the Catherine Wheel shook 
her head。 ;Romance is dead察Romance is dead察Romance is dead察─she 
murmured。 She was one of those people who think that察if you say the 
same thing over and over a great many times察it bees true in the end。 
    Suddenly察a sharp察dry cough was heard察and they all looked round。 
    It came from a tall察supercilious´looking Rocket察who was tied to the 
end of a long stick。 He always coughed before he made any observation察
so as to attract attention。 
    ;Ahem ahem ─he said察and everybody listened except the poor 
Catherine Wheel察who was still shaking her head察and murmuring察
;Romance is dead。; 
    ;Order order ─cried out a Cracker。 He was something of a politician察
and had always taken a prominent part in the local elections察so he knew 
the proper Parliamentary expressions to use。 
    ;Quite dead察─whispered the Catherine Wheel察and she went off to 
    As soon as there was perfect silence察the Rocket coughed a third time 
and began。 He spoke with a very slow察distinct voice察as if he was 
dictating his memoirs察and always looked over the shoulder of the person 
to whom he was talking。 In fact察he had a most distinguished manner。 
    ;How fortunate it is for the King's son察─he remarked察 that he is to be 


                            The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

married on the very day on which I am to be let off。 Really察if it had been 
arranged beforehand察it could not have turned out better for him察but察
Princes are always lucky。; 
    ;Dear me ─said the little Squib察 I thought it was quite the other way察
and that we were to be let off in the Prince's honour。; 
    ;It may be so with you察─he answered察 indeed察I have no doubt that it 
is察but with me it is different。 I am a very remarkable Rocket察and e 
of remarkable parents。 My mother was the most celebrated Catherine 
Wheel of her day察and was renowned for her graceful dancing。 When she 
made her great public appearance she spun round nieen times before 
she went out察and each time that she did so she threw into the air seven 
pink stars。 She was three feet and a half in diameter察and made of the 
very best gunpowder。 My father was a Rocket like myself察and of French 
extraction。 He flew so high that the people were afraid that he would 
never e down again。 He did察though察for he was of a kindly 
disposition察and he made a most brilliant descent in a shower of golden 
rain。 The newspapers wrote about his performance in very flattering 
terms。 Indeed察the Court Gazette called him a triumph of Pylotechnic art。; 
    ;Pyrotechnic察Pyrotechnic察you mean察─said a Bengal Light察 I know it 
is Pyrotechnic察for I saw it written on my own canister。; 
    ;Well察I said Pylotechnic察─answered the Rocket察in a severe tone of 
voice察and the Bengal Light felt so crushed that he began at once to bully 
the little squibs察in order to show that he was still a person of some 
    ;I was saying察─continued the Rocket察 I was saying ´ What was I 
    ;You were talking about yourself察─replied the Roman Candle。 
    ;Of course察I knew I was discussing some interesting subject when I 
was so rudely interrupted。 I hate rudeness and bad manners of every kind察
for I am extremely sensitive。 No one in the whole world is so sensitive 
as I am察I am quite sure of that。; 
    ;What is a sensitive person拭─said the Cracker to the Roman Candle。 


                            The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

    ;A person who察because he has corns himself察always treads on other 
people's toes察─answered the Roman Candle in a low whisper察and the 
Cracker nearly exploded with laughter。 
    ;Pray察what are you laughing at拭─inquired the Rocket察 I am not 
    ;I am laughing because I am happy察─replied the Cracker。 
    ;That is a very selfish reason察─said the Rocket angrily。 ;What right 
have you to be happy拭You should be thinking about others。 In fact察you 
should be thinking about me。 I am always thinking about myself察and I 
expect everybody else to do the same。 That is what is called sympathy。 
It is a beautiful virtue察and I possess it in a high degree。 Suppose察for 
instance察anything happened to me to´night察what a misfortune that would 
be for every one The Prince and Princess would never be happy again察
their whole married life would be spoiled察and as for the King察I know he 
would not get over it。 Really察when I begin to reflect on the importance 
of my position察I am almost moved to tears。; 
    ;If you want to give pleasure to others察─cried the Roman Candle察 you 
had better keep yourself dry。; 
    ;Certainly察─exclaimed the Bengal Light察who was now in better spirits察
;that is only mon sense。; 
    ;mon sense察indeed ─said the Rocket indignantly察 you forget that 
I am very unmon察and very remarkable。 Why察anybody can have 
mon sense察provided that they have no imagination。 But I have 
imagination察for I never think of things as they really are察I always think of 
them as being quite different。 As for keeping myself dry察there is 
evidently no one here who can at all appreciate an emotional nature。 
Fortunately for myself察I don't care。 The only thing that sustains one 
through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody 
else察and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated。 But none of you 
have any hearts。 Here you are laughing and making merry just as if the 
Prince and Princess had not just been married。; 
    ;Well察really察─exclaimed a small Fire´balloon察 why not拭It is a most 


                            The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

joyful occasion察and when I soar up into the air I intend to tell the stars all 
about it。 You will see them twinkle when I talk to them about the pretty 
    ;Ah what a trivial view of life ─said the Rocket察 but it is only what I 
expected。 There is nothing in you察you are hollow and empty。 Why察
perhaps the Prince and Princess may go to live in a country where there is 
a deep river察and perhaps they may have one only son察a little fair´haired 
boy with violet eyes like the Prince himself察and perhaps some day he may 
go out to walk with his nurse察and perhaps the nurse may go to sleep under 
a great elder´tree察and perhaps the little boy may fall into the deep river 
and be drowned。 What a terrible misfortune Poor people察to lose their 
only son It is really too dreadful I shall never get over it。; 
    ;But they have not lost their only son察─said the Roman Candle察 no 
misfortune has happened to them at all。; 
    ;I never said that they had察─replied the Rocket察 I said that they might。 
If they had lost their only son there would be no use in saying anything 
more about the matter。 I hate people who cry over spilt milk。 But when 
I think that they might lose their only son察I certainly am very much 
    ;You certainly are ─cried the Bengal Light。 ;In fact察you are the 
most affected person I ever met。; 
    ;You are the rudest person I ever met察─said the Rocket察 and you 
cannot understand my friendship for the Prince。; 
    ;Why察you don't even know him察─growled the Roman Candle。 
    ;I never said I knew him察─answered the Rocket。 ;I dare say that if I 
knew him I should not be his friend at all。 It is a very dangerous thing to 
know one's friends。; ;You had really better keep yourself dry察─said the 
Fire´balloon。 ;That is the important thing。; 
    ;Very important for you察I have no doubt察─answered the Rocket察 but I 
shall weep if I choose;察and he actually burst into real tears察which flowed 
down his stick like rain´drops察and nearly drowned two little beetles察who 
were just thinking of setting up house together察and were looking for a 


                           The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

nice dry spot to live in。 
    ;He must have a truly romantic nature察─said the Catherine Wheel察 for 
he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep about;察and she heaved a 
deep sigh察and thought about the deal box。 
    But the Roman Candle and the Bengal Light were quite indignant察and 
kept saying察 Humbug humbug ─at the top of their voices。 They were 
extremely practical察and whenever they objected to anything they called it 
    Then the moon rose like a wonderful silver shield察and the stars began 
to shine察and a sound of music came from the palace。 
    The Prince and Princess were leading the dance。 They danced so 
beautifully that the tall white lilies peeped in at the window and watched 
them察and the great red poppies nodded their heads and beat time。 
    Then ten o'clock struck察and then eleven察and then twelve察and at the 
last stroke of mi

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