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remarkable how one good action always breeds another。 I have given 
you my wheelbarrow察and now you are going to give me your plank。 Of 
course察the wheelbarrow is worth far more than the plank察but true察
friendship never notices things like that。 Pray get it at once察and I will set 
to work at my barn this very day。' 
    ;'Certainly' cried little Hans察and he ran into the shed and dragged the 
plank out。 
    ;'It is not a very big plank' said the Miller察looking at it察'and I am 
afraid that after I have mended my barn´roof there won't be any left for 
you to mend the wheelbarrow with察but察of course察that is not my fault。 
And now察as I have given you my wheelbarrow察I am sure you would like 
to give me some flowers in return。 Here is the basket察and mind you fill 
it quite full。' 
    ;'Quite full' said little Hans察rather sorrowfully察for it was really a 
very big basket察and he knew that if he filled it he would have no flowers 
left for the market and he was very anxious to get his silver buttons back。 
    ;'Well察really' answered the Miller察'as I have given you my 
wheelbarrow察I don't think that it is much to ask you for a few flowers。 I 
may be wrong察but I should have thought that friendship察true friendship察
 selfishness of any kind。' 
    ;'My dear friend察my best friend' cried little Hans察'you are wele to 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

all the flowers in my garden。 I would much sooner have your good 
opinion than my silver buttons察any day'察and he ran and plucked all his 
pretty primroses察and filled the Miller's basket。 
    ;'Good´bye察little Hans' said the Miller察as he went up the hill with the 
plank on his shoulder察and the big basket in his hand。 
    ;'Good´bye' said little Hans察and he began to dig aerrily察
he was so pleased about the wheelbarrow。 
    ;The next day he was nailing up some honeysuckle against the porch察
when he heard the Miller's voice calling to him from the road。 So he 
jumped off the ladder察and ran down the garden察and looked over the wall。 
    ;There was the Miller with a large sack of flour on his back。 
    ;'Dear little Hans' said the Miller察'would you mind carrying this sack 
of flour for me to market' 
    ;'Oh察I am so sorry' said Hans察'but I am really very busy to´day。 I 
have got all my creepers to nail up察and all my flowers to water察and all my 
grass to roll。' 
    ;'Well察really' said the Miller察'I think that察considering that I am going 
to give you my wheelbarrow察it is rather unfriendly of you to refuse。' 
    ;'Oh察don't say that' cried little Hans察'I wouldn't be unfriendly for the 
whole world'察and he ran in for his cap察and trudged off with the big sack 
on his shoulders。 
    ;It was a very hot day察and the road was terribly dusty察and before 
Hans had reached the sixth milestone he was so tired that he had to sit 
down and rest。 However察he went on bravely察and as last he reached the 
market。 After he had waited there some time察he sold the sack of flour 
for a very good price察and then he returned home at once察for he was afraid 
that if he stopped too late he might meet some robbers on the way。 
    ;'It has certainly been a hard day' said little Hans to himself as he was 
going to bed察'but I am glad I did not refuse the Miller察for he is my best 
friend察and察besides察he is going to give me his wheelbarrow。' 
    ;Early the next morning the Miller came down to get the money for 
his sack of flour察but little Hans was so tired that he was still in bed。 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

     ;'Upon my word' said the Miller察'you are very lazy。              Really察
considering that I am going to give you my wheelbarrow察I think you 
might work harder。 Idleness is a great sin察and I certainly don't like any 
of my friends to be idle or sluggish。 You must not mind my speaking 
quite plainly to you。 Of course I should not dream of doing so if I were 
not your friend。 But what is the good of friendship if one cannot say 
exactly what one means拭Anybody can say charming things and try to 
please and to flatter察but a true friend always says unpleasant things察and 
does not mind giving pain。 Indeed察if he is a really true friend he prefers 
it察for he knows that then he is doing good。' 
     ;'I am very sorry' said little Hans察rubbing his eyes and pulling off his 
night´cap察'but I was so tired that I thought I would lie in bed for a little 
time察and listen to the birds singing。 Do you know that I always work 
better after hearing the birds sing' 
     ;'Well察I am glad of that' said the Miller察clapping little Hans on the 
back察'for I want you to e up to the mill as soon as you are dressed察
and mend my barn´roof for me。' 
     ;Poor little Hans was very anxious to go and work in his garden察for 
his flowers had not been watered for two days察but he did not like to refuse 
the Miller察as he was such a good friend to him。 
     ;'Do you think it would be unfriendly of me if I said I was busy' he 
inquired in a shy and timid voice。 
     ;'Well察really' answered the Miller察'I do not think it is much to ask of 
you察considering that I am going to give you my wheelbarrow察but of 
course if you refuse I will go and do it myself。' 
     ;'Oh on no account' cried little Hans and he jumped out of bed察and 
dressed himself察and went up to the barn。 
     ;He worked there all day long察till sunset察and at sunset the Miller 
came to see how he was getting on。 
     ;'Have you mended the hole in the roof yet察little Hans' cried the 
Miller in a cheery voice。 
     ;'It is quite mended' answered little Hans察ing down the ladder。 


                              The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

     ;'Ah' said the Miller察'there is no work so delightful as the work one 
does for others。' 
     ;'It is certainly a great privilege to hear you talk' answered little Hans察
sitting down察and wiping his forehead察'a very great privilege。 But I am 
afraid I shall never have such beautiful ideas as you have。' 
     ;'Oh they will e to you' said the Miller察'but you must take more 
pains。 At present you have only the practice of friendship察some day you 
will have the theory also。' 
     ;'Do you really think I shall' asked little Hans。 
     ;'I have no doubt of it' answered the Miller察'but now that you have 
mended the roof察you had better go home and rest察for I want you to drive 
my sheep to the mountain to´morrow。' 
     ;Poor little Hans was afraid to say anything to this察and early the next 
morning the Miller brought his sheep round to the cottage察and Hans 
started off with them to the mountain。 It took him the whole day to get 
there and back察and when he returned he was so tired that he went off to 
sleep in his chair察and did not wake up till it was broad daylight。 
     ;'What a delightful time I shall have in my garden' he said察and he 
went to work at once。 
     ;But somehow he was never able to look after his flowers at all察for his 
friend the Miller was always ing round and sending him off on long 
errands察or getting him to help at the mill。 Little Hans was very much 
distressed at times察as he was afraid his flowers would think he had 
forgotten them察but he consoled himself by the reflection that the Miller 
was his best friend。 'Besides' he used to say察'he is going to give me his 
wheelbarrow察and that is an act of pure generosity。' 
     ;So little Hans worked away for the Miller察and the Miller said all 
kinds of beautiful things about friendship察which Hans took down in a 
note´book察and used to read over at night察for he was a very good scholar。 
     ;Now it happened that one evening little Hans was sitting by his 
fireside when a loud rap came at the door。 It was a very wild night察and 
the wind was blowing and roaring round the house so terribly that at first 


                             The Happy Prince and Other Tales 

he thought it was merely the storm。 But a second rap came察and then a 
third察louder than any of the others。 
    ;'It is some poor traveller' said little Hans to himself察and he ran to the 
    ;There stood the Miller with a lantern in one hand and a big stick in 
the other。 
    ;'Dear little Hans' cried the Miller察'I am in great trouble。 My little 
boy has fallen off a ladder and hurt himself察and I am going for the Doctor。 
But he lives so far away察and it is such a bad night察that it has just occurred 
to me that it would be much better if you went instead of me。 You know 
I am going to give you my wheelbarrow察and so察it is only fair that you 
should do something for me in return。' 
    ;'Certainly' cried little Hans察'I take it quite as a pliment your 
ing to me察and I will start off at once。 But you must lend me your 
lantern察as the night is so dark that I am afraid I might fall into the ditch。' 
    ;'I am very sorry' answered the Miller察'but it 

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