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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第68章

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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counting…house to blend into a busy hum; interspersed with periodical
clinks and thumps。 The patient figures at work were swarthy with the
filings of iron and steel that danced on every bench and bubbled up
through every chink in the planking。 The workshop was arrived at by a
step…ladder from the outer yard below; where it served as a shelter for
the large grindstone where tools were sharpened。 The whole had at once
a fanciful and practical air in Clennam's eyes; which was a wele
change; and; as often as he raised them from his first work of getting
the array of business documents into perfect order; he glanced at these
things with a feeling of pleasure in his pursuit that was new to him。

Raising his eyes thus one day; he was surprised to see a bon
labouring up the step…ladder。 The unusual apparition was followed by
another bon。 He then perceived that the first bon was on the head
of Mr F。's Aunt; and that the second bon was on the head of Flora;
who seemed to have propelled her legacy up the steep ascent with
considerable difficulty。 Though not altogether enraptured at the sight
of these visitors; Clennam lost no time in opening the counting…house
door; and extricating them from the workshop; a rescue which was
rendered the more necessary by Mr F。's Aunt already stumbling over some
impediment; and menacing steam power as an Institution with a stony
reticule she carried。

'Good gracious; Arthur;……I should say Mr Clennam; far more proper……the
climb we have had to get up here and how ever to get down again without
a fire…escape and Mr F。's Aunt slipping through the steps and bruised
all over and you in the machinery and foundry way too only think; and
never told us!'

Thus; Flora; out of breath。 Meanwhile; Mr F。's Aunt rubbed her esteemed
insteps with her umbrella; and vindictively glared。

'Most unkind never to have e back to see us since that day; though
naturally it was not to be expected that there should be any attraction
at our house and you were much more pleasantly engaged; that's pretty
certain; and is she fair or dark blue eyes or black I wonder; not that
I expect that she should be anything but a perfect contrast to me in all
particulars for I am a disappointment as I very well know and you are
quite right to be devoted no doubt though what I am saying Arthur never
mind I hardly know myself Good gracious!'

By this time he had placed chairs for them in the counting…house。 As
Flora dropped into hers; she bestowed the old look upon him。

'And to think of Doyce and Clennam; and who Doyce can be;' said Flora;
'delightful man no doubt and married perhaps or perhaps a daughter; now
has he really? then one understands the partnership and sees it all;
don't tell me anything about it for I know I have no claim to ask the
question the golden chain that once was forged being snapped and very

Flora put her hand tenderly on his; and gave him another of the youthful

'Dear Arthur……force of habit; Mr Clennam every way more delicate and
adapted to existing circumstances……I must beg to be excused for taking
the liberty of this intrusion but I thought I might so far presume upon
old times for ever faded never more to bloom as to call with Mr F。's
Aunt to congratulate and offer best wishes; A great deal superior to
China not to be denied and much nearer though higher up!'

'I am very happy to see you;' said Clennam; 'and I thank you; Flora;
very much for your kind remembrance。'

'More than I can say myself at any rate;' returned Flora; 'for I might
have been dead and buried twenty distinct times over and no doubt
whatever should have been before you had genuinely remembered Me or
anything like it in spite of which one last remark I wish to make; one
last explanation I wish to offer……'

'My dear Mrs Finching;' Arthur remonstrated in alarm。

'Oh not that disagreeable name; say Flora!'

'Flora; is it worth troubling yourself afresh to enter into
explanations? I assure you none are needed。 I am satisfied……I am
perfectly satisfied。'

A diversion was occasioned here; by Mr F。's Aunt making the following
inexorable and awful statement:

'There's mile…stones on the Dover road!'

With such mortal hostility towards the human race did she discharge this
missile; that Clennam was quite at a loss how to defend himself; the
rather as he had been already perplexed in his mind by the honour of a
visit from this venerable lady; when it was plain she held him in the
utmost abhorrence。 He could not but look at her with disconcertment; as
she sat breathing bitterness and scorn; and staring leagues away。 Flora;
however; received the remark as if it had been of a most apposite and
agreeable nature; approvingly observing aloud that Mr F。's Aunt had a
great deal of spirit。 Stimulated either by this pliment; or by her
burning indignation; that illustrious woman then added; 'Let him meet
it if he can!' And; with a rigid movement of her stony reticule (an
appendage of great size and of a fossil appearance); indicated that
Clennam was the unfortunate person at whom the challenge was hurled。

'One last remark;' resumed Flora; 'I was going to say I wish to make one
last explanation I wish to offer; Mr F。's Aunt and myself would not have
intruded on business hours Mr F。 having been in business and though the
wine trade still business is equally business call it what you will and
business habits are just the same as witness Mr F。 himself who had his
slippers always on the mat at ten minutes before six in the afternoon
and his boots inside the fender at ten minutes before eight in the
morning to the moment in all weathers light or dark……would not therefore
have intruded without a motive which being kindly meant it may be hoped
will be kindly taken Arthur; Mr Clennam far more proper; even Doyce and
Clennam probably more business…like。'

'Pray say nothing in the way of apology;' Arthur entreated。 'You are
always wele。'

'Very polite of you to say so Arthur……cannot remember Mr Clennam until
the word is out; such is the habit of times for ever fled; and so true
it is that oft in the stilly night ere slumber's chain has bound people;
fond memory brings the light of other days around people……very polite
but more polite than true I am afraid; for to go into the machinery
business without so much as sending a line or a card to papa……I don't
say me though there was a time but that is past and stern reality has
now my gracious never mind……does not look like it you must confess。'

Even Flora's mas seemed to have fled on this occasion; she was so
much more disjointed and voluble than in the preceding interview。

'Though indeed;' she hurried on; 'nothing else is to be expected and why
should it be expected and if it's not to be expected why should it be;
and I am far from blaming you or any one; When your mama and my papa
worried us to death and severed the golden bowl……I mean bond but I dare
say you know what I mean and if you don't you don't lose much and care
just as little I will venture to add……when they severed the golden bond
that bound us and threw us into fits of crying on the sofa nearly choked
at least myself everything was changed and in giving my hand to Mr F。 I
know I did so with my eyes open but he was so very unsettled and in such
low spirits that he had distractedly alluded to the river if not oil of
something from the chemist's and I did it for the best。'

'My good Flora; we settled that before。 It was all quite right。'

'It's perfectly clear you think so;' returned Flora; 'for you take it
very coolly; if I hadn't known it to be China I should have guessed
myself the Polar regions; dear Mr Clennam you are right however and I
cannot blame you but as to Doyce and Clennam papa's property being about
here we heard it from Pancks and but for him we never should have heard
one word about it I am satisfied。'

'No; no; don't say that。'

'What nonsense not to say it Arthur……Doyce and Clennam……easier and less
trying to me than Mr Clennam……when I know it and you know it too and
can't deny it。'

'But I do deny it; Flora。 I should soon have made you a friendly visit。'

'Ah!' said Flora; tossing her head。 'I dare say!' and she gave him
another of the old looks。 'However when Pancks told us I made up my mind
that Mr F。's Aunt and I would e and call because when papa……which was
before that……happened to mention her name to me and to say that you were
interested in her I said at the moment Good gracious why not have her
here then when there's anything to do instead of putting it out。'

'When you say Her;' observed Clennam; by this time pretty well
bewildered; 'do you mean Mr F。's……'

'My goodness; Arthur……Doyce and Clennam really easier to me with old
remembrances……who ever heard of Mr F。's Aunt doing needlework and going
out by the day?'

'Going out by the day! Do you speak of Little Dorrit?' 'Why yes of
course;' returned Flora; 'and of all the strangest names I ever heard
the strangest; like a place down in the country with a turnpike; or a
favourite pony or a puppy or a bird or something from a seed…shop to be
put in a garden or a flower…pot and e up speckled。'

'Then; Flora;' said Arthur; with a sudd

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