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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第51章

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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'Perfectly well。' 'And when you gave me some other good advice which I
needed at that time?'

'I won't say what it was worth;' answered Mr Meagles: 'but of course I
remember our being very pleasant and confidential together。'

'I have acted on your advice; and having disembarrassed myself of an
occupation that was painful to me for many reasons; wish to devote
myself and what means I have; to another pursuit。'

'Right! You can't do it too soon;' said Mr Meagles。

'Now; as I came down to…day; I found that your friend; Mr Doyce; is
looking for a partner in his business……not a partner in his mechanical
knowledge; but in the ways and means of turning the business arising
from it to the best account。'

'Just so;' said Mr Meagles; with his hands in his pockets; and with
the old business expression of face that had belonged to the scales and

'Mr Doyce mentioned incidentally; in the course of our conversation;
that he was going to take your valuable advice on the subject of finding
such a partner。 If you should think our views and opportunities at all
likely to coincide; perhaps you will let him know my available position。
I speak; of course; in ignorance of the details; and they may be
unsuitable on both sides。'

'No doubt; no doubt;' said Mr Meagles; with the caution belonging to the
scales and scoop。

'But they will be a question of figures and accounts……'

'Just so; just so;' said Mr Meagles; with arithmetical solidity
belonging to the scales and scoop。

'……And I shall be glad to enter into the subject; provided Mr Doyce
responds; and you think well of it。 If you will at present; therefore;
allow me to place it in your hands; you will much oblige me。'

'Clennam; I accept the trust with readiness;' said Mr Meagles。 'And
without anticipating any of the points which you; as a man of business;
have of course reserved; I am free to say to you that I think something
may e of this。 Of one thing you may be perfectly certain。 Daniel is
an honest man。'

'I am so sure of it that I have promptly made up my mind to speak to
you。' 'You must guide him; you know; you must steer him; you must direct
him; he is one of a crotchety sort;' said Mr Meagles; evidently meaning
nothing more than that he did new things and went new ways; 'but he is
as honest as the sun; and so good night!' Clennam went back to his room;
sat down again before his fire; and made up his mind that he was glad
he had resolved not to fall in love with Pet。 She was so beautiful;
so amiable; so apt to receive any true impression given to her gentle
nature and her innocent heart; and make the man who should be so happy
as to municate it; the most fortunate and enviable of all men; that
he was very glad indeed he had e to that conclusion。

But; as this might have been a reason for ing to the opposite
conclusion; he followed out the theme again a little way in his mind; to
justify himself; perhaps。

'Suppose that a man;' so his thoughts ran; 'who had been of age some
twenty years or so; who was a diffident man; from the circumstances of
his youth; who was rather a grave man; from the tenor of his life; who
knew himself to be deficient in many little engaging qualities which
he admired in others; from having been long in a distant region; with
nothing softening near him; who had no kind sisters to present to her;
who had no congenial home to make her known in; who was a stranger in
the land; who had not a fortune to pensate; in any measure; for
these defects; who had nothing in his favour but his honest love and his
general wish to do right……suppose such a man were to e to this house;
and were to yield to the captivation of this charming girl; and were to
persuade himself that he could hope to win her; what a weakness it would

He softly opened his window; and looked out upon the serene river。 Year
after year so much allowance for the drifting of the ferry…boat; so
many miles an hour the flowing of the stream; here the rushes; there the
lilies; nothing uncertain or unquiet。

Why should he be vexed or sore at heart? It was not his weakness that he
had imagined。 It was nobody's; nobody's within his knowledge; why should
it trouble him? And yet it did trouble him。 And he thought……who has not
thought for a moment; sometimes?……that it might be better to flow away
monotonously; like the river; and to pound for its insensibility to
happiness with its insensibility to pain。

CHAPTER 17。 Nobody's Rival

Before breakfast in the morning; Arthur walked out to look about him。
As the morning was fine and he had an hour on his hands; he crossed the
river by the ferry; and strolled along a footpath through some meadows。
When he came back to the towing…path; he found the ferry…boat on the
opposite side; and a gentleman hailing it and waiting to be taken over。

This gentleman looked barely thirty。 He was well dressed; of a sprightly
and gay appearance; a well…knit figure; and a rich dark plexion。 As
Arthur came over the stile and down to the water's edge; the lounger
glanced at him for a moment; and then resumed his occupation of idly
tossing stones into the water with his foot。 There was something in his
way of spurning them out of their places with his heel; and getting them
into the required position; that Clennam thought had an air of cruelty
in it。 Most of us have more or less frequently derived a similar
impression from a man's manner of doing some very little thing: plucking
a flower; clearing away an obstacle; or even destroying an insentient

The gentleman's thoughts were preoccupied; as his face showed; and he
took no notice of a fine Newfoundland dog; who watched him attentively;
and watched every stone too; in its turn; eager to spring into the
river on receiving his master's sign。 The ferry…boat came over; however;
without his receiving any sign; and when it grounded his master took him
by the collar and walked him into it。

'Not this morning;' he said to the dog。 'You won't do for ladies'
pany; dripping wet。 Lie down。'

Clennam followed the man and the dog into the boat; and took his seat。
The dog did as he was ordered。 The man remained standing; with his hands
in his pockets; and towered between Clennam and the prospect。 Man and
dog both jumped lightly out as soon as they touched the other side; and
went away。 Clennam was glad to be rid of them。

The church clock struck the breakfast hour as he walked up the little
lane by which the garden…gate was approached。 The moment he pulled the
bell a deep loud barking assailed him from within the wall。

'I heard no dog last night;' thought Clennam。 The gate was opened by
one of the rosy maids; and on the lawn were the Newfoundland dog and the

'Miss Minnie is not down yet; gentlemen;' said the blushing portress; as
they all came together in the garden。 Then she said to the master of the
dog; 'Mr Clennam; sir;' and tripped away。

'Odd enough; Mr Clennam; that we should have met just now;' said
the man。 Upon which the dog became mute。 'Allow me to introduce
myself……Henry Gowan。 A pretty place this; and looks wonderfully well
this morning!'

The manner was easy; and the voice agreeable; but still Clennam thought;
that if he had not made that decided resolution to avoid falling in love
with Pet; he would have taken a dislike to this Henry Gowan。

'It's new to you; I believe?' said this Gowan; when Arthur had extolled
the place。 'Quite new。 I made acquaintance with it only yesterday

'Ah! Of course this is not its best aspect。 It used to look charming in
the spring; before they went away last time。 I should like you to have
seen it then。'

But for that resolution so often recalled; Clennam might have wished him
in the crater of Mount Etna; in return for this civility。

'I have had the pleasure of seeing it under many circumstances during
the last three years; and it's……a Paradise。'

It was (at least it might have been; always excepting for that wise
resolution) like his dexterous impudence to call it a Paradise。 He only
called it a Paradise because he first saw her ing; and so made her
out within her hearing to be an angel; Confusion to him! And ah! how
beaming she looked; and how glad! How she caressed the dog; and how the
dog knew her! How expressive that heightened colour in her face; that
fluttered manner; her downcast eyes; her irresolute happiness! When had
Clennam seen her look like this? Not that there was any reason why he
might; could; would; or should have ever seen her look like this;
or that he had ever hoped for himself to see her look like this; but
still……when had he ever known her do it!

He stood at a little distance from them。 This Gowan when he had talked
about a Paradise; had gone up to her and taken her hand。 The dog had put
his great paws on her arm and laid his head against her dear bosom。 She
had laughed and weled them; and made far too much of the dog; far;
far; too much……that is to say; supposing there had been any third person
looking on who loved her。

She disengaged herself now; and came to Clennam; and put her hand in his
and wished him good morning; and gracefully made as if she would take
his arm and be esc

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