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〃I'm…I'm not sure;〃 Marlene told the intel chief。
Vince grimaced and blew out his breath。 〃We've tried to give you time to think through your position; er; Marlene。 But I'm afraid time has run out for all of us。 We have reason to believe you can tell us where the Regis is; and we need that answer now。〃
Marlene swallowed and found her voice。 〃I've been trying…〃
〃Don't give us any of that;〃 Obstat said; cutting her off。 〃You're Invid; and what one of you knows; you all know。 Just tell us where we can find the Regis; and we'll put an end to this。 It's for your own good; too;〃 he added。 〃How else are you planning to get home if we don't take you there?〃
Scott was tempted to tell Obstat how Sera had gone home but held his tongue。 Marlene was staring at the director; lower lip trembling。
〃But don't you see; I'm not all Invid;〃 she replied。 〃I have…〃
〃You're all Invid as far as we're concerned;〃 a woman officer sneered。
Marlene closed her eyes and shook her head。 〃If that's true; then how is it that one of your own kind loves me?〃 Her eyes found Scott; as did everyone else's in the room。 〃Tell them; Scott; please。 Make them understand。〃
〃Well; Colonel?〃 Vince said; averting his eyes。 〃Suppose you tell us。〃
Scott's hands clenched beneath the tabletop。 He looked at Marlene as he slowly rose to his feet。
〃I'm sorry; mander;〃 he began; 〃but I guess our trick didn't work。〃 Again he locked eyes with Marlene。 〃It was a good idea to make it seem like you were releasing her in my custody; but I guess she just didn't buy it。 I certainly did my part to convince her that I 。。。 loved her; sir。 But she wouldn't tell me anything。〃
Scott swallowed hard and continued。 〃Hell; I would have told her anything she wanted to hear to get that information。 I sure don't mind admitting now that this was the toughest charade I've ever had to play out。 Pretending love for this 。。。 Invid。 And all the while thinking about what they did to Earth; what they've probably done to our friends and rades on the SDF…3。〃 Scott snorted; averting his eyes from the table。 〃I think all I managed to do was help convince her she really is human; mander。 Imagine that; will you…this Invid; human。〃
Wide…eyed through Scott's confession; Marlene suddenly put her hands to her head and screamed。
The scream was a nonhuman one。
She aimed a finger across the table at Scott。 〃You betrayed me! You told me you loved me!〃
Scott held his breath。
Marlene was about to continue; when her body was seized by a violent paroxysm。 The two majors flanking her leapt from their seats as she began to fade from view。
〃Don't touch her!〃 someone warned。 As if anyone was about to。
Scott thought he might pass out; but just then Marlene rematerialized; skin tinged green and expression vacant。 Her right hand was still raised but pointed out the viewport。 She regarded the table for a long moment; as though challenging anyone to speak。 But it was Marlene herself who broke the spell her brief disappearance had cast。
〃There;〃 she said finally with utter contempt。
Scott joined the others at the table in following her finger。 〃Ranaath's Star?〃 Obstat stammered。 〃Your queen is inside the black hole?〃
〃You asked to know;〃 Marlene said flatly。
〃Christ;〃 Louis Nichols muttered。 〃Veldt wasn't kidding when he said the Ark Angel isn't built for the trip。〃
〃I know how difficult that was for you; Scott;〃 Vince said after Marlene had been taken from the room。 〃But we had to know。 You understand; don't you?〃
Scott looked up at him; face drained of blood。 〃And is she going to understand that I was lying just now?〃 He sighed heavily。 〃I've sentenced her to death; mander。 I've killed her。〃
Dr。 Penn almost laid a hand on Scott's shoulder but withdrew it。 〃She had to remember who she was; son。 The shock was necessary。 You couldn't have prevented it; anyway。 She belongs to her own kind; not here; divided; trapped in two separate worlds。〃
Scott uttered a sardonic laugh。 〃A lot of good it did us; Doctor。〃 He motioned with his chin toward the viewport。 〃The SDF…3 is out of reach。〃
〃Haydon doesn't seem to think so;〃 Louie said into the silence。 〃Look;〃 he explained as heads turned; 〃I realize that any directional coordinates we could coax from the Awareness would be useless now。 But Haydon's obviously convinced that it's possible to follow the lead; no matter where it ends up。〃
Vince shook his head。 〃If you're thinking that I'll risk taking this ship into that 。 。 。 〃 he said; indicating Ranaath's Star。 Louie held up his hands。 〃I'm not。 I was only going to suggest that instead of pilfering coordinates; we steal one of those ships。〃
Minmei was crying when she left the music room。 But what she had first assumed to be a rapturous outpouring brought upon by the harmonies of the clones' psalms she now understood to be tears of sadness。 The ancient songs had awakened an aged hurt inside her one she could not be certain was even hers; but it touched her as though it was and was connected somehow with Rem。
The tears were flowing patently by the time she rushed blindly onto the lift; where she ran straight into Lisa Hayes Hunter。
〃Minmei;〃 Lisa said; surprised。 〃What's wrong?〃
The odd thing was that the sight of Minmei's tears actually helped to dam the flow of Lisa's own。 Relieved by her exec only moments before; Lisa had nearly fled the bridge like a lovesick adolescent; crushed by the discovery that a romance meant to last an eternity was not even going to survive the football season! She was at a loss to explain just what had brought the nosedive on…some aftereffect of the argument with Rick; perhaps; or just plain concern for his well…being planetside…and she was headed for the nursery to press Roy to her breast with a vengeance。
〃Do you want to talk about it; Minmei?〃 Lisa asked; feeling that the situation was awkward all of a sudden。 Their friendship had been on a steady decline since Lisa and Rick's wedding day。 The Sentinels campaign hadn't helped; nor had Minmei's fling with T。 R。 Edwards and her subsequent retirement from public life。 But Lisa had heard that Minmei had been on the mend; thanks to Rem。 And hadn't Rick mentioned something about her singing again?
Well; maybe it was one of those artistic mood swings; Lisa started to tell herself; when Minmei said; 〃It's Rem。〃
Lisa eyed the young woman who had slipped onto the lift behind Minmei and was off to one side now; pretending disinterest in the conversation。 The woman had security written all over her。
〃e on;〃 Lisa said; leading Minmei off the lift at the Hoed deck。 〃Now tell me what happened;〃 she added; a few steps down the quiet corridor。
Minmei sniffled and ran the back of her hand under each eye。 〃That's just it; Lisa; I don't know what happened。 I just; it's just 。 。 。 I'm feeling like he used me。 Just the way everyone else has done for my whole stupid life。〃 She took a deep breath。 〃The singing hasn't helped me。 It's made me feel worse about everything。 He just wanted me to sing so he could take his little trip down memory lane。〃
Lisa waited for her to continue。
Minmei sniffled again。 〃It's for Zor;〃 she said dismissively。 〃He thinks the old Tiresian songs will jar memories of Zor's early experiences on Tirol and Optera。〃
〃Optera?〃 Lisa said; thinking suddenly of the planet below。 A planet that had appeared out of nowhere。
〃I just keep feeling he's betrayed me somehow;〃 Minmei explained; sobbing。 〃He doesn't love me。 He probably never loved me。〃
Lisa was not listening。 Some half…formed realization had begun to vie for her attention; a thought she could not quite assemble。 But before she knew it; she had taken Minmei by the upper arms and was shaking her。 〃Did Rem tell you why it's so important he recall Zor's memories?〃
Minmei looked up; startled。
Lisa dropped her arms at her sides and exhaled。 〃Minmei; listen to me。 I'm on my way to the nursery right now because I feel like Rick's been lying to me about something。 That he's really in love with that little idiot Sue Graham or someone。 But I know that isn't true; even if he has been acting like a plete jerk。〃 She looked into Minmei's eyes。 〃And I'm sure Rem hasn't betrayed you。 It has something to do with this place; Minmei。 Something we haven't considered yet。〃 She gnawed at a finger; remembering Roy。 〃It's even begun to affect the children。〃
Minmei looked ashen。 〃Oh; please; don't tell me that;〃 she said; turning to face the corridor wall。 〃You can't tell anyone; Lisa;〃 she added; 〃but I'm carrying Rem's child。〃
Although Wilfred Gibley is most often credited with the discovery of machine mind and the development of cyber…interface technology (See Shi…Ling's 〃Sometimes Even a Yakuza Needs a Place to Hide〃); Nichols was to bee the movement's principal advocate and spokesperson。 Evidence suggests that Nichols himself may have been working along similar lines as early as May of 2031; when he wrote: 〃It was Bowie 'Grant' that started me thinking。 He used to say that he thought of music; like mathematics; as this place somewhere out there that adepts could tune into。 And that the key signatures and notes and scales were actually solid things you could approach in that realm。 So