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gnificance of Newspaper Innovation…… A speech at the Morning Post mid…year summing…up seminar (3 August 2002)19。;Strive to make Morning Post a first…rate newspaper。…… A speech at the 2002’ Morning Post mid…year summing…up seminar (5 August 2002)20。;I am the peak when climbing up to the summit of the mountain。…… A speech at the Morning Post mendation meeting (19 January 2004)21。;Anything more important than creation?…… A speech at the Tianjin Youth editors and journalists military training conclusion ceremony (19 February 2002)22。;Attraction and Control Force to News Receivers …… A speech at the mobilization conference of resuming publication of Tianjin Youth (21 June 2002)23。;News into Depth; Brand New Concept; City Positioning; and Youth Reading…… A speech at the meeting of changing the layout of Tianjin Youth pages (8 September 2002)24。;Rapid and Urbanized…… A speech at the report meeting on changing the layout of City Message pages (21 February 2004)25。;The soul of vanguard is individualization。…… An impromptu at the Holiday 100 backbone staff members working conference (11 November 2001)26。;How to Break the Difficult Position – Song of Tempering 2001 (17 January 2001)27。;How to Create Miracle …… Song of Tempering 2002 (27 February 2002)28。;How to Leap Across Steps …… Song of Tempering 2003 (17 February 2003)27。;How to Expand Undertakings …… Song of Tempering 2004 (29 March 2004)27。;How to Realize Development …… Song of Tempering 2005 (28 February 2005)

  Brief Introduction to Zhang Jianxing  Zhang Jianxing; male; origin: Xinzhou; Shanxi Province; born in Tianjin on 15 March 1958; graduated from Department of Chinese Language; Tianjin Normal University in autumn 1993。 He was assigned to Tianjin Daily newspaper office as journalist in the same year。 One and an half years later; he became the director of the journalist department。 At the age of 30; he entered the editing mittee。 He was promoted successively to director…level journalist and senior journalist by breaking convention。 In 1995; he took the position of deputy editor…in…chief; and elected by the State Council as young expert with outstanding contribution。 In 1997; he attended the middle…aged and young cadres class of the CPC Central mittee Party School for a year。 In 1997~1999; he attended; and graduated from; the post graduate program of the CPC Central mittee Party School。 In September 2003; he concurrently took the position of vice director of the Propaganda Department of Tianjin Municipal CPC Party mittee。   Standing member of China Journalist Association; vice chairman of Tianjin Journalist Association; president of National Newspapers Self…publication Association; vice president of China News Photography Society; president of Tianjin News Photography Society; visiting research fellow of International Circulation Research Center of Tsinghua University; PhD supervisor of China Mass Media University; visiting professor of the Institute of Literature; Nankai University; MBA visiting professor of Tianjin Institute of Finance and Economics; winner of national good news and China news prizes I; II and III for many times; winner of Tianjin good news prize I for a dozen of times; winner of national prizes of essays and reportages; winner of the top prize of Chinese news circles – Second Fan Changjiang News Prize。;;;;; Collections of Creative Works  Published Works:   “Devil Market” (Sanlian Publishing House); “The Masses Breaking Through an Encirclement” (Tianjin People’s Press); “Concept is not a Square” (Sanlian Publishing House); “Memorial Writing” (Baihua Artistic Press; winning the prize of national ten best collections of essays); “Flow of Chinese Mood” (Tianjin People’s Press); “Mother; Years Gone” (Writers’ Press); “Fables at Age of 40” (Shidai Press); “Era of Creative Concept on News” (Wenhui Press); “Era of Media Operation” (Wenhui Press); “Moved by the Ease of History” (Wenhui Press); etc。   Main Works:  “Ways of 100 Journalists in a Century”; “March with Songs of Victory in 80 Years”; “Half a Century’s Brilliance” (essays finely selected from Art Weekly); “1999…2000 Brilliant Planning of Tianjin Daily”; “City Details; Words and Deeds – Tianjin 600”; “Legend of Mass Media Era”; etc。 

* 全球化背景带来的是信息全球化,没有防火墙,带来的是共同的语境,带来的是世界正在走向融合。现在不是我要吃掉你,你要吃掉我,尤其从信息上讲是你要渗透我,我要渗透你,你拥有我,我拥有你。我们的纸还是不是权威纸,信息还是不是有效信息。现在的媒体已经发生从吸引力到控制力的巨变,大家要特别关注全球化问题。
  * 保持报纸的先进性首先要保持的是内容的先进性,准确地描述社会生活变化,提供这些变化的背景分析,突出这些变化中具有历史意义的细节,倡导先进的公义理念,代言最大多数人的利益。
  * 本土化的战略是最可取的起步区,区域品牌的覆盖和扩张将是我们与竞争对手短兵相接的主要战场。对境外媒体随着WTO的进入,区域化和本土化是我们的基础所在,是我们保持固有竞争优势的第一选择。
  * 新闻已经进入了完全的策划时代,在策划当中已经完成了重新的原创和包装,第一时间的新闻固然重要,但是背景、细节和全过程策划已经成为现在新闻的特点。
  * 从“媒体经营”到“经营媒体”经历了三个阶段:跑马圈地阶段、硬件建设阶段,和在发行上从体制到终端形成突破的阶段。
  * 现在经营和以往有所不同,需要发挥想象力和创造力,重新组合资源,在新的资源配置和利益整合中,寻找更强大的运营能力和市场空间,实现利润最大化。
  * 坚持正确导向,投身市场竞争,带出一流队伍,办出大报风格,这是一个总的目标,或叫总体思路。近期的目标是以图片带版面,以版面带新闻,以新闻带记者,以记者带队伍。那么对中层干部、主任、编委会成员,包括我在内、副总编辑在内,也有三句话的目标:指挥前移、作风深入、工作艰苦。
  * 《天津日报》是机关报,时政新闻当然要摆在第一位。任何时候,时政新闻权威优势、特色优势都不能失去,其实这也是我们最大的优势和卖点。我总讲要把优良的政治资源和市场资源对接起来,天津日报的权威优势怎样表达呢?要从要闻开始。
  * 言论体现我们的态度和声音,不能越过市委的思路,另来一套思路不行,但写法、语境、形式是可以创新的。
  * 一定要突出人物,强化人物。整个报纸有态度,有声音,有表情。这个表情除了形式以外,版式风格以外,就是突出人物,就是人物命运、人物心声、人物动态构筑的那种表情。
  * 平面媒体的最大优势是新闻深读,新闻进入了一种深读时代。就是你提供新闻,提供新闻的同时还着重提供新闻的背景,提供细节,提供分析,提供权威的声音,提供本报的立场。这是我们平面媒体和电子媒体可以竞争的一个方面。
  * 《每日新报》必须保持信息的纯度。要特别强调新闻质量,新闻的有用性。要树立鲜明的《每日新报》个性。数字化时代与工业文明、农业文明的区别在于规模化和个性张扬,而后者(个性张扬)是这个数字化时代最为鲜明的特点,这种变化不仅要改变我们的生活结构、价值观念,而且,它很可能改变我们的哲学思维。
  * 那么一张报呢,一个企业呢,它也是品格的较量。保持一种什么精神、一种什么作风,一个团队、一张报纸体现一种什么风气、保持一种什么文化素养,综合起来就是品格。说简单点,就是正气。要让人感觉到这是一张充满正气的报纸,一支充满正气的团队。
  * “###”的根本利益是人们群众,要站在老百姓的立场上。这件事我说的很严肃,你这个舆论监督千万公正,跟广告无关,跟关系无关,公正的站在老百姓的立场上,监督那些不公的事,“路见不平一声吼”,千万把握公正这个原则,代表老百姓,代表市民,做舆论监督的人要水平高、品质好、政治敏感性强。
  * 前卫性的灵魂是个性化,什么叫个性?个性就是风格。什么叫风格?风格不是从第一期开始从第一版开始就一成不变。个性和风格的生命力就在于创新,不断地求变。真正办一份很前卫的报纸,从个性上、从风格上、从报纸的总体感觉上都要创新,要不断地创新。
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