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小说: 15_death_dance 字数: 每页4000字

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〃There is an easier way to get them back。〃

Jack swung around to see who had interrupted him。 When he saw it was Burak he fell silent; along with almost everyone else。 The Perytonian had bee something of an invisible being since the attempted mutiny; and to hear him suddenly speak; much less offer an opinion; was something of an event。

〃You are forgetting our race in the hold;〃 Burak said to the group's collective puzzlement。

〃You mean 'ace in the hole;'〃 Jack corrected him。


〃Tesla;〃 Cabell exclaimed。

The devil from Peryton nodded。

〃A hostage exchange?〃 Max asked。

Burak grinned beneath his mask。 〃Something like that。〃

On Optera; the Regent's servant reported only that five Sentinels had been captured on Garuda; he knew better than to steal the scientists' thunder。 The Regent was relaxing in his sterile nutrient bath when the muniqu?was received; having discovered that he could essentially guarantee messages merely by setting foot in the Olympic…size tub。 Anxious for some news of Tesla; or information regarding the next destination of the Sentinels; he had spent the better part of a week in the bath; waiting。 Now he practically ran to the throne room; sashing his robe as he approached the municator sphere。

〃Five Sentinels;〃 he said out of breath。 〃Which ones?〃 〃A Garudan; three Humans; and。。。a Tiresian。〃 The Regent was pleased to learn that he had correctly anticipated the Sentinels' destination。 He had passed the word to all his lieutenants that their troops be placed on alert。 But it was captives he was after this time; not body counts; and no mention was to be made of his supposed assassination。 With captives in hand; he hoped to learn whether or not Tesla had been acting alone; or in league with the rebels。

〃A Tiresian you say。〃

〃Yes; my liege。 We have him here with us now。〃 The Regent peered at the terror…stricken face centered in the sphere's image; and brought his hand to his snout in a gesture of contemplation。 〃This one looks。。。familiar somehow。〃

〃Well he should; Your Highness;〃 the master scientist said as Rem's image de…rezzed。 〃We subjected the three Humans and the Tiresian to Garuda's atmosphere in an effort to extract the data you requested。〃

〃And?〃 the Regent replied anxiously。 〃Did you discover the location of the Humans' homeworld…this Earth!〃

〃No。 However; we may have a clue as to the whereabouts of the matrix;〃 the scientist was quick to add。 〃My lord; allow us to screen for your pleasure the results of the Tiresian's exposure。〃

The Regent scowled at the sphere。 〃Do not bore me with details;〃 he cautioned。

〃You will find this anything but boring;〃 the scientist told him。

The Regent viewed the playback for a moment; then staggered backward; collapsing into his high…backed throne。 He sat agape; a defeated husband watching tapes of his wife。。。the seduction; the transgression; the cruel aftermath; all captured in graphic detail。 That face; that face。。。

〃How?〃 the Regent finally managed。 〃How is this possible? He is dead。〃 Or is he? the Regent suddenly asked himself。 Could he have been duped all these years into thinking Zor dead; when in fact。。。No; he thought。 Zor was dead。 But what then was the origin of these images? A simulagent; perhaps; like the very one he had created to take his place at the summit…

〃We know Zor is dead;〃 the scientist was saying。 〃But somehow his memory lives on in this one…a clone; we suspect。〃

The Regent came bolt upright in the chair。 〃The matrix!〃


〃He must be sent to Optera at once!〃

The scientist inclined his head some。 〃Of course; my lord。 But would it not be best to take advantage of Garuda's proximity to Haydon IV? May I remind Your Highness of the devices there that are far superior…〃

〃Yes; yes。 See that it is arranged。 I will leave immediately;〃 the Regent added; already on his feet。

〃There is one small detail; however。。。〃


〃We have learned that the Regis is there。〃

〃On Haydon IV?!〃

〃Yes; my lord。 Should we wait until she leaves before transporting the clone?〃

The Regent started to agree; but bit off his words。 Why not let her see the clone? he asked himself。 Why not let her look once more upon Zor's face; into his very thoughts and recollections? He laughed out loud。 To be there; to see her face when the clone was presented。。。

〃No; you are not to wait;〃 the Regent said shortly。 〃In fact; you are simply to say that you have a gift for her…a gift from her loving husband!〃

〃I need to see Tesla at once;〃 Burak told Janice as he stepped from the shuttle's ramp into the SDF…7's docking bay。 Gnea and Max had ridden up with him; but they were already rushing off to meet with Wolff and Vince Grant。

Janice thought she heard something akin to arrogance in the Perytonian's voice; but decided to leave it unchallenged。 〃Of course; Burak;〃 she said; motioning for him to follow her。

They didn't speak for the duration of the long walk to the cargo hold that had bee Tesla's quarters; but short of the closed hatch Burak stopped and said; 〃Alone。〃 The Perytonian positioned himself between Janice and the hatch。

〃Something I should know?〃 she risked。

〃You should know that he doesn't like you very much;〃 Burak whispered back menacingly; gesturing over one shoulder with his two…thumbed hand。

Janice laughed。 〃And we make such an adorable couple。 Is it my looks or my personality?〃

Burak contorted his demon face for her benefit。

〃Keep doing that and your face is going to stay that way;〃 she said; moving off。

Burak snorted and entered the hold; pulling smuggled Fruits from his uniform and casually tossing them to Tesla; who was seated on an enormous crate。

〃What's this all about?〃 the Invid asked peevishly; as one of the mutant Fruits bounced off his snout。

〃I have good news;〃 Burak announced; assuming a proud stance and allowing Tesla to regard him a moment。 〃You claim to be more evolved than the Regent。 That means the scientists would recognize your greatness; does it not?〃

Tesla ducked his snout; looked around the hold like a felon; and motioned for Burak to keep his voice down。 〃Yes; certainly;〃 he said。 〃But what does this have to do with anything?〃

Burak studied one of the Fruits。 〃Suppose I could arrange for an audience with the scientists here?〃

Tesla shot to his feet; horrified by the prospect。 〃You must…〃

〃Hunter and a few of the others were captured;〃 Burak quickly explained; gazing up at the Invid。 〃I suggested that we exchange you for them。 That way…〃

〃You what?〃

〃That way you'll be able to assert your right to the throne…just as you。。。wanted。。。What's wrong?〃

Wearily; Tesla had reseated himself。 〃You fool;〃 he muttered; shaking his hands。 〃You've just sealed my fate。〃


〃It's too soon; Burak; too soon。 The Regis will send me to the pits。〃 He glanced up。 〃The next time you see Tesla he'll be a maggot。〃

Burak made a distressed sound; seeing his own dreams for Peryton go up in smoke; and just then Janice; Vince Grant; Gnea; and Lron burst into the hold。 The amazon Praxian had an armed blaster in her hands。

〃Everybody ready?〃 Janice said brightly; looking back and forth between Burak and Tesla。 Cautiously; Lron and Grant had moved in to shackle the Invid's wrists and place a prisoner bib around his neck。

〃All right; Invid; let's go;〃 Gnea said; brandishing the weapon。

Lron gave Tesla a light shove。

Tesla looked down and caught Janice's smile。

〃Guess this is your lucky day;〃 she told him。

Jonathan Wolff sat on the bridge of the cruiser with his feet up on one of the duty…station consoles。 He was alone for a change; Grant and most of the crew having rushed off for the ordnance bay。 Well within reach; on the floor beside the mand chair; was a bottle of Southlands brandy。 It was almost empty。

〃To rescues;〃 Wolff said now; toasting Garuda through the forward viewport and lifting the bottle to his lips。 He gulped down half an inch and shuddered。

The Hunters had gone and gotten themselves captured; along with Karen; Rem; and that Garudan…Kami。 And Max or somebody figured they could swap them for Tesla; only Wolff didn't put much stock in it。 Of course he hadn't said that to them…oh no; mustn't burst anyone's bubble; chin up and all that ancient rot。 But that was what he felt。 The Invid would go back on their word; maybe the Sentinels would go back on theirs; somebody would betray somebody else。。。he didn't need to be there to see it all go down。

〃So here's to betrayals;〃 he said; and took another pull。 〃Minmei; you。。。meanie。〃

Doubled over in laughter; Wolff swung his legs off the control panel。 Yes; she was a meanie all right; telling him to take a walk; falling in love with his enemy。 〃Earth's enemy;〃 Wolff emphasized。 〃Have to give the man his due。〃 He drank again; staring blankly at the bottle when he lowered it; rocking back and forth。

Without warning; a tone sounded on the bridge and nearly sent him out of his skin。 He reached out for the  stud and slammed his fist down; missing it; but getting it on the third try。

〃Wolff;〃 he said。

〃A small craft;〃 one of the new crewmen reported。 〃Not much bigger than an Alpha。 Transport; maybe。〃

〃Put it up;〃 Wolff sai

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