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小说: 15_death_dance 字数: 每页4000字

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The psy scanners the Invid employed on Garuda (on Hunter and the rest) were patterned on similar devices developed by the Tiresians。 Ironically enough; the Robotech Masters had used the scanners on Zor shortly after his death; (and would use them again to monitor Zor Prime after the clone had been inserted into the Fifteenth ATAC); much as the Invid were using them on Rem。
History of the Second Robotech War; volume XXXI; 〃Tirol〃

Dream a little dream with me。
Late twentieth…century song lyric

The male human was dreaming of pursuit。 He was being chased by some sort of bird creature with an enormous wingspan; and…an Invid scientist had noted…a body shaped curiously like those of the raptorial birds depicted face…to…face on the Human's uniform insignia patch。 The Human was running downhill; hopelessly out of control; with the bird pecking at his neck and back; flapping its great wings all the while。 The backdrop for the dream was a world of ravaged landscapes; barren; cratered expanses of solidified volcanic flow。 The Human was; and at the same time was not; both the pursued and pursuer。 Crowds of other Humans seemed to be viewing the event from the sidelines; gesturing; pointing; applauding; laughing。 One wore the face of the injured Human female who was presently being terrorized by dreams of her own…although she was sympathetic here; eager to help the running man; so it appeared。

〃There's nothing of use to us in this one's thoughts;〃 the head scientist said dismissively。 Disappointed; he turned from the images in the instrumentality sphere and moved to the sphere his assistants had set up to monitor the dreams of the injured female。

Lisa; like Rick; Karen; and Rem; was strapped on her back to a kind of gurney; with her head positioned beneath a thick and heavy…looking ring…shaped device that resembled a scaled…down version of an MRI scanner。 What the Invid scientists were calling dreams; however; were of the wide…eyed variety…altered states of consciousness; hellish ones by and large; normally kept locked away behind those proverbial doors of perception。 Five minutes of exposure to Canada's tainted atmosphere had been enough to elicit them。 The scientists had no way of knowing whether this constituted what would amount to a lethal exposure…some Invid had lasted as long as half an hour without suffering irreversible effects。 But these Humans were fragile things; physically strong for their size; it was true; but with limited tolerance for even the slightest of psychic assaults。 They were inhabitants of the base realms; the sensate worlds at the lower end of the spectrum; as insubstantial as interstellar dust; and therefore highly expendable。

The leader of the white…robed group now activated the sphere attached to the device above Lisa's head; and here; too; the scientists encountered images of pursuit。 Kami; muzzled and shackled in a corner of the hive's lab; was too deep into his own delirium to take note of their dismay。

〃It seems to be something of a fixation with them;〃 one of the assistants ventured。

The Human female was for all intents and purposes trapped on a spiral staircase that lacked any clear…cut terminus。 Moreover; whatever it was that was pursuing her; hunting her; was so vague a thing as to be untranslatable by the sphere's Protoculture circuitry。 There were momentary flashes of a feline creature; however; that brought to mind the Invid's own Hellcats。 But the central concern of the dream and dreamer was the female's seemingly reduced size。

〃Some reference to the Zentraedi; perhaps?〃

The master scientist made a disgruntled sound。 〃Who can tell with these beings? Let us move on。〃

They grouped together in front of Karen's sphere next; arms folded and four…fingered hands tucked into the sleeves of their robes。 The master among them had found himself strangely moved by this green…eyed; honey…haired Human; but unfortunately her dream…terrors proved to be as pedestrian and unrevealing as the previous ones。 Her world was at least populated with a host of other beings; but they were there principally to insure that Karen was suitably horrified by the prospect of being buried alive。

The master expressed his distaste after a minute's viewing。 〃What a pitiful race。。。One wonders why they don't walk in fear of their own shadows。 They've been more traumatized than Optera itself。〃

By now they had reached Rem…the Tiresian…and to their absolute astonishment; there in living color and as big as life in the center of the attendant sphere was Optera。 This much could have been accounted for and dismissed; but next they found themselves viewing images of the Regis in her pretransformed state! And this was not the defoliated Optera of their ravenous present; but the edenic homeworld of their racial past…a verdant wonderland; with fields of Flowers basking in the warmth of the planet's twin suns; stretching as far as the eye could see across a landscape of arcadian beauty。 Here was the lost harmony; the innocent splendor; the paradisiacal ease they could now access only in moments of collective trance; or at the mystical promptings of the Queen…Mother herself。

The scientists were reduced to silence; to tears of an ethereal sort。

〃It's as if。。。〃

〃Say it;〃 the master demanded。

〃。。。as if this one knew our world before the techno…voyager's arrival。〃

〃These are his thoughts。〃

With what would translate as shame; the master scientist deactivated the sphere and led his group to a sphere significantly larger than the rest…their munications instrumentality; overshadowed by a relatively small specimen of bubble…chambered brain。

〃We must inform the Regent of this at once。〃

〃And say what?〃

〃That we have found Zor!〃

It had taken Jack all the inner strength he could muster to keep from tearing down into that basin orchard with guns blazing。。。He had heard the explosion that dropped the first Scout ship; and had scrambled up to the top of the crater rim like a mountain goat on amphetamines。 Weapon fire; follow…up blasts。。。by the time he got there; Rick and the others were surrounded by Invid soldiers…more than even he wanted to go up against。 Lisa was down; Rick bending over her。 Kami; Rem; Karen! He had located a safe vantage point and watched as his friends were led off to the hive; then a short time later they had reappeared at the dome's tunnellike entrance; this time stripped of their transpirators。 For some reason he had felt pelled to time their exposure; sitting there powerless and near crazed while the chronometer display counted off the minutes; five heart…stopping minutes! He had run for the place where they had stashed the cycs; found his way back to the trails they had cut in predawn light; reentered the village。。。all the while expecting Shock Troopers to emerge from the ground; Hellcats or Robo…automata to leap on him from the treetops。 Pursued by nightmares。。。

Jack was just now finishing his hurried and breathless recap; sitting cross…legged in the village longhouse and sucking nutrient through a tube while the chief and some of the Sentinels watched him。

〃We've gotta spring them;〃 he said at last; his thirst slaked。 〃Right away; before they're moved。〃

The chief spoke to a member of the tribe; the male Garudan nodded his head a few times and took off in a rush。 〃He has been instructed to pass the word;〃 the chief explained。 〃We will be alerted if and when they are moved。〃

Learna was beside herself; her neck fur on end。 She had tried time and time again to Send herself to the hive; but each of her attempts had ended in failure。 〃Kami will die inside the hive。 He must be returned to Garuda's air。〃

〃He wasn't brought out with the rest of them;〃 Jack told her; then turned to Cabell。 〃How long is too long?〃

The old man made as if to stroke his beard under the suit。 〃I can't answer you; Jack。 Tirol sent the Zentraedi here; the clones。。。I believe Rem and I are the first Tiresians to set foot on Garuda since Zor himself landed here。〃

〃Can't you even estimate it?〃 Jack pressed him。

Cabell saw Jack's frustration and concern。 〃I don't imagine anything less than fifteen minutes would prove fatal。〃 He was relieved to see Jack relax some。

〃But why would they do that…why not just kill them; Wise One?〃 Gnea thought to ask。

The chief shrugged his powerful shoulders。 〃To torture them; perhaps to see if they could learn anything from their thoughts。〃

〃All right;〃 Max broke in; 〃suppose we wait till dusk。 Your people will be heading back to the camps by then; right?〃

Learna and the chief nodded; uncertain。

〃We stage a diversionary raid on one of the other hives。 Try to draw off as many of their mecha as we can。 At the same time; a rescue team goes in。〃

〃Agreed;〃 Jack said; and some of the others joined him in voicing their support。

〃I don't know;〃 Cabell objected when everyone had quieted down。 〃It's risky。 Those hives are much more plex than they appear。〃

〃Well; of course it's risky;〃 Jack argued; 〃but I don't see that we have any choice。 What are we supposed to do…walk up and knock on the door? Uh; excuse me; but we were wondering if you might be willing to return our teammates…〃

〃There is an easier way to get them back。〃


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