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小说: 15_death_dance 字数: 每页4000字

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Praxian netherworld; but subsequently the Sentinels found that their two teammates were simply being detained…the word someone from the Wolff Pack had used。 Jack and Rem had been probed and manhandled; but apparently were safe。 It seemed that the arachnids…Gnea and Bela had a name for them no one could pronounce…had no taste for meat。 Moreover; the creatures weren't on a feeding frenzy at all…nor; for that matter; were they interested in counterattacking the beings who were busy lancing them with lasers and rockets。 Like the orbs; these living anachronisms…unseen on Praxis for millennia…were attempting to flee the storms that burned at the planet's transformed core。

Rick was long past his initial fright; but the sour taste of fear remained in his mouth。 It struck him as odd that while in his day he had fought fifty…foot giants and walking slugs; ridden into battle alongside humanoid clones; ursine warriors; and amazons on Robotsteeds; he could experience such utter terror at the sight of giant spiders。 Maybe; he had decided; it was the very mindlessness of the creatures; after all; even the Invid weren't monsters; were they? The Praxian women had been equally frightened; and Rick tried to imagine what it might be like to go up against; say; dinosaurs。

But if the creatures hadn't actually added to the Sentinels' plight; they had done nothing to improve things。 Countless orbs had exited the cave; and now there was a nasty bit of mopping up to do down below while the rest of the orbs were mustered for further lift assists。 To make matters worse; there was still no word from the Beta; and one of the Spherisians had gone and gotten himself stuck in a rock!

Presently; Rick and some of the others were grouped around Teal and the hand that had once belonged to her friend。 Baldan was merged with the wall…the way a Mesoamerican bas…relief could be said to be merged to a stela。 His profile was frozen but plainly visible; and there was a crystalline mass protruding from the section of rock where his chest might have been。 The crystal grew before the astonished eyes of the assembled group。

〃No; you can't; Baldan…please stop this!〃 Teal was shouting to the wall。 She swung around to Rick。 〃He is attempting to transfer his essence。 But this has never been achieved on any world but Spheris。〃 She looked back at the engorged growth。 〃And I don't want to raise it!〃

Again the crystal enlarged。 Teal put her hands to her head in a panicked gesture and pleaded with Baldan to stop。 But ultimately her hands reached for the faceted thing and she began to tug at it。

〃It's no use; Baldan;〃 she cried。 〃It will die!〃

Rick moved in to give her a hand; and with some effort the two of them managed to pull the crystal loose。 The hollow pop! sent a shudder up Rick's back。 Baldan's profile receded into the wall and vanished。 Teal dropped the crystal from her trembling hands and regarded it。

〃The child is lifeless。。。dead。〃 She looked around at the others。 〃Baldan is lost to us。〃

Whimpering sounds found their way out from under Kami and Learna's breathing tubes。 Rick took Teal by the shoulders。 〃What did he tell you?〃

She stared at him blankly for a moment; then said; 〃The Invid。 They must have been using Praxis for experiments of some sort。 It was the chambers they hollowed out that gave birth to those creatures。 And these same chambers have ushered in this world's demise。〃

〃But what kind of experiments?〃 Rick demanded。 〃What were they trying to create?〃

Teal shook her head。

Tight…lipped; Rick released her and motioned a radioman over to him。 〃Any word from the Beta?〃 he asked Vince when the GMU link was established。

〃They've reached the module;〃 Vince updated。 〃But we're not getting through to them。〃

Rick summarized what had gone down in the caverns。 〃I want to speak with Tesla as soon as they call in。 He must know something about all this…these pits。 Maybe there's a way to reverse it?〃

〃Unlikely;〃 Vince responded。 〃But I'm sure Tesla will tell us what he knows。 He's practically one of us now。〃

With a little help from the GMU's puters; the Alpha was back on course。 Wolff and his Haydonite copilot were I at a loss to explain the unexpected separation; but they assumed Janice had done so with some good purpose in mind; and that her radio silence was nothing more than a glitch in the system。 It didn't occur to either of them that there was conspiracy afoot。

Wolff continued in this hopeful vein; even after he had learned that the Beta had apparently made a successful docking with the drive module。 That singed piece of orbiting space debris was above him now; and he was getting all he could from the Alpha to make up for lost time。 It was only when his radio requests for docking coordinates were ignored that he began to suspect foul play。 The hunch became full…fledged concern when he couldn't get the Alpha's onboard systems to interface with the module。 Consequently; the docking…bay shields remained closed; and unless something could be done to open them; the Alpha was going to wind up dead in space。

Even if that meant going extravehicular。

Sarna took over the controls while Wolff suited up。 Praxis turned below them like a cataracted eye。 The telepath strapped in; bringing the Alpha as close as she could to the module's scarred hull; then Wolff blew the canopy。 He floated up and out of the VT on a tether line; took hold of the side of the pinwheeling ship; and tried to center his attention on the alien external control panel。 Sarna spoke to him through the helmet relays; avoiding the net in favor of frequencies of a cerebral sort。 Wolff heard her thoughts as spoken words as he fumbled with Spherian switches designed for hands more sensitive than his own。

But a short while later the hatch was sliding open and pocketing itself in the crystalline hull。 Sarna engaged the Alpha's attitude jets and began to maneuver the ship to safety。

The Beta was inside; empty; and fortunately; Wolff decided; there was no weling party there to greet them。 Down on the hold floor now he armed himself with a rifle and two handguns; Sarna had perfect recall of the module's corridor and partment layout; so she led the way。 They were barely out of the docking area when the ship lurched。

〃We're leaving orbit;〃 Sarna told him。

Wolff felt the rumble of the module's drives ladder its way up his legs。 Sarna hovered along the corridor at an increased pace; then abruptly right…angled herself into a large cabinspace and told Wolff strap himself into one of the seats。

Wolff regarded the acceleration couch and threw her a questioning look。

〃We're preparing to fold;〃 she told him。

〃They've what!〃

〃They folded;〃 Vince Grant repeated。 〃The module's gone。〃

Rick leaned against one of the GMU mand…center consoles to catch his breath。 He had run all the way from the cave only to hear the bad news as soon as he came through the hatch。

〃But; but; did they…〃

〃Not one word;〃 Jean cut in。 〃The last message we had was from Wolff。 He was sure something had happened to Janice。〃

〃Tesla;〃 Rick said; biting out the name。

Vince nodded。 〃That's my guess。〃

〃But where's the Alpha now?〃 Rick added; looking back and forth between the two of them。

Jean pushed herself back from the console; her hands on the arms of the chair。 〃That's the weird part。 The Alpha made it aboard。〃

Rick fell silent; it felt for a moment as though they were speaking to him in a foreign tongue。 He shook his head; hoping everything would settle into some sort of order。 〃Maybe it wasn't Tesla。 Maybe Janice knows something we don't。。。〃

〃Okay;〃 Vince said。

〃And maybe she managed to get word to Wolff; but he couldn't reach us。。。〃

〃Okay; again。〃

〃And maybe they had to fold because they realized there was no way to get everyone offworld using the VTs。。。〃

〃Uh huh。〃 Vince folded his arms。 〃So they take off for Karbarra or Tirol; figuring we'll be able to wait it out。〃

Rick left it unanswered。 There was no need; anyway; now that the tremors had remenced。 A steady; thunderous roar filtered into the room; somewhere nearby; mountain ranges were beginning to crumble。

It was a short jump。 Wolff could feel himself ing out of the fold's dizzying effects; and was on his feet even before Sarna had furnished him with an all…clear sign。

When the two of them burst onto the module's bridge; they found Tesla and Burak seated at the controls。 Janice was off to one side; asleep; Wolff thought。

Tesla and Burak both swung around as they heard the hiss of the hatch。 The Invid's snout dropped open when he saw Wolff standing there armed to the teeth; and he immediately fell backward against his coconspirator; hoping Wolff would read it as Burak attempting a capture。

The two XTs rolled across one of the console benches and down onto the floor。 Taken pletely off guard; Burak didn't know what had hit him。 But Tesla was forcing himself into a subordinate position now; and ordering Burak to grab him by the neck。

〃Fight; you idiot!〃 Tesla was whispering。 〃You've go to make them believe you had nothing to do with this!〃

Burak finally got the message and threw his hands around the Invid's thick neck。 The two of them butted heads and snarled and cursed at eac

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