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小说: 美丽英文:穿过爱的时光 字数: 每页4000字

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onsi bilities。
  She got her wish。 Every day now; she sits in a nursing home; tapping her fingers on her chair in a syncopated rhythm that reminds me of bebop; talking to herself about her father; who died when she was eight。
  “Mildred。。。 Mildred。 ” I say。
  She looks up at me; her eyes brighten; and her smile reveals snaggles like those of a five…year…old。 “e here; baby doll; ”she says。
  I rush over to her; pull close a chair; and sit down。
  “Hey; Mildred; how are you?” I don’t call her Mommy anymore。 She doesn’t answer to Mommy。
  My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1984; right after I graduated from college。 While in school。 saw signs that something was wrong。 Often; when I would call home; she would be upset because she’d lost her money。 “Mommy never loses her money。” I’d think。
  I fought the disease。 Through changes in doctors; diet; and medicine; and through the addition of Chinese herbs; my mother’s health improved。 She lost seventy…five pounds and regained her ability to converse with other people。 Yet; despite profound physical improvement;the Alzheimer’s continued to unravel her mind over the next six years。 。。

I lived with my mother from 1984 to 1990; as the illness slowly took its toll。 It was appalling to watch her change right in front of me。 She didn’t just forget things。 She became a different person—one whom I did not recognize。 When my boyfriend would watch television; she’d walk in circles around his chair; muttering under her breath and scowling。 She kept a hammer hidden in her room and wielded it at the slightest provocation。 If she got out of the house; she’d refuse to e back in。 Instead; she would run down the street; calling for the police to help her。 She’d e to believe that she was a police officer—a conviction touched off by a letter inviting her to take the civil service test。 Only another police officer could convince her to e into the house。
  This is not my mother; I would tell myself。 My mother had no interest in men;this person called men over to her window。 My mother never cried; yet this woman broke into tears at the slightest thing。 My mother always appeared polite and good…natured。 This woman was quick…tempered and slightly paranoid。 She moved magazines; silverware; dishes; and clothing around the house。 When I asked about the objects; she’d bee angry and yell at me for thinking she had done something wrong。 She told me that other people; not she; had moved these things。
  “e here;” she’d say forcefully; grabbing my hand and pulling me into her room。 “Listen。 Do you hear them? They took it。”
  To learn more about the disease; my sister and I attended groups for families of Alzheimer’s patients。 We learned not to blame my mother for things she said or did。 The Alzheimer’s was talking; not her。
  As the disease progressed; my mother grew frightened。 She’d say。 “What’s happening to me? Why can’t I remember?”
  Before Alzheimer’s; my mother never admitted fear or sadness to me。 Now; she became strangely free with her emotions; crying when frightened; expressing anger when furious; and laughing when exhilarated。 As I released my perceptions of who my mother was supposed to be; we both became calmer。
  I used everything I could to stay connected to her as she lost the ability to engage in the hallmarks of linear life。 My mother had always loved dancing。 When I came home from work; I’d turn on Tina Turner or Janet Jackson; and we would dance and dance。  I’d play her favorite songs on the piano; and she’d place her hand on top of the old upright and sing each note and every word perfectly。
  As my mother’s illness progressed; I saw that I could not provide the care she needed; so I decided to put her in a nursing home。 Now that she’s away; I dread the day when she will no longer know me。 Sometimes she seems lost to me。 But then something happens; such as my wedding。 Even though she expressed no interest; I needed her there。 On my wedding day; she marched in with my father; stepmother;aunts; uncles; and cousins。 She sat behind me; occasionally murmuring in time to the minister’s speech as he poured libations。 When it came time for me to stand。 she looked at me and sang out proudly; “That’s my gal。” I turned to her。 “Yes; Mom; it’s me。 ”
  When I visit her in the nursing home; we don’t carry on typical conversations。 Rather; I talk about my day and act out Anansi tales。 Or I massage her arms; shoulders; and hands。 She grabs my arm and cradles it; talking all the while about how she loves babies。 And when I feel like a baby myself; wishing I could just tell all my troubles to my mother and know everything will be all right; she holds my hand tight or pats my head; and I’m forted。
  When I tell people; their faces drop。 “You poor thing;” they say。 Perhaps they tell me about loved ones who became unrecognizable as their brains degenerated; ravaged by Atzheimer’s。
  Those who pity me; however; do not know the whole story。 While I hate the disease; I have learned to accept and be nurtured by this new Mildred; who still maintains the essence of my mother。 My knowledge of my mother is in my very skin; as is her knowledge of me。 Not even Alzheimer’s can take that away。

  “好了,让我们把你的鞋子脱下来。” 贝尔小姐说着,便蹲下身子来脱我的鞋子。

  Ant Bites
  Emmarie Lehnick
  “Ow!Ow!” I shouted as I broke my jump rope rhythm and tangled my feet in the slack1 rope.“Something in my shoe is biting me。” I wailed。
  The first graders waiting to jump and the two rope turners circled around me on the dirt playground。  My teacher; Miss Bell; heard me and hurried over; leaving the other recess teacher in mid…conversation。
  “It’s still stin

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