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小说: 美丽英文:穿过爱的时光 字数: 每页4000字

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n a respectful fashion; after the best models of polite deportment2 with strangers; I was soon lending it some warmth; for I was touched to find that I had a friend; yes; even here; at the ends of the tubes in Southwest 99。 I proceeded (as is right) from caress to speech; and said; “Amathea; most beautiful of cats; why have you deigned to single me out for so much favour? Did you recognize in me a friend to all that breathes; or were you yourself suffering from loneliness (though I take it you are near your own dear home); or is there pity in the hearts of animals as there is in the hearts of some humans? What; then; was your motive? Or am I; indeed; foolish to ask; and not rather to take whatever good es to me in whatever way from the gods?”
  To these questions Amathea answered with a loud purring noise; expressing with closed eyes of ecstasy her delight in the encounter。
  “You will never leave me; Amathea;” I said。 “I will respect your sleep and we will sit here together through all uncounted time; I holding you in my arms and you dreaming of the fields of Paradise。 Nor shall anything part us; Amathea; you are my cat and I am your human。 Now and onwards into the fullness of peace。”
  Then it was that Amathea lifted herself once more; and with delicate; discreet; unweighted movement of perfect limbs leapt lightly to the floor as lovely as a wave。 She walked slowly away from me without so much as looking back over her shoulder; she had another purpose in her mind; and as she so gracefully and so majestically neared the door which she was seeking; a short; unpleasant man standing at the bar said; “Puss; Puss; Puss!” and stooped to scratch her gently behind the ear。 With what a wealth of singular affection; pure and profound; did she not gaze up at him; and then rub herself against his leg in token and external expression of a sacramental friendship that should never die。

  “是的,” 艾米回答说,“奶奶告诉我,只要我装作一点也不惧怕,假装道森先生正在对我绽露他看不见的微笑,同时我也冲他微笑,他迟早会绽露出真正的笑容。奶奶说微笑是可以传染的。”
  An Invisible Smile
  M。 Dawson was an old grouch1; and everyone in town knew it。 Kids dared not to go into his yard to pick a yummy apple; because Dawson; they said; would e after you with his BB gun。
  When; one Friday; Janet and Amy got close enough to his house;  Dawson looked up with his usual frown。 But when he saw it was Amy; he put on a broad smile and said; “Hello!Miss Amy。 I see you’ve got a little friend today。 ”
  Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and they were going to listen to music and play games。 Dawson told them that sounded fun; and offered them each a fresh apple picked off his tree。 They gladly accepted—Dawson had the best apple in town。
  When they got out of Dawson’s earshot2; Janet asked; “Everyone says he’s the meanest man in town。 How e he was so nice to us?”
  Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house he wasn’t very friendly and she was afraid of him; but she pretended he was wearing an invisible smile and so she always smiled back at him。 It took a while; but one day he half…smiled back at her。
  After some more time; he started smiling real smiles and then started talking to her; just a“hello”at first; and then more。 She said he always offers her an apple now; and is always very kind。
  “An invisible smile?”questioned Janet。
  “Yes; ”answered Amy; “my grandma told me that if I pretended I wasn’t afraid and pretended he was wearing an invisible smile at me and I smiled back at him; that sooner or later he really would smile。 Grandma says smiles are contagious3。 ”
  If we remember what Amy’s grandma said; that everyone wears all invisible smile; we too will find that most people can’t resist our smile after a while。 All it takes to uplift the day is to remember to give that smile away!You can’t save them; you can’t store them。 The only way they are any good is to share。 Giving a smile away takes so little effort and time。  Let’s make sure that we are not the one that others have to pretend is wearing an invisible smile。

  “奶奶,先不要睡觉,您的生日宴会就要开始啦。” 她轻轻地说着,溜出了房间。
  睡觉,让我多皱的眼皮垂下来,就像太阳底下的老胖猫一样。为了让自己清醒,我眨了几下眼,将目光转向餐厅,插着黄玫瑰的银碗雅致地摆放在餐桌上,这都是为了庆祝我的86岁生日。亚麻制的桌布铺好了,我抚摸着,指尖上的感觉是那么舒服。沉甸甸的银器就在桌上,那一刻,我怀疑自己虚弱的老手能否抓得住它,不会出现这精美的瓷器摔落的令人尴尬的声音吧。说话声和宴会的准备声让我平静了许多,我爱抚着膝上这双丽贝卡的光滑而凉爽的新皮鞋,每一次抚摸,我都很放松,很愉悦。每一次抚摸,都让我回忆起很久以前的另一双新鞋。那时我才39岁吧?难以置信! 1935年的一个炎热的午后,我站在花园里,好像听到有人叫我。
  他大口吞饮,却慢慢咽下,接着,将水拍到脸上,用手把头发上的灰尘抹掉,又抹了抹他的后脖颈。他说:“感觉真好。” 算是以这种方式道了谢。当注意到太阳下的水桶时,他拘谨而尴尬地站在那里。
  “进来吧,别在太阳底下了,坐在门廊上。” 我说,对自己这样直接的命令我感到很惊讶。“我给你拿些吃的。”在这些艰难的岁月中,我的情感有些交错,我不能信任自己,正如我不能忍受他眼中流露出的害羞一样。当我爬上楼梯回房时,我对自己很生气,气自己无能,气空空的食橱,气无情的干旱,气整个遭受苦难的村庄。

  “妈妈,艾克米店铺下星期要聘人了。” 她仰着头,凝视着我的脸,店主说女孩只要衣着整洁就能被雇佣。她的褐色眼睛寻找着我对了解她意思的肯定。“那就意味着长袜和一双正式的鞋。妈妈,看着我!” 她伸出脚,一双脏兮兮的跑步鞋。
  “亲爱的,我们有整个星期的时间去解决。” 我吻了一下她柔软的头发,那上面还留有阳光的温暖。“或许会车到山前必有路呢。”

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