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The Shining 原版小说-第46章

小说: The Shining 原版小说 字数: 每页4000字

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have to。 Remember;〃 the announcer added jocularly; 〃that's how the Donners got 
into trouble。 They just weren't as close to the nearest Seven…Eleven as they 
  A Clairol mercial came on; and Wendy reached down and snapped the radio 
off。 〃You mind?〃 
  〃Huh…uh; that's okay。〃 He glanced out at the sky; which was bright blue。 
〃Guess Daddy picked just the right day to trim those hedge animals; didn't he?〃 
  〃I guess he did;〃 Wendy said。 
  〃Sure doesn't look much like snow; though;〃 Danny added hopefully。 
  〃Getting cold feet?〃 Wendy asked。 She was still thinking about that crack the 
disc jockey had made about the Donner Party。 
  〃Nah; I guess not。〃 
  Well; she thought; this is the time。 If you're going to bring it up; do it now 
or forever hold your peace。 
  〃Danny;〃 she said; making her voice as casual as possible; 〃would you be 
happier if we went away from the Overlook? If we didn't stay the winter?〃 
  Danny looked down at his hands。 〃I guess so;〃 he said。 〃Yeah。 But it's Daddy's 
  〃Sometimes;〃 she said carefully; 〃I get the idea that Daddy might be happier 
away from the Overlook; too。〃 They passed a sign which read SIDEWINDER 18 mi。 
and then she took the truck cautiously around a hairpin and shifted up into 
second。 She took no chances on these downgrades; they scared her silly。 
  〃Do you really think so?〃 Danny asked。 He looked at her with interest for a 
moment and then shook his head。 〃No; I don't think so。〃 
  〃Why not?〃 
  〃Because he's worried about us;〃 Danny said; choosing his words carefully。 It 
was hard to explain; he understood so little of it himself。 He found himself 
harking back to an incident he had told Mr。 Hallorann about; the big kid looking 
at department store TV sets and wanting to steal one。 That had been distressing; 
but at least it had been clear what was going on; even to Danny; then little 
more than an infant。 But grownups were always in a turmoil; every possible 
action muddied over by thoughts of the consequences; by self…doubt; by 
selfimage; by feelings of love and responsibility。 Every possible choice seemed 
to have drawbacks; and sometimes he didn't understand why the drawbacks were 
drawbacks。 It was very hard。 
  〃He thinks 。。。〃 Danny began again; and then looked at his mother quickly。 
She was watching the road; not looking at him; and he felt he could go on。 
  〃He thinks maybe we'll be lonely。 And then he thinks that he likes it here and 
it's a good place for us。 He loves us and doesn't want us to be lonely 。。。 or 
sad 。。。 but he thinks even if we are; it might be okay in the LONGRUN。 Do you 
know LONGRUN?〃 

  She nodded。 〃Yes; dear。 I do。〃 
  〃He's worried that if we left he couldn't get another job。 That we'd have to 
beg; or something。〃 
  〃Is that all?〃 
  〃No; but the rest is all mixed up。 Because he's different now。〃 
  〃Yes;〃 she said; almost sighing。 The grade eased a little and she shifted 
cautiously back to third gear。 
  〃I'm not making this up; Mommy。 Honest to God。〃 
  〃I know that;〃 she said; and smiled。 〃Did Tony tell you?〃 
  〃No;〃 he said。 〃I just know。 That doctor didn't believe in Tony; did he?〃 
  〃Never mind that doctor;〃 she said。 〃I believe in Tony。 I don't know what he 
is or who he is; if he's a part of you that's special or if he es from 。。。 
somewhere outside; but I do believe in him; Danny。 And if you 。。。 he 。。。 
think we should go; we will。 The two of us will go and be together with Daddy 
again in the spring。〃 
  He looked at her with sharp hope。 〃Where? A motel?〃 
  〃Hon; we couldn't afford a motel。 It would have to be at my mother's。〃 
  The hope in Danny's face died out。 〃I know — 〃 he said; and stopped。 
  〃Nothing;〃 he muttered。 
  She shifted back to second as the grade steepened again。 〃No; doc; please 
don't say that。 This talk is something we should have had weeks ago; I think。 So 
please。 What is it you know? I won't be mad。 I can't be mad; because this is too 
important。 Talk straight to me。〃 
  〃I know how you feel about her;〃 Danny said; and sighed。 
  〃How do I feel?〃 
  〃Bad;〃 Danny said; and then rhyming; singsong; frightening her: 〃Bad。 Sad。 
Mad。 It's like she wasn't your mommy at all。 Like she wanted to eat you。〃 He 
looked at her; frightened。 〃And I don't like it there。 She's always thinking 
about how she would be better for me than you。 And how she could get me away 
from you。 Mommy; I don't want to go there。 I'd rather be at the Overlook than 
  Wendy was shaken。 Was it that bad between her and hermother? God; what hell 
for the boy if it was and he could really read their thoughts for each other。 
She suddenly felt more naked than naked; as if she had been caught in an obscene 
  〃All right;〃 she said。 〃All right; Danny。〃 
  〃You're mad at me;〃 he said in a small; near…to…tears voice。 
  〃No; I'm not。 Really I'm not。 I'm just sort of shook up。〃 They were passing a 
SIDEWINDER 15 mi。 sign; and Wendy relaxed a little。 From here on in the road was 
  〃I want to ask you one more question; Danny。 I want you to answer it as 
truthfully as you can。 Will you do that?〃 
  〃Yes; Mommy;〃 he said; almost whispering。 
  〃Has your daddy been drinking again?〃 
  〃No;〃 he said; and smothered the two words that rose behind his lips after 
that simple negative: Not yet。 
  Wendy relaxed a little more。 She put a hand on Danny's jeans…clad leg and 

squeezed it。 〃Your daddy has tried very hard;〃 she said softly。 〃Because he 
loves us。 And we love him; don't we?〃 
  He nodded gravely。 
  Speaking almost to herself she went on: 〃He's not a perfect man; but he has 
tried 。。。 Danny; he's tried so hard! When he 。。。 stopped 。。。 he went 
through a kind of hell。 He's still going through it。 I think if it hadn't been 
for us; he would have just let go。 I want to do what's right。 And I don't know。 
Should we go? Stay? It's like a choice between the fat and the fire。〃 
  〃I know。〃 
  〃Would you do something for me; doc?〃 
  〃Try to make Tony e。 Right now。 Ask him if we're safe at the Overlook。〃 
  〃I already tried;〃 Danny said slowly。 〃This morning。〃 
  〃What happened?〃 Wendy asked。 〃What did he say?〃 
  〃He didn't e;〃 Danny said。 〃Tony didn't e。〃 And he suddenly burst into 
  〃Danny;〃 she said; alarmed。 〃Honey; don't do that。 Please  〃 The truck swerved 
across the double yellow line and she pulled it back; scared。 
  〃Don't take me to Gramma's;〃 Danny said through his tears。 〃Please; Mommy; I 
don't want to go there; I want to stay with Daddy  〃 
  〃All right;〃 she said softly。 〃All right; that's what we'll do。〃 She took a 
Kleenex out of the pocket of her Western…style shirt and handed it to him。 
〃We'll stay。 And everything will be fine。 Just fine。〃 
* 〃Bad Moon Rising;〃 by J。 C。 Fogerty; (c) 1969 Jondora Music; Berkeley; 
California。 Used by permission。 All rights reserved。 International copyright 
  Jack came out onto the porch; tugging the tab of his zipper up under his chin; 
blinking into the bright air。 In his left hand he was holding a battery…powered 
hedge…clipper。 He tugged a fresh handkerchief out of his back pocket with his 
right hand; wiped his lips with it; and tucked it away。 Snow; they had said on 
the radio。 It was hard to believe; even though he could see the clouds building 
up on the far horizon。 
  He started down the path to the topiary; switching the hedge…clipper over to 
the other hand。 It wouldn't be a long job; he thought; a little touch…up would 
do it。 The cold nights had surely stunted their growth。 The rabbit's ears looked 
a little fuzzy; and two of the dog's legs had grown fuzzy green bonespurs; but 

the lions and the buffalo looked fine。 Just a little haircut would do the trick; 
and then let the snow e。 
  The concrete path ended as abruptly as a diving board。 He stepped off it and 
walked past the drained pool to the gravel path which wound through the hedge 
sculptures and into the playground itself。 He walked over to the rabbit and 
pushed the button on the handle of the clippers。 It hummed into quiet life。 
  〃Hi; Br'er Rabbit;〃 Jack said。 〃How are you today? A little off the top and 
get some of the extra off your ears? Fine。 Say; did you hear the one about the 
traveling salesman and the old lady with a pet poodle?〃 
  His voice sounded unnatural and stupid in his ears; and he stopped。 It 
occurred to him that he didn't care much for these hedge animals。 It had always 
seemed slightly perverted to him to clip and torture a plain old hedge into 
something that it wasn't。 Along one of the highways in Vermont there had been a 
hedge billboard on a high slope overlooking the road; advertising some kind of 
ice cream。 Making nature peddle ice cream; that was just wrong。 It was 
  (You weren't hired to philosophize; Torrance。) 
  Ah; that was true。 So true。 He clipped along the rabbit's ears; brushing a 
small litter of sticks and twigs off onto the grass。 The hedge…clipper hummed in 
that low and rather disgustingly metallic way that all battery…powered 
appliances seem to have。 The sun was

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