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The Shining 原版小说-第101章

小说: The Shining 原版小说 字数: 每页4000字

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  They purred down the front lawns their way well lit。 The snowdunes glowed 
  〃Look!〃 Danny shouted as Hallorann slowed for the front gate。 He was pointing 
toward the playground。 
  The hedge creatures were all in their original positions; but they were 
denuded; blackened; seared。 Their dead branches were a stark interlacing network 
in the fireglow; their small leaves scattered around their feet like fallen 
  〃They're dead!〃 Danny screamed in hysterical triumph。 

  〃Dead! They're dead!〃 
  〃Shhh;〃 Wendy said。 〃All right; honey。 It's all right。〃 
  〃Hey; doc;〃 Hallorann said。 〃Let's get to someplace warm。 You ready?〃 
  〃Yes;〃 Danny whispered。 〃I've been ready for so long — 〃 
  Hallorann edged through the gap between gate and post。 A moment later they 
were on the road; pointed back toward Sidewinder。 The sound of the snowmobile's 
engine dwindled until it was lost in the ceaseless roar of the wind。 It rattled 
through the denuded branches of the hedge animals with a low; beating; desolate 
sound。 The fire waxed and waned。 Sometime after the sound of the snowmobile's 
engine had disappeared; the Overlooks roof caved in — first the west wing; then 
the east; and seconds later the central roof。 A huge spiraling gout of sparks 
and flaming debris rushed up into the howling winter night。 
  A bundle of flaming shingles and a wad of hot flashing were wafted through 
the open equipment shed door by the wind。 
  After a while the shed began to burn; too。 
                                     * * * 
  They were still twenty miles from Sidewinder when Hallorann stopped to pour 
the rest of the gas into the snowmobile's tank。 He was getting very worried 
about Wendy Torrance; who seemed to be drifting away from them。 It was still so 
far to go。 
  〃Dick!〃 Danny cried。 He was standing up on the seat; pointing。 〃Dick; look! 
Look there!〃 
  The snow had stopped and a silver…dollar moon had peeked out through the 
raftering clouds。 Far down the road but ing toward them; ing upward 
through a series of S…shaped switchbacks; was a pearly chain of lights。 The wind 
dropped for a moment and Hallorann heard the faraway buzzing snarl of snowmobile 
  Hallorann and Danny and Wendy reached them fifteen minutes later。 They had 
brought extra clothes and brandy and Dr。 Edmunds。 
  And the long darkness was over。 
  After he had finished checking over the salads his understudy had made and 
peeked in on the home…baked beans they were using as appetizers this week; 
Hallorann untied his apron; hung it on a hook; and slipped out the back door。 He 
had maybe forty…five minutes before he had to crank up for dinner in earnest。 
  The name of this place was the Red Arrow Lodge; and it was buried in the 

western Maine mountains; thirty miles from the town of Rangely。 It was a good 
gig; Hallorann thought。 The trade wasn't too heavy; it tipped well; and so far 
there hadn't been a single meal sent back。 Not bad at all; considering the 
season was nearly half over。 
  He threaded his way between the outdoor bar and the swimming pool (although 
why anyone would want to use the pool with the lake so handy he would never 
know); crossed a greensward where a party of four was playing croquet and 
laughing; and crested a mild ridge。 Pines took over here; and the wind soughed 
pleasantly in them; carrying the aroma of fir and sweet resin。 
  On the other side; a number of cabins with views of the lake were placed 
discreetly among the trees。 The last one was the nicest; and Hallorann had 
reserved it for a party of two back in April when he had gotten this gig。 
  The woman was sitting on the porch in a rocking chair; a book in her hands。 
Hallorann was struck again by the change in her。 Part of it was the stiff; 
almost formal way she sat; in spite of her informal surroundings — that was the 
back brace; of course。 She'd had a shattered vertebra as well as three broken 
ribs and some internal injuries。 The back was the slowest healing; and she was 
still in the brace 。。。 hence the formal posture。 But the change was more than 
that。 She looked older; and some of the laughter had gone out of her face。 Now; 
as she sat reading her book; Hallorann saw a grave sort of beauty there that had 
been missing on the day he had first met her; some nine months ago。 Then she had 
still been mostly girl。 Now she was a woman; a human being who had been dragged 
around to the dark side of the moon and had e back able to put the pieces 
back together。 But those pieces; Hallorann thought; they never fit just the same 
way again。 Never in this world。 
  She heard his step and looked up; closing her book。 〃Dick! Hi!〃 She started to 
rise; and a little grimace of pain crossed her face。 
  〃Nope; don't get up;〃 he said。 〃I don't stand on no ceremony unless it's white 
tie and tails。〃 
  She smiled as he came up the steps and sat down next to her on the porch。 
  〃How is it going?〃 
  〃Pretty fair;〃 he admitted。 〃You try the shrimp creole tonight。 You gonna like 
  〃That's a deal。〃 
  〃Where's Danny?〃 
  〃Right down there。〃 She pointed; and Hallorann saw a small figure sitting at 
the end of the dock。 He was wearing jeans rolled up to the knee and a red… 
striped shirt。 Further out on the calm water; a bobber floated。 Every now and 
then Danny would reel it in; examine the sinker and hook below it; and then toss 
it out again。 
  〃He's gettin brown;〃 Hallorann said。 
  〃Yes。 Very brown。〃 She looked at him fondly。 
  He took out a cigarette; tamped it; lit it。 The smoke raftered away lazily in 
the sunny afternoon。 〃What about those dreams he's been havin?〃 
  〃Better;〃 Wendy said。 〃Only one this week。 It used to be every night; 
sometimes two and three times。 The explosions。 The hedges。 And most of all 。。。 
you know。〃 
  〃Yeah。 He's going to be okay; Wendy。〃 

  She looked at him。 〃Will he? I wonder。〃 
  Hallorann nodded。 〃You and him; you're ing back。 Different; maybe; but 
okay。 You ain't what you were; you two; but that isn't necessarily bad。〃 
  They were silent for a while; Wendy moving the rocking chair back and forth a 
little; Hallorann with his feet up on the porch rail; smoking。 A little breeze 
came up; pushing its secret way through the pines but barely ruffling Wendy's 
hair。 She had cut it short。 
  〃I've decided to take Al — Mr。 Shockley — up on his offer;〃 she said。 
  Hallorann nodded。 〃It sounds like a good job。 Something you could get 
interested in。 When do you start?〃 
  〃Right after Labor Day。 When Danny and I leave here; we'll be going right on 
to Maryland to look for a place。 It was really the Chamber of merce brochure 
that convinced me; you know。 It looks like a nice town to raise a kid in。 And 
I'd like to be working again before we dig too deeply into the insurance money 
Jack left。 There's still over forty thousand dollars。 Enough to send Danny to 
college with enough left over to get him a start; if it's invested right。〃 
  Hallorann nodded。 〃Your mom?〃 
  She looked at him and smiled wanly。 〃I think Maryland is far enough。〃 
  〃You won't forget old friends; will you?〃 
  〃Danny wouldn't let me。 Go on down and see him; he's been waiting all day。〃 
  〃Well; so have I。〃 He stood up and hitched his cook's whites at the hips。 〃The 
two of you are going to be okay;〃 he repeated。 〃Can't you feel it?〃 
  She looked up at him and this time her smile was warmer。 〃Yes;〃 she said。 She 
took his hand and kissed it。 〃Sometimes I think I can。〃 
  〃The shrimp creole;〃 he said; moving to the steps。 〃Don't forget。〃 
  〃I won't。〃 
  He walked down the sloping; graveled path that led to the dock and then out 
along the weather…beaten boards to the end; where Danny sat with his feet in the 
clear water。 Beyond; the lake widened out; mirroring the pines along its verge。 
The terrain was mountainous around here; but the mountains were old; rounded and 
humbled by time。 Hallorann liked them just fine。 
  〃Catchin much?〃 Hallorann said; sitting down next to him。 He took off one 
shoe; then the other。 With a sigh; he let his hot feet down into the cool water。 
  〃No。 But I had a nibble a little while ago。〃 
  〃We'll take a boat out tomorrow morning。 Got to get out in the middle if you 
want to catch an eatin fish; my boy。 Out yonder is where the big ones lay。〃 
  〃How big?〃 
  Hallorann shrugged。 〃Oh 。。。 sharks; marlin; whales; that sort of thing。〃 
  〃There aren't any whales!〃 
  〃No blue whales; no。 Of course not。 These ones here run to no more than eighty 
feet。 Pink whales。〃 
  〃How could they get here from the ocean?〃 
  Hallorann put a hand on the boy's reddish…gold hair and rumpled it。 〃They swim 
upstream; my boy。 That's how。〃 
  They were silent for a time; looking out over the stillness of the lake; 
Hallorann just thinking。 When he looked back at Danny; he saw that his eyes had 

filled with tears。 
  Putting an arm around him; he said; 〃What's this?〃 
  〃Nothing;〃 Danny whispered。 
  〃You're missin your dad; aren't you?〃 
  Danny nodded。 〃You always know。〃 One of the t

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