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Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说-第64章

小说: Sphere (深海圆疑) 原版小说 字数: 每页4000字

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g on the bottom; tried to push Beth up toward Norman; but Beth kept bending over at the waist。 Norman; grabbing for her; fell off the sub and slid to the bottom。
〃Attention; please。 Six minutes and counting。〃
〃Hurry; Norman! Six minutes!〃
〃I heard; damn it。〃
Norman got to his feet; climbed back on the sub; but now his suit was muddy; his gloves slippery。 Harry was counting: 〃Five twenty…nine 。。。 five twenty…eight 。。。 five twentyseven。。。〃 Norman caught Beth's arm; but she slipped away again。
〃Damn it; Norman! Hold on to her!〃
〃I'm trying!〃
〃Here。 Here she is again。〃
〃Attention; please。 Five minutes and counting。〃
The alarm was now high…pitched; beeping insistently。 They had to shout over it to be heard。
〃Harry; give her to me…〃
〃Well; here; take her…〃
''355'' 〃Here…〃
Norman finally caught Beth's air hose in his hand; just behind the helmet。 He wondered if it would pull out; but he had to risk it。 Gripping the hose; he hauled Beth up; until she lay on her back on the top of the sub。 Then he eased her down into the hatch。
〃Four twenty…nine 。。。 four twenty…eight 。。。〃
Norman had trouble keeping his balance。 He got one of Beth's legs into the hatch; but the other knee was bent; jammed against the lip of the hatch。 He couldn't get her down。 Every time he leaned forward to unbend her leg; the whole submarine tipped; and he would start to lose his balance again。
〃Four sixteen 。。。 four fifteen 。。。〃
〃Would you stop counting and do something!〃
Harry pressed his body against the side of the submarine; countering the rolling with his weight。 Norman leaned forward and pressed Beth's knee straight; she slid easily into the open hatch。 Norman climbed in after her。 It was a one…man airlock; but Beth was unconscious; and could not work the controls。
He would have to do it for her。
〃Attention; please。 Four minutes and counting。〃
He was cramped in the airlock; his body pressed up against Beth; chest to chest; her helmet banging against his。 With difficulty he pulled the hatch closed over his head。 He blew out the water in a furious rush of pressed air; unsupported by the water; Beth's body now sagged heavily against him。
He reached around her for the handle to the inner hatch。 Beth's body blocked his way。 He tried to twist her around sideways。 In the confined space; he couldn't get any leverage on the body。 Beth was like a dead weight; he tried to shift her body around; to get to the hatch。
The whole submarine began to sway: Harry was climbing up the side。
〃What the hell's going on in there?〃
〃Harry; will you shut up!〃
〃Well; what's the delay?〃
''356'' Norman's hand closed on the inner latch handle。 He shoved it down; but the door didn't move: the door was hinged to swing inward。 He couldn't open it with Beth in the hatch with him。 It was too crowded; her body blocked the movement of the door。
〃Harry; we've got a problem。〃
〃Jesus Christ 。。。 Three minutes thirty。〃
Norman began to sweat。 They were really in trouble now。
〃Harry; I've got to pass her out to you; and go in alone。〃
〃Jesus; Norman 。。。〃
Norman flooded the airlock; opened the upper hatch once again。 Harry's balance atop the submarine was precarious。 He grabbed Beth by the air hose; dragged her up。
Norman reached up to close the hatch。
〃Harry; can you get her feet out of the way?〃
〃I'm trying to keep my balance here。〃
〃Can't you see her feet are blocking…〃 Irritably; Norman pushed Beth's feet aside。 The hatch clanged down。 The air blasted past him。 The hatch pressurized。
〃Attention; please。 Two minutes and counting。〃
He was inside the submarine。 The instruments glowed green。
He opened the inner hatch。
〃Try and get her down;〃 Norman said。 〃Do it as fast as you can。〃
But he was thinking they were in terrible trouble: at least thirty seconds to get Beth into the hatch; and thirty seconds more for Harry to e down。 A minute all together…
〃She's in。 Vent it。〃
Norman jumped for the air vent; blew out the water。
〃How'd you get her in so fast; Harry?〃
〃Nature's way;〃 Harry said; 〃to get people through tight spaces。〃 And before Norman could ask what that meant; he had opened the hatch and saw that Harry had pushed Beth into the airlock head first。 He grabbed her shoulders and eased her onto the floor of the submarine; then slammed the ''357''  hatch shut。 Moments later; he heard the blast of air as Harry; too; vented the airlock。

The submarine hatch clanged。 Harry came forward。 〃Christ; one minute forty;〃 Harry said。 〃Do you know how to work this thing?〃
Norman sat in the seat; placed his hands on the controls。 They heard the whine of the props; felt the rumble。 The sub lurched; moved off the bottom。
〃One minute thirty seconds。 How long did you say to the surface?〃
〃Two thirty;〃 Norman said; cranking up the ascent rate。 He pushed it past 6。6; to the far end of the dial。
They heard a high…pitched shriek of air as the ballast tanks blew。 The sub nosed up sharply; began to rise swiftly。
〃Is this as fast as it goes?〃
〃Take it easy; Harry。〃
Looking back down; they could see the habitat with its lights。 And then the long lines of explosives set over the spaceship itself。 They rose past the high fin of the spacecraft; leaving it behind; seeing only black water now。
〃One minute twenty。〃
〃Nine hundred feet;〃 Norman said。 There was very little sensation of movement; only the changing dials on the instrument panel to tell them they were moving。
〃It's not fast enough;〃 Harry said。 〃That's a hell of a lot of explosive down there。〃
It is fast enough; Norman thought; correcting him。
〃The shock wave will crush us like a can of sardines;〃 Harry said; shaking his head。
The shock wave will not harm us。
Eight hundred feet。
〃Forty seconds;〃 Harry said。 〃We'll never make it。〃
〃We'll make it。〃
''358'' They were at seven hundred feet; rising fast。 The water now had a faint blue color: sunlight filtering down。
〃Thirty seconds;〃 Harry said。 〃Where are we? Twenty…nine 。。。 eight 。。。〃
〃Six hundred twenty feet;〃 Norman said。 〃Six ten。〃
They looked back down the side of the sub。 They could barely discern the habitat; faint pinpricks of light far beneath them。
Beth coughed。 〃It's too late now;〃 Harry said。 〃I knew from the beginning we'd never make it。〃
〃Yes we will;〃 Norman said。
〃Ten seconds;〃 Harry said。 〃Nine 。。。 eight 。。。 Brace yourself!〃
Norman pulled Beth to his chest as the explosion rocked the submarine; spinning it like a toy; upending it; then righting it again; and lifting it in a giant upward surge。
〃Mama!〃 Harry shouted; but they were still rising; they were okay。 〃We did it!〃
〃Two hundred feet;〃 Norman said。 The water outside was now light blue。 He pushed buttons; slowing the ascent。 They were going up very fast。
Harry was screaming; pounding Norman on the back。 〃We did it! God damn it; you son of a bitch; we did it! We survived! I never thought we would! We survived!〃
Norman was having trouble seeing the instruments for tears in his eyes。
And then he had to squint as bright sunlight streamed into the bubble canopy as they surfaced; and they saw calm seas; sky; and fluffy clouds。
〃Do you see that?〃 Harry cried。 He was screaming in Norman's ear。 〃Do you see that? It is a perfect goddamned day!〃

0000 HOURS

Norman awoke to see a brilliant shaft of light; streaming through the single porthole; shining down on the chemical toilet in the corner of the depression chamber。 He lay on his bunk and looked around the chamber; a horizontal cylinder fifty feet long: bunks; a metal table and chairs in the center of the cylinder; toilet behind a small partition。 Harry snored in the bunk above him。 Across the chamber; Beth slept; one arm flung over her face。 Faintly; from a distance; he heard men shouting。
Norman yawned; and swung off the bunk。 His body was sore but he was otherwise all right。 He walked to the shining porthole and looked out; squinting in the bright Pacific sun。
He saw the rear deck of the research ship John Hawes: the white helicopter pad; heavy coiled cables; the tubular metal frame of an underwater robot。 A Navy crew was lowering a second robot over the side; with a lot of shouting and swearing and waving of hands; Norman had heard their voices faintly through the thick steel walls of the chamber。
Near the chamber itself; a muscular seaman rolled a large green tank marked 〃Oxygen〃 alongside a dozen other tanks on the deck。 The three…man medical crew which supervised the depression chamber played cards。
Looking through the inch…thick glass of the porthole; Norman felt as if he were peering into a miniature world to which he had little connection; a kind of terrarium populated by interesting and exotic specimens。 This new world was as alien to him as the dark ocean world had once seemed from inside the habitat。
He watched the crew slap down their cards on a wooden packing crate; watched them laugh and gesture as the game proceeded。 They never glanced in his direction; never looked at the depression chamber。 Norman didn't understand these young men。 Were they supposed to be paying attention to the depression? They looked young and inexperienced to Norman。 Focused on their card game; they seemed ''360'' indifferent to the huge metal chamber nearby; indifferent to the three survivors inside th

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