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“You can’t help it;” he said。 

“I warn you it’s the source of all evil。” 

“And of all good;” he added。 

“You’ll find out that I’m not what you think me。” 

“Perhaps。 But I shall gain more than I lose。” 

“If such gain’s worth having。” 

They were silent for a space。 

“That may be what we have to face;” he said。 “There 
may be nothing else。 Nothing but what we imagine。” 

“The reason of our loneliness;” she mused; and they 
were silent for a time。 

“When are you to be married?” he asked abruptly; with 
a change of tone。 

“Not till September; I think。 It’s been put off。” 

“You won’t be lonely then;” he said。 “According to what 
people say; marriage is a very queer business。 They say 
it’s different from anything else。 It may be true。 I’ve known 
one or two cases where it seems to be true。” He hoped 
that she would go on with the subject。 But she made no 
reply。 He had done his best to master himself; and his 
voice was sufficiently indifferent; but her silence tormented 
him。 She would never speak to him of Rodney of 


Virginia Woolf 

her own accord; and her reserve left a whole continent of 
her soul in darkness。 

“It may be put off even longer than that;” she said; as 
if by an afterthought。 “Some one in the office is ill; and 
William has to take his place。 We may put it off for some 
time in fact。” 

“That’s rather hard on him; isn’t it?” Ralph asked。 

“He has his work;” she replied。 “He has lots of things 
that interest him… 。 I know I’ve been to that place;” she 
broke off; pointing to a photograph。 “But I can’t remember 
where it is—oh; of course it’s Oxford。 Now; what about 
your cottage?” 

“I’m not going to take it。” 

“How you change your mind!” she smiled。 

“It’s not that;” he said impatiently。 “It’s that I want to 
be where I can see you。” 

“Our pact is going to hold in spite of all I’ve said?” 
she asked。 

“For ever; so far as I’m concerned;” he replied。 

“You’re going to go on dreaming and imagining and 
making up stories about me as you walk along the street; 

and pretending that we’re riding in a forest; or landing 
on an island—” 

“No。 I shall think of you ordering dinner; paying bills; 
doing the accounts; showing old ladies the relics—” 

“That’s better;” she said。 “You can think of me tomorrow 
morning looking up dates in the ‘Dictionary of National 

“And forgetting your purse;” Ralph added。 

At this she smiled; but in another moment her smile 
faded; either because of his words or of the way in which 
he spoke them。 She was capable of forgetting things。 He 
saw that。 But what more did he see? Was he not looking 
at something she had never shown to anybody? Was it 
not something so profound that the notion of his seeing 
it almost shocked her? Her smile faded; and for a moment 
she seemed upon the point of speaking; but looking at 
him in silence; with a look that seemed to ask what she 
could not put into words; she turned and bade him good 


Night and Day 


Like a strain of music; the effect of Katharine’s presence 
slowly died from the room in which Ralph sat alone。 The 
music had ceased in the rapture of its melody。 He strained 
to catch the faintest lingering echoes; for a moment the 
memory lulled him into peace; but soon it failed; and he 
paced the room so hungry for the sound to e again 
that he was conscious of no other desire left in life。 She 
had gone without speaking; abruptly a chasm had been 
cut in his course; down which the tide of his being plunged 
in disorder; fell upon rocks; flung itself to destruction。 
The distress had an effect of physical ruin and disaster。 
He trembled; he was white; he felt exhausted; as if by a 
great physical effort。 He sank at last into a chair standing 
opposite her empty one; and marked; mechanically; 
with his eye upon the clock; how she went farther and 
farther from him; was home now; and now; doubtless; 
again with Rodney。 But it was long before he could realize 
these facts; the immense desire for her presence 
churned his senses into foam; into froth; into a haze of 

emotion that removed all facts from his grasp; and gave 
him a strange sense of distance; even from the material 
shapes of wall and window by which he was surrounded。 
The prospect of the future; now that the strength of his 
passion was revealed to him; appalled him。 

The marriage would take place in September; she had 
said; that allowed him; then; six full months in which to 
undergo these terrible extremes of emotion。 Six months 
of torture; and after that the silence of the grave; the 
isolation of the insane; the exile of the damned; at best; 
a life from which the chief good was knowingly and for 
ever excluded。 An impartial judge might have assured him 
that his chief hope of recovery lay in this mystic temper; 
which identified a living woman with much that no human 
beings long possess in the eyes of each other; she 
would pass; and the desire for her vanish; but his belief 
in what she stood for; detached from her; would remain。 
This line of thought offered; perhaps; some respite; and 
possessed of a brain that had its station considerably 
above the tumult of the senses; he tried to reduce the 
vague and wandering incoherency of his emotions to or


Virginia Woolf 

der。 The sense of selfpreservation was strong in him; 
and Katharine herself had strangely revived it by convincing 
him that his family deserved and needed all his 
strength。 She was right; and for their sake; if not for his 
own; this passion; which could bear no fruit; must be cut 
off; uprooted; shown to be as visionary and baseless as 
she had maintained。 The best way of achieving this was 
not to run away from her; but to face her; and having 
steeped himself in her qualities; to convince his reason 
that they were; as she assured him; not those that he 
imagined。 She was a practical woman; a domestic wife 
for an inferior poet; endowed with romantic beauty by 
some freak of unintelligent Nature。 No doubt her beauty 
itself would not stand examination。 He had the means of 
settling this point at least。 He possessed a book of photographs 
from the Greek statues; the head of a goddess; 
if the lower part were concealed; had often given him 
the ecstasy of being in Katharine’s presence。 He took it 
down from the shelf and found the picture。 To this he 
added a note from her; bidding him meet her at the Zoo。 
He had a flower which he had picked at Kew to teach her 

botany。 Such were his relics。 He placed them before him; 
and set himself to visualize her so clearly that no deception 
or delusion was possible。 In a second he could see 
her; with the sun slanting across her dress; ing towards 
him down the green walk at Kew。 He made her sit 
upon the seat beside him。 He heard her voice; so low and 
yet so decided in its tone; she spoke reasonably of indifferent 
matters。 He could see her faults; and analyze her 
virtues。 His pulse became quieter; and his brain increased 
in clarity。 This time she could not escape him。 The illusion 
of her presence became more and more plete。 
They seemed to pass in and out of each other’s minds; 
questioning and answering。 The utmost fullness of munion 
seemed to be theirs。 Thus united; he felt himself 
raised to an eminence; exalted; and filled with a power of 
achievement such as he had never known in singleness。 
Once more he told over conscientiously her faults; both 
of face and character; they were clearly known to him; 
but they merged themselves in the flawless union that 
was born of their association。 They surveyed life to its 
uttermost limits。 How deep it was when looked at from 


Night and Day 

this height! How sublime! How the monest things 
moved him almost to tears! Thus; he forgot the inevitable 
limitations; he forgot her absence; he thought it of 
no account whether she married him or another; nothing 
mattered; save that she should exist; and that he should 
love her。 Some words of these reflections were uttered 
aloud; and it happened that among them were the words; 
“I love her。” It was the first time that he had used the 
word “love” to describe his feeling; madness; romance; 
hallucination—he had called it by these names before; 
but having; apparently by accident; stumbled upon the 
word “love;” he repeated it again and again with a sense 
of revelation。 

“But I’m in love with you!” he exclaimed; with something 
like dismay。 He leant against the windowsill; looking 
over the city as she had looked。 Everything had bee 
miraculously different and pletely distinct。 His 
feelings were justified and needed no further explanation。 
But he must impart them to some one; because his 
discovery was so important that it concerned other people 
too。 Shutting the book of Greek photographs; and hiding 

his relics; he ran downstairs; snatched his coat; and passed 
out of doors。 

The lamps were being lit; but the streets were dark 
enough and empty enough t

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