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tention to him。 First she was annoyed that there was no
cab to free her from his pany; then she recalled vaguely
something that Mary had said to make her think ill of
him; she could not remember what; but the recollection;
bined with his masterful ways—why did he walk so
fast down this side street?—made her more and more
conscious of a person of marked; though disagreeable;
force by her side。 She stopped and; looking round her for
a cab; sighted one in the distance。 He was thus precipitated
into speech。
“Should you mind if we walked a little farther?” he asked。
“There’s something I want to say to you。”
“Very well;” she replied; guessing that his request had
something to do with Mary Datchet。
“It’s quieter by the river;” he said; and instantly he
crossed over。 “I want to ask you merely this;” he began。
But he paused so long that she could see his head against
the sky; the slope of his thin cheek and his large; strong
nose were clearly marked against it。 While he paused;
words that were quite different from those he intended
to use presented themselves。
Virginia Woolf
“I’ve made you my standard ever since I saw you。 I’ve
dreamt about you; I’ve thought of nothing but you; you
represent to me the only reality in the world。”
His words; and the queer strained voice in which he
spoke them; made it appear as if he addressed some person
who was not the woman beside him; but some one
far away。
“And now things have e to such a pass that; unless
I can speak to you openly; I believe I shall go mad。 I
think of you as the most beautiful; the truest thing in
the world;” he continued; filled with a sense of exaltation;
and feeling that he had no need now to choose his
words with pedantic accuracy; for what he wanted to say
was suddenly bee plain to him。
“I see you everywhere; in the stars; in the river; to me
you’re everything that exists; the reality of everything。
Life; I tell you; would be impossible without you。 And
now I want—”
She had heard him so far with a feeling that she had
dropped some material word which made sense of the
rest。 She could hear no more of this unintelligible ram
bling without checking him。 She felt that she was overhearing
what was meant for another。
“I don’t understand;” she said。 “You’re saying things
that you don’t mean。”
“I mean every word I say;” he replied; emphatically。 He
turned his head towards her。 She recovered the words she
was searching for while he spoke。 “Ralph Denham is in
love with you。” They came back to her in Mary Datchet’s
voice。 Her anger blazed up in her。
“I saw Mary Datchet this afternoon;” she exclaimed。
He made a movement as if he were surprised or taken
aback; but answered in a moment:
“She told you that I had asked her to marry me; I suppose?”
“No!” Katharine exclaimed; in surprise。
“I did though。 It was the day I saw you at Lincoln;” he
continued。 “I had meant to ask her to marry me; and
then I looked out of the window and saw you。 After that
I didn’t want to ask any one to marry me。 But I did it; and
she knew I was lying; and refused me。 I thought then;
and still think; that she cares for me。 I behaved very
Night and Day
badly。 I don’t defend myself。”
“No;” said Katharine; “I should hope not。 There’s no
defence that I can think of。 If any conduct is wrong; that
is。” She spoke with an energy that was directed even
more against herself than against him。 “It seems to me;”
she continued; with the same energy; “that people are
bound to be honest。 There’s no excuse for such behavior。”
She could now see plainly before her eyes the expression
on Mary Datchet’s face。
After a short pause; he said:
“I am not telling you that I am in love with you。 I am
not in love with you。”
“I didn’t think that;” she replied; conscious of some
“I have not spoken a word to you that I do not mean;”
he added。
“Tell me then what it is that you mean;” she said at
As if obeying a mon instinct; they both stopped
and; bending slightly over the balustrade of the river;
looked into the flowing water。
“You say that we’ve got to be honest;” Ralph began。
“Very well。 I will try to tell you the facts; but I warn you;
you’ll think me mad。 It’s a fact; though; that since I first
saw you four or five months ago I have made you; in an
utterly absurd way; I expect; my ideal。 I’m almost ashamed
to tell you what lengths I’ve gone to。 It’s bee the
thing that matters most in my life。” He checked himself。
“Without knowing you; except that you’re beautiful; and
all that; I’ve e to believe that we’re in some sort of
agreement; that we’re after something together; that we
see something… 。 I’ve got into the habit of imagining
you; I’m always thinking what you’d say or do; I walk
along the street talking to you; I dream of you。 It’s merely
a bad habit; a schoolboy habit; daydreaming; it’s a mon
experience; half one’s friends do the same; well;
those are the facts。”
Simultaneously; they both walked on very slowly。
“If you were to know me you would feel none of this;”
she said。 “We don’t know each other—we’ve always been—
interrupted… 。 Were you going to tell me this that day
my aunts came?” she asked; recollecting the whole scene。
Virginia Woolf
He bowed his head。
“The day you told me of your engagement;” he said。
She thought; with a start; that she was no longer engaged。
“I deny that I should cease to feel this if I knew you;”
he went on。 “I should feel it more reasonably—that’s all。
I shouldn’t talk the kind of nonsense I’ve talked tonight…
。 But it wasn’t nonsense。 It was the truth;” he said doggedly。
“It’s the important thing。 You can force me to talk
as if this feeling for you were an hallucination; but all
our feelings are that。 The best of them are half illusions。
Still;” he added; as if arguing to himself; “if it weren’t as
real a feeling as I’m capable of; I shouldn’t be changing
my life on your account。”
“What do you mean?” she inquired。
“I told you。 I’m taking a cottage。 I’m giving up my
“On my account?” she asked; in amazement。
“Yes; on your account;” he replied。 He explained his
meaning no further。
“But I don’t know you or your circumstances;” she said
at last; as he remained silent。
“You have no opinion about me one way or the other?”
“Yes; I suppose I have an opinion—” she hesitated。
He controlled his wish to ask her to explain herself;
and much to his pleasure she went on; appearing to search
her mind。
“I thought that you criticized me—perhaps disliked me。
I thought of you as a person who judges—”
“No; I’m a person who feels;” he said; in a low voice。
“Tell me; then; what has made you do this?” she asked;
after a break。
He told her in an orderly way; betokening careful preparation;
all that he had meant to say at first; how he stood
with regard to his brothers and sisters; what his mother
had said; and his sister Joan had refrained from saying;
exactly how many pounds stood in his name at the bank;
what prospect his brother had of earning a livelihood in
America; how much of their ine went on rent; and
other details known to him by heart。 She listened to all
this; so that she could have passed an examination in it
by the time Waterloo Bridge was in sight; and yet she
Night and Day
was no more listening to it than she was counting the
pavingstones at her feet。 She was feeling happier than
she had felt in her life。 If Denham could have seen how
visibly books of algebraic symbols; pages all speckled with
dots and dashes and twisted bars; came before her eyes
as they trod the Embankment; his secret joy in her attention
might have been dispersed。 She went on; saying;
“Yes; I see… 。 But how would that help you? … Your
brother has passed his examination?” so sensibly; that
he had constantly to keep his brain in check; and all the
time she was in fancy looking up through a telescope at
white shadowcleft disks which were other worlds; until
she felt herself possessed of two bodies; one walking by
the river with Denham; the other concentrated to a silver
globe aloft in the fine blue space above the scum of
vapors that was covering the visible world。 She looked at
the sky once; and saw that no star was keen enough to
pierce the flight of watery clouds now coursing rapidly
before the west wind。 She looked down hurriedly again。
There was no reason; she assured herself; for this feeling
of happiness; she was not free; she was not alone; she
was still bound to earth by a million fibres; every step took
her nearer home。 Nevertheless; she exulted as she had never
exulted before。 The air was fresher; the lights more distinct;
the cold stone of the balustrade colder and harder;
when by chance or purpose she struck her hand against it。
No feeling of annoyance with Denham rem