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“I don’t want to go! I want to stay with you;” she moaned to the big man she seemed to trust so
“I know; Sunny。 I’m sorry。”
Sunny broke down into sobs。
I blinked fast; trying to keep the tears from my own eyes。 I crossed the small space to where Sunny
stood; and stroked her springy black hair。
“I need to talk to her for a minute; Kyle;” I murmured。
“No; no;” she begged。
“It’s okay;” I promised。 “He’s not going anywhere。 I just want to ask you a few questions。”
Kyle turned her to face me; and her arms locked around me。 I pulled her to the far corner of the room;
as far from the nameless woman as I could get。 I didn’t want our conversation to confuse or frighten the
Healer’s host any more than she already was。 Kyle followed; never more than a few inches away。 We
sat on the floor; facing the wall。
“Jeez;” Kyle murmured。 “I didn’t think it would be like this。 This really sucks。”
“How did you find her? And catch her?” I asked。 The sobbing girl didn’t react as I questioned him; she
just kept crying on my shoulder。 “What happened? Why is she like this?”
“Well; I thought she might be in Las Vegas。 I went there first; before I went on to Portland。 See; Jodi
was really close to her mother; and that’s where Doris lived。 I thought; seeing how you were about Jared
and the kid; that maybe she would go there; even when she wasn’t Jodi。 And I was right。 They were all
there at the same old house; Doris’s house: Doris; and her husband; Warren—they had other names; but
I didn’t hear them clearly—and Sunny。 I watched them all day; until it was nighttime。 Sunny was in Jodi’s
old room; alone。 I snuck in after they’d all been asleep for hours。 I yanked Sunny up; threw her over my
shoulder; and jumped out the window。 I thought she was going to start screaming; so I was really
booking it back to the jeep。 Then I was afraid because shedidn’t start screaming。 She was just so quiet!
I was afraid she had… you know。 Like that guy we caught once。”
I winced—I had a more recent memory。
“So I pulled her off my shoulder; and she was alive; just staring up at me; all wide…eyed。 Still not
screaming。 I carried her back to the jeep。 I’d been planning to tie her up; but… she didn’t look that
upset。 She wasn’t trying to get away; at least。 So I just buckled her in and started driving。
“She just stared at me for a long time; and then finally she said; ‘You’re Kyle;’ and I said; ‘Yeah; who
are you?’ and she told me her name。 What is it again?”
“Sunlight Passing Through the Ice;” Sunny whispered brokenly。 “I like Sunny; though。 It’s nice。”
“Anyway;” Kyle went on after clearing his throat。 “She didn’t mind talking to me at all。 She wasn’t afraid
like I’d thought she’d be。 So we talked。” He was quiet for a moment。 “She was happy to see me。”
“I used to dream about him all the time;” Sunny whispered to me。 “Every night。 I kept hoping the
Seekers would find him; I missed him so much。… When I saw him; I thought it was the old dream
I swallowed loudly。
Kyle reached across me to lay his hand on her cheek。
“She’s a good kid; Wanda。 Can’t we send her someplace really nice?”
“That’s what I wanted to ask her about。 Where have you lived; Sunny?”
“Just here and with the Bears。 I was there five life terms。 But I like it better here。 I haven’t had even a
quarter of a life term here!”
“I know。 Believe me; I understand。 Is there anywhere else; though; that you’ve ever wanted to go? The
Flowers; maybe? It’s nice there; I’ve been。”
“I don’t want to be a plant;” she mumbled into my shoulder。
“The Spiders…” I began; but then let my voice trail off。 The Spiders were not the right place for Sunny。
“I’m tired of cold。 And I like colors。”
“I know。” I sighed。 “I haven’t been a Dolphin; but I hear it’s nice there。 Color; mobility; family…”
“They’re all so far away。 By the time I got anywhere; Kyle would be… He’d be…” She hiccuped and
then started crying again。
“Don’t you have any other choices?” Kyle asked anxiously。 “Aren’t there a lot more places out there?”
I could hear Trudy talking to the Healer’s host; but I tuned out the words。 Let the humans take care of
their own for the moment。
“Not that the off…world ships are going to;” I told him; shaking my head。 “There are lots of worlds; but
only a few; mostly the newer ones; are still open for settling。 And I’m sorry; Sunny; but I have to send
you far away。 The Seekers want to find my friends here; and they’d bring you back if they could; so you
could show them the way。”
“I don’t even know the way;” she sobbed。 My shoulder was drenched with her tears。 “He covered my
Kyle looked at me as if I could produce some kind of miracle to make this all work out perfectly。 Like
the medicine I’d provided; some kind of magic。 But I knew that I was out of magic; out of happy
endings—for the soul half of the equation; at least。
I stared back hopelessly at Kyle。 “It’s just the Bears; the Flowers; and the Dolphins;” I told him。 “I
won’t send her to the Fire Planet。”
The small woman shuddered at the name。
“Don’t worry; Sunny。 You’ll like the Dolphins。 They’ll be nice。 Of course they’ll be nice。”
She sobbed harder。
I sighed and moved on。
“Sunny; I need to ask you about Jodi。”
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“What about her?” Sunny mumbled。
“Is she… is she in there with you? Can you hear her?”
Sunny sniffed and looked up at me。 “I don’t understand what you mean。”
“Does she ever talk to you? Are you ever aware of her thoughts?”
“My… body’s? Her thoughts? She doesn’t have any。 I’m here now。”
I nodded slowly。
“Is that bad?” Kyle whispered。
“I don’t know enough about it to tell。 It’s probably not good; though。”
Kyle’s eyes tightened。
“How long have you been here; Sunny?”
She frowned; thinking。 “How long is it; Kyle? Five years? Six? You disappeared before I came home。”
“Six;” he said。
“And how old are you?” I asked her。
“I’m twenty…seven。”
That surprised me—she was such a little thing; so young looking。 I couldn’t believe she was six years
older than Melanie。
“Why does that matter?” Kyle asked。
“I’m not sure。 It just seems like the more time someone spent as a human before they became a soul; the
better chance they might have at… making a recovery。 The greater the percentage of their life they spent
human; the more memories they have; the more connections; the more years being called by the right
name… I don’t know。”
“Is twenty…one years enough?” he asked; his voice desperate。
“I guess we’ll find out。”
“It’s not fair!” Sunny wailed。 “Why do you get to stay? Why can’t I stay; if you can?”
I had to swallow hard。 “Thatwouldn’t be fair; would it? But I don’t get to stay; Sunny。 I have to go; too。
And soon。 Maybe we’ll leave together。” Perhaps she’d be happier if she thought I was going to the
Dolphins with her。 By the time she knew otherwise; Sunny would have a different host with different
emotions and no tie to this human beside me。 Maybe。 Anyway; it would be too late。 “I have to go;
And then; flat and hard from right behind us; Ian’s voice broke the quiet like the crack of a whip。
Ian glared down at the three of us with such fury that Sunny shivered in terror。 It was an odd thing—as if
Kyle and Ian had switched faces。 Except Ian’s face was still perfect; unbroken。 Beautiful; even though it
was enraged。
“Ian?” Kyle asked; bewildered。 “What’s the problem?”
Ian spoke from between his locked teeth。 “Wanda;” he growled; and held his hand out。 It looked as if
he was having a hard time keeping that hand open; not clenching it into a fist。
Uh…oh;Mel thought。
Misery swept through me。 I didn’t want to say goodbye to Ian; and now I would have to。 Of course I
had to。 I would be wrong to sneak out in the night like a thief and leave all my goodbyes to Melanie。
Ian; tired of waiting; grabbed my arm and hauled me up from the floor。 When Sunny seemed like she
was ing along; too; still joined to my side; Ian shook me until she fell off。
“What iswith you?” Kyle demanded。
Ian hauled his knee back and smashed his foot hard into Kyle’s face。
“Ian!” I protested。
Sunny threw herself in front of Kyle—who was holding his hand to his nose and struggling to get to his
feet—and tried to shield him with her tiny body。 This knocked him off balance; back to the floor; and he
“C’mon;” Ian snarled; dragging me away from them without a backward glance。
“Ian —”
He wrenched me roughly along; making it impossible for me to speak。 That was fine。 I had no idea what
to say。
I saw everyone’s startled face flash by in a blur。 I was worried he was going to upset the unnamed
woman。 She wasn’t used to anger and violence。
And then we jerked to a stop。 Jared was blocking the exit。