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historical lectures and essays(查尔斯金斯利历史讲座)-第7章

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minded to play the cynic or the mountebank; I should choose some corrupt 

and effete despotism; already grown weak and ridiculous by its decayas 

did at last the Roman and then the Byzantine Empireand; after raising a 

laugh at the expense of the old system say:             See what a superior people 

you are nowhow impossible; under free and enlightened institutions; is 

anything so base and so absurd as went on; even in despotic France before 

the   Revolution   of   1793。   Well;   that   would   be   on   the   whole   true;   thank 

God; but what need is there to say it? 

    Let us keep our scorn for our own weaknesses; our blame for our own 

sins;   certain   that  we    shall  gain   more    instruction;   though    not   more 

amusement; by hunting out the good which is in anything than by hunting 

out its evil。   I have chosen; not the worst; but the best despotism which I 

could find in history; founded and ruled by a truly heroic personage; one 

whose name   has bee   a proverb   and   a legend; that so   I might   lift up 

your   minds;  even by  the contemplation   of an old Eastern   empire; to see 

that it; too; could be a work and ordinance of God; and its hero the servant 

of the Lord。      For we are almost bound to call Cyrus; the founder of the 

Persian   Empire;   by   this   august   title   for   two   reasonsFirst;   because   the 

Hebrew Scriptures call him so; the next; because he proved himself to be 

such by his actions and their consequencesat least in the eyes of those 

who   believe;   as   I   do;   in   a   far…seeing   and   far…   reaching   Providence;   by 

which all human history is 

       Bound by gold chains unto the throne of God。 


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       His work was very different from any that need be done; or can be 

done; in these our days。         But while we thank God that such work is now 

as unnecessary as impossible; we may thank God likewise that; when such 

work was necessary and possible; a man was raised up to do it:                        and to 

do   it;   as   all   accounts   assert;   better;   perhaps;   than   it   had   ever   been   done 

before or since。 

     True; the old conquerors; who absorbed nation after nation; tribe after 

tribe;   and   founded   empires   on   their   ruins;   are   now;   I   trust;   about   to   be 

replaced;   throughout   the   world;   as   here   and   in   Britain   at   home;   by   free 

self…governed peoples: 

       The   old   order   changeth;   giving   place   to   the   new;   And   God   fulfils 

Himself in many ways; Lest one good custom should corrupt the world。 

       And that custom of conquest and empire and transplantation did more 

than once corrupt the world。           And yet in it; too; God may have more than 

once fulfilled His own designs; as He did; if Scripture is to be believed; in 

Cyrus; well surnamed the Great; the founder of the Persian Empire some 

2400 years ago。         For these empires; it must be remembered; did at least 

that   which   the   Roman   Empire   did   among   a   scattered   number   of   savage 

tribes; or separate little races; hating and murdering each other; speaking 

different tongues;   and   worshipping   different   gods;   and   losing   utterly  the 

sense of a mon humanity; till they looked on the people who dwelt in 

the next valley as fiends; to be sacrificed; if caught; to their own fiends at 

home。      Among such as these; empires did introduce order; law; mon 

speech; mon interest; the notion of nationality and humanity。                       They; 

as it were; hammered together the fragments of the human race till they 

had moulded them into one。             They did it cruelly; clumsily; ill:          but was 

there ever work done on earth; however noble; which was notalas; alas! 

done somewhat ill? 

     Let   me   talk   to   you   a   little   about   the   old   hero。 He   and   his   hardy 

Persians should be specially interesting to us。              For in them first does our 

race;   the Aryan   race;   appear   in   authentic   history。     In   them   first   did   our 

race give promise of being the conquering and civilising race of the future 


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world。     And to the conquests of Cyrus… …so strangely are all great times 

and   great   movements   of   the   human   family   linked   to   each   otherto   his 

conquests; humanly speaking; is owing the fact that you are here; and I am 

speaking to you at this moment。 

     It is an oft…told story:        but so grand a one that I must sketch it for 

you; however clumsily; once more。 

     In that mountain province called Farsistan; north…east of what we now 

call Persia; the dwelling…place of the Persians; there dwelt; in the sixth and 

seventh centuries before Christ; a hardy tribe; of the purest blood of Iran; a 

branch of the same race as the Celtic; Teutonic; Greek; and Hindoo; and 

speaking   a   tongue   akin   to   theirs。   They   had   wandered   thither;   say   their 

legends; out of the far north… east; from off some lofty plateau of Central 

Asia; driven out by the increasing cold; which left them but two mouths of 

summer to ten of winter。 

     They     despised    at  firstwould     that  they    had   despised    always!the 

luxurious life of the dwellers in the plains; and the effeminate customs of 

the    Medesa      branch     of   their   own     race   who     had    conquered      and 

intermarried   with   the   Turanian;   or   Finnish   tribes;   and   adopted   much   of 

their creed; as well as of their morals; throughout their vast but short…lived 

Median Empire。          〃Soft countries;〃 said Cyrus himselfso runs the tale 

〃gave birth   to   small   men。     No   region   produced   at once   delightful  fruits 

and    men     of  a  war…like    spirit。〃   Letters   were    to  them;    probably;    then 

unknown。        They borrowed them in after years; as they borrowed their art; 

from     Babylonians;      Assyrians;      and   other   Semitic     nations    whom      they 

conquered。       From      the  age   of   five  to  that   of  twenty;    their  lads   were 

instructed but in two thingsto speak the truth and to shoot with the bow。 

To   ride   was   the   third   necessary  art;   introduced;   according   to   Xenophon; 

after they had descended from their mountain fastnessess to conquer the 

whole East。 

     Their   creed   was   simple   enough。       Ahura   MazdaOrmuzd;   as   he   has 

been called sincewas the one eternal Creator; the source of all light and 

life   and   good。   He   spake   his   word;   and   it   acplished   the   creation   of 


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heaven; before the water; before the earth; before the cow; before the tree; 

before   the   fire;   before   man   the   truthful;   before   the   Devas   and   beasts   of 

prey; before the whole existing universe; before every good thing created 

by Ahura Mazda and springing from Truth。 

     He   needed   no   sacrifices   of   blood。        He   was   to   be   worshipped   only 

with   prayers;   with   offerings   of   the   inspiring   juice   of   the   now   unknown 

herb Homa; and by the preservation of the sacred fire; which; understand; 

was not he; but the symbolas was light and the sunof the good spiritof 

Ahura Mazda。           They had no images of the gods; these old Persians; no 

temples;  no   altars;  so   says   Herodotus;   and   considered   the  use   of  them  a 

sign of folly。       They were; as has been well said of them; the Puritans of 

the   old   world。     When   they   descended   from   their   mountain   fastnesses; 

they became the iconoclasts of the old world; and the later Isaiah; out of 

the   depths   of   national   shame;   captivity;   and   exile;   saw   in   them   brother… 

spirits; the chosen of the Lord; whose hero Cyrus; the Lord was holding by 

His right hand; till all the foul superstitions and foul effeminacies of the 

rotten   Semitic   peoples   of   the   East;   and   even   of   Egypt   itself;   should   be 

crushed;  though;  alas!   only  for   awhile;   by  men   who   felt that   they  had   a 

mission from the God of light and truth and purity; to sweep out all 

that with the besom of destruction。 

     But   that   was   a   later   inspiration。     In   earlier;   and   it   may   be   happier; 

times   the   duty   of   the   good   man   was   to   strive   against   all   evil;   disorder; 

uselessness; inpetence in their more simple forms。                      〃He therefore is a 

holy man;〃 says Orm

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