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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第55章

小说: war of the spider queen 2 insurrection 字数: 每页4000字

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   〃The matron mothers;〃 Danifae replied。 〃They summoned a guardian spider。 The fools。〃
   Quenthel sucked in her breath。
   〃Indeed;〃 the high priestess agreed。 〃We must flee。〃
   Pharaun wanted to ask the two females what in the Abyss a guardian spider was; but at that moment; the arachnid spotted them; though they had remained quite still。 It leaned forward eagerly; ing after them。
   As one; they turned and fled over the side。
   As she reached the alley; following Ryld Argith; Halisstra turned to see who had caught up with her in the chaos of the swarming; fighting drow and duergar。 Of the others; there was no sign。
   〃e on!〃 Ryld shouted from up ahead; motioning frenetically for Halisstra to keep up with him。
   Several duergar had followed them into the alley that ran alongside the temple and were closing in on her。 She turned back for a moment; thinking to make a stand and drive them away; but a crossbow bolt snapped against the stone wall near the priestess; shattering and showering her with splinters。 She turned again and ran; the gray dwarves pounding along after her。
   As Halisstra caught up to Ryld; he fired his own crossbow once; to slow down the pursuit; and they sprinted along the alley together; weaving through the turns of the pathway; trying to lose their foes。 The two of them turned one last corner and skidded to a stop。 The alleyway ended at a solid wall; though one side was low; protecting some sort of covered porch。
   〃Damn;〃 Ryld muttered; slipping his greatsword free。 He turned back to prepare to face the oning gray dwarves。 〃Get ready;〃 he told her; and Halisstra planted herself beside the warrior; her heavy mace feeling good in her hand。
   〃Why don't we just float up there?〃 she asked; pointing to the roofline as the first two duergar appeared。
   The first of the gray dwarves wielded a wicked…looking; double…bladed axe; while the second had a heavy hammer that was easily twice the size of Halisstra's own mace。 She readjusted the grip on her shield as the hammer…wielding dwarf advanced; hate gleaming in his eyes。
   Ryld risked a quick glance upward before he stepped gracefully to the side; avoiding the first cut of the double…bladed axe and making a quick; neat cut of his own that the gray dwarf barely managed to parry。
   〃Only if we have to;〃 the warrior replied。 〃No sense making ourselves a target for their crossbows。〃
   Halisstra could see that though the duergar's weapon was larger; the creature was forced to put a lot behind each swing; while Ryld was able to sidestep and redirect his own weapon far more easily。 Then the priestess was too busy thwarting her own attacker's strikes to watch the weapons master。
   The first blow came low; aimed at her knees; and she dipped the shield down enough so that the hammer grazed it; scraping across as she spun back and out of the way to avoid taking the full brunt of the strike。 The dwarf followed this with an uppercut swing; which Halisstra was forced to block with her weapon; again redirecting the hammer rather than trying to pletely stop the swing。 She brought her mace back around and waited; thinking to let her enemy tire himself by repeatedly over…swinging。
   That was all good in theory; Halisstra realized; but when three more duergar appeared; she knew that she and Ryld had been cornered。 This time; when the dwarf over…swung and she deflected the blow with her shield; she also kicked out; catching the gray dwarf with her boot in the side of his knee。 The humanoid grunted and staggered backward a couple of steps; but another dwarf was there; ready to step into the fray。 Halisstra moved to position herself next to Ryld again; working so that each of them could protect the other's flank; preventing the gray dwarves from getting inside their position。
   Out of the corner of her eye; she saw Ryld; still battling with the gray dwarves。 One of the humanoids lay dead at his feet; while another had a bloody gash across his thigh。 Behind them; two more had appeared; and these had crossbows; which they brought to bear; waiting for openings to shoot at the two drow。
   One of the duergar nudged his panion and pointed to the priestess。 Together; they swung their crossbows around to put her in their sights; and Halisstra took refuge behind her shield。 She felt one bolt strike her shield; but the other embedded itself in her shoulder。 She grunted in pain and staggered backward; unable to keep her shield raised high enough for solid protection。
   Another gray dwarf circled to Halisstra's shield side; seeing that her defenses were down; and brought his axe high for a new strike。 She did her best to spin and face the duergar without exposing Ryld's flank; and she managed to parry the blow with her mace; but the crushing force of it made her stumble to one knee。
   〃Ryld! Help me!〃 she cried out; and as though sensing she was in trouble; the warrior was in front of her; battling all four of the foes at once。
   The priestess risked a glance over at the gray dwarves who were reloading their crossbows。 They were also pointing at her and grinning。 Or rather; they were pointing over her head; Halisstra realized。
   The priestess's heart sank as she took a peek above。 More of the gray dwarves had already taken the roof; and these had thrown nets across the opening while she and Ryld had been engaged in the battle。 They were trapped inside the alley; unable to escape。 The duergar on the roofs also had crossbows; and as one of them fired at her; Halisstra flinched。 The crossbow bolt whisked across her face; grazing her cheek。 She felt wetness。
   〃Ryld!〃 she cried out as she stumbled to her feet again。 〃They're above us; too。 We're trapped。〃
   The warrior never acknowledged Halisstra's cry; so busy was he fending off four duergar。 Slowly; he was being forced back; bloody gashes across his body; having to retreat a little at a time to keep the gray dwarves from surrounding him。
   Gritting her teeth; Halisstra tested the end of the crossbow bolt that protruded from her arm and almost wretched from the pain that doing so produced。 Her shield arm useless; the priestess rose to her feet anyway; gripping her mace and moving next to the warrior once more。 She tried to stay beside him; to guard his flank and enjoy a similar protection。
   One of the four gray dwarves was dead; but Ryld was breathing heavily。 A duergar slipped around to Halisstra's side; trying to get inside her defenses。 She swung her mace hard and caught the duergar closing in on her on the shoulder; feeling the satisfying crunch of metal on bone。 The gray dwarf growled in anguish as he dropped his axe and fell back out of Ryld's reach。
   Two more stepped in to take the wounded one's place; and Halisstra had to press in too closely to Ryld to avoid being struck down。 Her movement hampered the weapons master's ability to fight; and he took a cut across his forearm as a result。
   〃By the Dark Mother;〃 Ryld snarled; whipping Splitter around to cleave the offending gray dwarf's head pletely off。
   The body flopped to the ground as the head rolled away; past another duergar; who watched it pass him with a look of horror on his face。
   Another crossbow bolt clacked against the stone of the street near Halisstra; and two more struck her armor; bouncing off。 Ryld jerked as a bolt flew close to him; but he never turned his attention away from his adversaries; never deviated from his fluid motion and quick; precise strikes。 Still; he and Halisstra were being backed into a corner; the priestess saw; and they would make easy prey for the snipers on the roof。
   The first firepot exploded right behind Halisstra; making her jump and nearly get her head taken off by an axe。 She scrambled away from the flames as she warded off another blow from the axe…wielding enemy in front of her with her mace; feeling the vibration of the blow all the way up her arm。 Two more of the flaming contraptions smacked against the end of the street; the clay pots shattering and spilling fire everywhere。 She risked a glance up and saw another one hurtling toward her。 Somehow; her wounded shoulder screaming in agony; she managed to bring her shield up with both hands and deflected the pot so that it skipped off and hit the pavement between her and her opponent。
   The gray dwarves fighting with them began backing up; and Halisstra saw that the duergar on the roof were creating a fire screen to seal her and Ryld off; trap them between the flames and the wall。 She knew that they intended to pin the two drow down; and pick them off at their leisure。 There was nowhere for the dark elves to go。 They were going to die。
   The second time he got no reply from the distant wizard; Gromph slammed his fists down atop his bone desk in frustration。 Two sendings; and nothing。 What had happened to Pharaun? Why wouldn't he answer? The Archmage of Menzoberranzan rose up and began to pace。
   Two different spies had already contacted him with reports of heavy fighting in Ched Nasad。 The matron mothers were squabbling over something; it appeared; and like it or not; the team from Menzoberranzan appe

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