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war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第48章

小说: war of the spider queen 2 insurrection 字数: 每页4000字

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   When she became a part of it; she lowered her eyes demurely and folded her hands into her lap。
   Pharaun smirked。
   〃Oh; absolutely; Mistress Baenre;〃 he said dryly。 〃Nothing would please me more than to have additional females along on this trip; all with a ready suggestion on how something should be handled or a friendly ment on ways I might improve my demeanor for the benefit of everyone around me。〃
   Halisstra's eyebrows shot up in surprise; and the wizard remembered again that she was unaccustomed to his manner with Quenthel。
   For that matter; he thought; noting the high priestess's scowl; Quenthel herself is unaccustomed to my manner。
   Taking a slightly more conciliatory tone; Pharaun added; 〃With all due respect; regardless of which part of my body I'm currently using to contemplate this matter; it seems undeniable that we stand much to gain and little to lose by trusting them; at least for the moment。 Ask me again in half an hour; and my answer might be markedly different。〃
   Quenthel chewed her rothé thoughtfully; though whether she was mulling his point or whethet she was considering whether or not to allow Jeggred to dismember him; Pharaun wasn't sure。
   〃In any event;〃 he finished; 〃we can ensure ourselves some degree of protection by keeping them close; under our scrutiny。 If they lead us into a trap; we might yet negotiate with Ssipriina Zauvirr 。 。 。 turn them over in exchange for our own freedom。 Only if we don't tell the matron mother what happened to Faeryl; of course;〃 he added with a grin。
   Halisstra's flat stare told Pharaun that she found both his humor and his insurance plan distasteful; but Quenthel seemed convinced。
   The Mistress of Arach…Tinilith nodded after tossing back the last bit of water in the skin。
   〃Very well;〃 she said to Halisstra。 〃You will serve as our guide out of this accursed House; and if you serve us well; you will be rewarded with your lives。 Do I make myself clear?〃
   Halisstra swallowed once; but she finally nodded。
   〃I think at least for the time being that your weapons and magical trinkets will stay safe and sound in our possession。 If you behave yourselves; you may earn them back。〃
   Both of the other drow nodded their acquiescence。
   〃Good; then let's be on our way;〃 the high priestess announced; dusting off her hands after finishing the dried meat。
   〃Before we go;〃 Pharaun said; 〃there is the matter of 'where' to discuss。〃
   Quenthel looked at the mage。
   〃We ate returning to Menzoberranzan;〃 she said。 〃The expedition was a failure。 Universally; Lolth speaks to no one; and the goods I had hoped to bring back with me to help us defend ourselves do not exist。 We have nothing to show for the journey。〃
   〃Exactly;〃 Pharaun countered。 〃We have nothing definitive to bring back with us…yet。 I say we push ahead; continue to try to de…termine what is happening。〃
   〃But we have nothing to pursue;〃 Quenthel argued。 〃We know little more about the Dark Mother's absence than we did before we left。〃
   〃That's not entirely true;〃 Pharaun said。 〃As I mentioned before; the goddess's absence is not limited merely to our race。 Regardless; I have an idea。 While we may not be able to discern any more information directly; we could enlist the aid of someone who can。〃
   〃A priest of Vhaeraun。〃
   Quenthel rose from the chair where she had been sitting; fury plain on her face。
   〃You speak blasphemous words; wizard。 We will do no such thing。〃
   Even Halisstra had recoiled at the suggestion; Pharaun noted。
   He raised his hands in supplication and pleaded; 〃I know it's unconventional; but hear me out before you dismiss the idea。〃
   Quenthel began to pace; and Pharaun knew she was at least intrigued; if not happy; with the notion。 Her desire to claim the glory of discovery in this matter rivaled his own; he supposed。
   〃Just what is it you think a priest of Vhaeraun…〃 Quenthel formed the god's name with a grimace…〃could do for us? And where would we find one who could…or even would…aid us?〃
   Pharaun leaned forward eagerly。
   〃We struggle to see inside the Demonweb Pits;〃 he explained; 〃but perhaps another god would not suffer the same difficulty。 In this instance; with the proper sacrifices and deferential behavior; we might just be able to ask for a little audience in order to find out。〃
   〃Few of his ilk would even consider helping us;〃 Quenthel said; waving her hand in dismissal; 〃and we know of none to even ask。〃
   As Quenthel turned her back on him during her pacing; Pharaun looked over at Valas and nodded in encouragement。
   Tell her; he signed。
   Taking a deep breath and nodding; Valas said; 〃I know one。〃
   Quenthel turned to face the diminutive scout。
   〃I know a priest of Vhaeraun;〃 Valas replied。 〃An old acquaintance of mine; Tzirik Jaelre。 I think he would be willing。〃
   〃Really;〃 Quenthel said; eyeing Pharaun and Valas alike; as though suspecting that the two were collaborating。 〃What makes you think he would help us?〃
   The mage carefully studied the tabletop in front of him。
   She is too clever for her own good; he thought; knowing that if he admitted his foreknowledge; Quenthel was as likely as not to dismiss the whole idea just to spite him。
   〃He owes me a favor;〃 Valas replied。 〃At the very least; he owes me enough to hear us out; even if he refuses。 I don't think he'll refuse。〃
   〃How convenient。 Pharaun?〃
   The wizard looked up; pretending to be thinking about something else。
   〃Hmm? Oh; yes。 Well; it is very convenient that Valas knows someone who fits the bill。 I wish you'd said something earlier;〃 he said to the scout; 〃but I guess we can't all conceive of these flashes of brilliance。 If Valas vouches for his friend then I say; what do we have to lose?〃
   Quenthel opened her mouth; possibly to retort; by the look on her face; but she never got the words out。 A shock wave far stronger than any they had felt previously coursed through the House; knocking them and most of the furniture over。
   〃By the Dark Mother!〃 Halisstra screamed; stumbling against a wall。 〃The whole House is ing down!〃
   Ssipriina Zauvirr and several guests stood atop an observation tower overlooking House Zauvirr。 Leaning against the balustrade; she stared out over Ched Nasad。 Her abode was not far from House Melarn; but in that direction; the matron mothers could see very little but thick smoke。 Despite the obscuring clouds; the fighting around House Melarn still raged; and the sound of it reached the matron mothers even high on the tower。
   〃This has gotten out of control;〃 Umrae D'Dgttu said grimly; standing beside Ssipriina。 〃Your agent said nothing of this stone…burning fire when we agreed to this plan。〃
   〃Yes;〃 Ulviirala Rilynt chimed in; pacing back and forth behind them; her numerous bracelets; rings; and necklaces clanking with each step。 〃I dislike the idea of so much destruction; especially right now。〃
   〃Nonsense;〃 Nedylene Zinard scolded; also leaning against the railing very casually but with her back to the unfolding scene of ruin。 She seemed more interested in her lacquered fingernails than in the activity around her。 〃We knew going into this that we might have to be aggressive。 If we are to remake this city to our liking; now is the time to act; and we can let nothing stand in our way。 Not the other Houses and not our own misgivings。 Sometimes you have to break a few lizard eggs to make an omelet。 Sometimes you have to kill a few slaves to win the day。〃
   〃Perhaps;〃 Umrae D'Dgttu said; her whip…thin frame belying her puissance as the most powerful cleric among them; 〃but this is unnecessary。 You should not have summoned us to install you as a new member of the Council until you eliminated allot the Men…zoberranyr。 Allowing that wizard to weave his lies did not help your cause。〃
   ShriNeerune Hlaund snorted。 〃The wizard's lies were inconsequential。 Ssipriina was a fool to send her mercenaries out so prematurely。〃
   〃I did not do that!〃 Ssipriina retorted。 〃Someone else gave them the signal before it was time。 I still held out hope that we could resolve the dissolution of House Melarn bloodlessly。 These fire pots were not my idea either。 The gray dwarves procured them from somewhere else without my knowledge。〃
   〃So you're saying that you don't even have control over your own House?〃 ShriNeerune sneered。 〃And you expect us to continue to back you? I should have known better than to support a merchant House。〃
   Ssipriina's fists clenched; and she dearly wanted to strike the dark elf belittling her; but she held them at her sides。
   〃I'd be careful; if I were you;〃 she snapped; staring coldly at the offending drow。 〃I'm still the one those grays answer to; and right now; we're winning。 You could find yourself on the other side of the battle very quickly。〃
   〃Enough;〃 Umrae said; stepping between the two of them。 〃What's done is done。 Now is the time to fight; not argue。 Ssipriina; did you bring it?〃
   Ssipriina kept her stare steadily on ShriNeerune's face for a moment long

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