war of the spider queen 2 insurrection-第31章
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Jeggred only growled。
Faeryl fixed him with her gaze and said; 〃Do you remember the things you did to me?〃 She almost shuddered but forced herself to remain still。 〃I am going to repay you for it。。。 every bit of it。 I'll send your carcass back to Triel when I'm through。〃
Jeggred smiled。
〃You can't begin to understand the methods of meting out pain。 My attentions were but a part of those methods; and there is nothing you can conceive of that I will notice at all。〃
〃Oh; really?〃 Faeryl replied; her lips pursed。 〃We'll see。 My advisors have told me what things you feel and don't feel。 'He resists the bum of acid and fire; and he will not suffer from cold and lightning;' they said。 But we'll find something。 Yes; we will。 Maybe sound; hmm? There is something you don't like; and when I discover what it is; you'll enjoy it for endless hours。 I promise you。〃
There was a soft step upon the stone floor near the doorway。 Faeryl turned in irritation to see what the intrusion was all about。 It was Zammzt。
〃What do you want?〃 Faeryl demanded。
She knew the aide was there at her mother's behest and that she was undoubtedly being summoned to attend to the matron mother。 It didn't make her very happy; and though she could not take her annoyance out on her own mother; she could easily do so on the ugly male。 The dark elf bent his knee and dipped his head slightly。
〃I beg pardon; Mistress Zauvirr; but your mother requires your immediate presence in the audience chamber。〃
〃Of course she does;〃 Faeryl snarled。 〃If she has the slightest notion that I am not indisposed; she finds something for me to do。〃
When Zammzt hesitated for the slightest of moments; Faeryl gave him a cold stare。
〃Well;〃 she asked; 〃what are you waiting for? Go tell her I'm on my way!〃
Zammzt scurried out of the torture room and disappeared around the er; his piwafwi flying behind him。 Faeryl returned her attention to Quenthel。
〃I'll e back and visit with you some more in a bit;〃 she said; 〃and when I do; I really want to give those needles another try。 Maybe the fingernails this time; hmm?〃
The bound form on the rack emitted a whimper。
〃Oh; good; I'm pleased that you like the idea; too。〃
Danifae Yauntyrr didn't really expect Matron Mother Zauvirr to grant her free run of the entire House; and her suspicions were correct。 As she departed the audience chamber with a final sneer back in Halisstras direction; she was also careful to note Ssipriina's slight nod at two of the guards standing near the door。 As she stepped through the portal; the guards silently and unobtrusively fell in behind her。 The battle captive pursed her lips in the slightest hint of frustration; but she wouldn't have expected anything else。 It really didn't matter。 She'd just have to put on a bit more of a show。
Ignoring the two House Zauvirr soldiers who followed her; Danifae made her way back to Halisstra's private chambers; where she also took Reverie so that she could attend to the noble drows every need。 She guessed that the guards would not be so invasive as to follow her in; and again; her intuition was right。 She strode through the door and shut it behind her。 Once she was alone; she began to pace; mulling possibilities over in her mind。
Halisstra had just provided her servant with a perfect opportunity to free herself from the other drow's subjugation。 Danifae almost laughed at her mistress's gullibility; thinking that Danifae would run to try to save her。 After ten years as Halisstra's battle captive; Danifae wanted nothing more than to be rid of the wretched drow and her domination。 She wanted nothing more than to return to Eryndlyn。 The problem was; with Halisstra's binding in effect; Danifae wasn't sure she could actually get free; even with Ssipriina Zauvirr's help。 In fact; she suspected that once she actually did turn on Halisstra and provide the 〃proof〃 of Drisinil's daughter's guilt to the matron mother; Ssipriina would simply let her perish along with Halisstra。
Danifae knew she had to ensure her own freedom first and not depend on another for it。 But how?
She hated the effect of the binding; for it was insidious in its effectiveness。 Though Danifae didn't truly believe it; she sometimes wished that the pulsion of the binding fully controlled her mind; rather than merely restricting her ability to distance herself from Halisstra。 She told herself that it would have been better to serve the Melarn daughter as a mindless zombie rather than of her own accord; attending willingly to avoid the consequences of straying too far from her mistress。 It locked her to Halisstra as surely as a length of chain around their ankles。
In the early years; Danifae wanted desperately to throttle her mistress; but Halisstra's death would bring about her own; and Danifae would experience her own demise in a slow; excruciatingly painful manner。 That was the nature of the binding。 It sustained her somehow; kept her alive as long as Halisstra willed it。 Distance was not a factor; but the moment Danifae disregarded Halisstra's wishes and went her own way; she had no doubt that the other drow would simply let her wither away like a mushroom with its roots hacked off。 Displease the dark elf; and with a thought; Danifae would succumb。 By the Dark Mother; she hated it。
The binding's magic was alien to Danifae。 She didn't understand what was required to sever it or if it even could be severed by any hand other than Halisstra's。 The risk of discovery was too great to allow her the chance to inquire; and besides; Halisstra rarely let her servant out of her sight。 With Halisstra under arrest; Danifae had the perfect opportunity to follow through; to finally find out what could be done; and there was no time。 Halisstra was going to die unless Danifae convinced Ssipriina Zauvirr to find a solution to her problem; and she doubted that the matron mother would lift a finger to help her; even with her promises of damning testimony against the daughter of Drisinil Melarn。 That only left Danifae with the option of actually saving Halisstra。
Damn her! the battle captive silently screamed as she sat on her mistress's Reverie couch; pounding a pillow for good measure。 She wanted to rip the stuffing out; but long years of the fear of punishment had trained her to resist letting her emotions get the better of her; and she stayed her hand。 Taking a deep breath to calm herself; she considered the situation。
The next problem; she realized; was that even if she somehow managed to extricate Halisstra…and by extension; herself…from this mess; life as they both knew it might very well be over。 They might survive the coup; but even then; where would they go? Without Lolth's blessings to aid them; it was an especially bleak outlook。
Making up her mind; Danifae decided the next thing to do was to figure out who in House Melarn was still Halisstra's ally。 The first thing she considered were the House guards。 They had disappeared; and she had a pretty good idea why。 Ssipriina had likely already gotten to them and given them the standard offer: change allegiance to House Zauvirr; or find themselves unemployed or dead。 She doubted there were any who would still rally to Halisstra; but she had to at least look。
Danifae opened the door to the hallway and was slightly surprised to find the two guards who had followed her no longer present。 She supposed that they assumed she wouldn't try anything as long as the House was locked down and had decided to go find something more interesting to do。
Just makes it easier for me; she thought; smiling as she slipped out。
She hurried on her way。
The audience chamber of House Melarn was pretty much as Faeryl expected to find it。 Her mother was seated on the lofty oversized chair atop the dais at the front of the room; surrounded by her advisors; while House Zauvirr soldiers were spread inconspicuously but generously throughout the chamber。 Faeryl absently wondered how her mother had managed to usurp control of the audience chamber without an argument from the House Melarn guards。 Whatever lies she told them must have worked。
〃There you are;〃 Ssipriina said impatiently。 〃e here。 I want to go over your story once more before the others get here。〃
Faeryl sighed but dutifully approached the throne。
〃Mother; I have the details memorized。 I think I can…〃
〃You will go over them with me and continue doing it until Jam convinced; you ungrateful brat! You will not stop until then。〃
Her mother looked entirely too fortable in the throne; which was certainly grander than anything they had in their own manor。 That was the difference between a merchant House and a truly noble House。
Faeryl longed to return to the dungeons; where she could rule over her charges in peace。 She hated having to attend to her mother's demands。 Where Quenthel was concerned; even if it was a little pond; at least she was the big fish。 It was always that way。 At the storehouse; when she'd orchestrated the transport of the prisoners; she had been in charge; however briefly。 Under